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PHENEOS (fen’-ee-os): city in Arcadia, 2.698.

PHERA (fee’-ra): city near Pylos, in the southwestern Peloponnese, 5.625.

PHERAE (jee-ree): Thessalian city of Eumelus, 2.812.

PHERECLUS (fe-rek’-lus) : Trojan, son of Tecton, shipwright who built Paris’ ships, killed by Meriones, 5.64.

PHERES (fee’-reez): father of Admetus. grandfather of Eumelus, 2.867.

PHIA A (feye’ -a): city in the western Peloponnese, on the border between Arcadia and Pylos, 7.155.

PHIDAS (feye’-das): Achaean, a captain of the Athenians under Menestheus, 13.799.

PHIDIPPUS (feye-dip’ -us): Achaean, son of Thessalus, co-commander of the contingent from Cos and adjacent islands, 2.774.

PHILETOR (fi-lee’-tor): father of the Trojan Demuchus, 20.517.

PHILOCTETES (fi-lok-tee’-teez): original commander of the Thessalians from Methone, marooned on Lemnos suffering from an infected snake bite, 2.819. See note 2.826.

PHLEGIANS (fle’-junz): tribe in Thessaly visited by Ares, 13.354.

PHOCIANS (foh’-shunz): 2.615, people of PHOCIS (foh’-sis), region in central Greece adjoining Boeotia, 2.607.

PHOEBUS (fee’-bus): epithet of Apollo, 1.50.

PHOENICIANS (fee-ni’ -shunz): people living on the coast of Syria, 23.828.

PHOENIX (fee’-nix): (1) son of Amyntor, tutor and comrade of Achilles, 9.201. (2) Father of Europa, 14.385.

PHORBAS (for’-bas): (1) lord of Lesbos, father of Diomede, 9.811. (2) Father of the Trojan Ilioneus, 14.573.

PHORCYS (for’-sis): Trojan ally, son of Phaenops (2), co-commander of the Phrygians, killed by Great Ajax, 2.974.

PHRADMON (frad’-mon): father of the Trojan Agelaus (1), 8.295.

PHRONTIS (fron’-tis): wife of Panthous, 17.45.

PHRYGIANS (fri’-junz): Trojan allies, 2.974, inhabitants of PHRYGIA (fri’-ja), region in Asia Minor east of Troy, 3.224.

PHTHIANS (ftheye’-unz): 13.794, inhabitants of PHTHIA (ftheye’-a), a sector of southern Thessaly, kingdom of Peleus and home of Achilles, 1. 182.

PHTHIRES (ftheye’-reez): mountain in Caria, in southern Asia Minor, 2.980.

PHYLACE (fi’-la-see): Thessalian city in the kingdom of Protesilaus, 2.793.

PHYLACUS (fi’-la-kus): (1) father of lphiclus, 2.806. (2) Trojan killed by Leitus, 6.42.

PHYLAS (feye’-Ias): father of Polymela, 16.212.

PHYLEUS (feye’ -lyoos) : father of the Achaean Meges, defeated In the spear-throw by Nestor, 2.721.

PHYLOMEDUSA (feye-lo-me-doo’-sa): wife of Areithous (1), mother of the Achaean Menesthius (1), 7.11.

PIDYTES (pi-deye’-teez): Trojan ally from Percote, killed by Odysseus, 6.35.

PIERIA (peye-ee’-ri-a): area around Mount Olympus, in Thessaly, 14.272.

PIRAIDES (peye-ra’ -i-deez): patronymic of Ptolemaeus. 4.261.

PIRAS (peye’-ras): father of the Trojan Rhigmus, 20.547.

PIRITHOUS (peye-ri’-tho-us): son of Zeus, king of the Lapiths, father of the Achaean Polypoetes, 1.307.

PIROUS (peye’-ro-us): Trojan ally, son of Imbrasus, co-commander of the Thracians, killed by Thoas (1), 2.956.

PISANDER (peye-san’ -der): (1) Trojan, son of Antimachus, killed by Agamemnon, 11.143. (2) Trojan killed by Menelaus, 13.693. (3) Achaean, son of Maemalus, a commander of the Myrmidons, 16.228.

PISENOR (peye-see’ -nor): father of the Trojan Clitus, 15.519.

PITTHEUS (pit’ -thyoos): father of Aethra, 3.173.

PITYEA (pi-ti-ee’-a): city on the Hellespont northeast of Troy, 2.940.

PLACOS (pla’-kos): mountain above Thebe, in Mysia, 6.468.

PLATAEA (pla-tee’-a): city in Boeotia, 2.594.

PLEIADES (pleye’-a-deez): constellation, 18.568.

PLEURON (plyoo’-ron): city in Aetolia, 2.733.

PODALIRIUS (po-da-leye’-ri-us): Achaean, son of Asclepius, healer and co-commander with his brother Machaon of the Thessalians from Tricca, 2.834.

PODARCES (po-dar’-seez): Achaean, son of Iphiclus, brother of Protesilaus, his successor as commander of the Thessalians from Phylace, 2.805.

PODES (po’-deez): Trojan, son of Eetion (2), killed by Menelaus, 17.653.

POLITES (po-leye’-teez): Trojan, son of Priam, 2.900.

POLYAEMON (po-li-re’-mon): father of the Trojan Amopaon, 8.316.

POLYBUS (pol’-i-bus): Trojan, son of Antenor, 11.67.

POLYCTOR (po-lik’-tor): named as his father by Hermes when, in disguise, he meets Priam, 24.469.

POLYDAMAS (po-li’-da-mas): Trojan, son of Panthous, co-commander of the first Trojan contingent, 11.65.

POLYDEUCES (po-li-dyoo’-seez): brother of Helen and Castor, 3.283.

POLYDORA (po-li-dor’ -a): daughter of Peleus, mother of the Achaean Menesthius (2) by the Spercheus River, 16.206.

POLYDORUS (po-li-dor’ -us): (1) Trojan, son of Priam, killed by Achilles, 20.463. (2) Competitor defeated in the spear-throw by Nestor, 23.710.

POLYIDUS (po-li-eye’-dus): (1) Trojan, son of Eurydamas, killed by Diomedes, 5.165. (2) Prophet in Corinth, father of the Achaean Euchenor, 13.764.

POLYMELA (po-li-mee’-la): daughter of Phylas, mother of the Achaean Eudorus by Hermes, 16.213.

POLYMELUS (po-li-mee’-lus): Trojan ally from Lycia, son of Argeas, killed by Patroclus, 16.497.

POLYNICES (po-li-neye’-seez): son of Oedipus, commander of the Seven against Thebes, 4.439. See note 5.926.