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Bob lowered his arm just a little, enough so that his opening and closing fingers were mere inches away from the soft swelling of her breasts. Even though she was crying, he could see through the thickness of her sweater that her breasts were swelling. She might not know it yet, but she was getting aroused. Again his ballooned cock spasmed. Just a little more now, and she would be like melted butter in his hands.

Rita felt, for the first time in a long time, safe and secure in her life. She didn't see anything wrong with Bob holding her like this. He was so strong and understanding… the way Owen had been when they were first married. She cried for a long time, hardly noticing that his hand was opening and closing very close to her breast. All she knew was that she was feeling the way she had when she had been on her honeymoon.

And then she was aware of a slight wetness emanating from her frustrated vaginal lips… a warmth that began to soak the crotchband of her panties and make them tight against her cuntal orifice. She stopped her crying, but she did not pull away from Bob, who was still opening and closing his hand around her lower shoulder. She began to feel good… very good.

She knew what she was thinking, and she knew that it went against everything she had been taught… everything she believed in.

She was thinking of having this near stranger fuck her! That would really show Owen. After all the things he had said to her earlier, she could get back at him by having her neighbor do what Owen had been failing to do.

That would really show him that he wasn't God's gift to humanity, as he had thought all his life.

Then she stiffened her body!

How could she be thinking something like that? Certainly the solution to her problems with Owen wouldn't be solved by having another man make love to her. That could only make things worse.

But her cunt had been so eager… and so disappointed for so long.

But having a man who wasn't her husband make love to her was so wrong. And besides… Bob was married… and…

She couldn't think. Everything was so complicated for her that she couldn't organize her thoughts. She lifted her head and looked at him to… to…

She wanted him to move away from her. Her mind was a seething conflicting mass of ideas and concepts… thoughts that would not gell. Even as she looked into his eyes, his light brown eyes, she could feel herself weakening, falling under the demands her body had been making all her life… demands that were not being met by her husband. God! Bob was so comforting, so understanding. His arm around her shoulder felt so good… Owen never held her like this anymore.

Bob's mind raced with only one thought. He didn't know what was running through her mind, but if she had ever looked ready to be kissed, now was the time. Her pale blue eyes had a worried look, but that didn't matter to Bob as he moved his face against hers, pressing his lips tightly to her in a hot wet kiss that sent shivers of desire and fear searing through the hungry young wife's body. For a long moment, she didn't know what to do. Was this just a friendly kiss? she wondered. Just something that he hoped would make her feel better? She thought it might be just that, but she rapidly changed her opinion when his moist, rigid tongue began thrusting against her lips.

Rita's mind was a whirlwind of conflicting thoughts, but her body was making its wishes known to her with every pound of her excited heart. She could feel her vaginal lips becoming flushed and wet, and her panties moved across her cunt with each little motion she made. As Bob knelt down and continued to press his tongue against her mouth, Rita could feel herself weakening… weakening… her body responding to those feelings and sensations Owen only thought he was bringing her.

And then her frustration broke like a mighty thunder storm. She couldn't help herself. She knew that what she was about to do was wrong, and in the back of her mind was the thought that at any moment, Owen could come home and catch her. In a way, she hoped that he would. That would take the wind out of his sails. He would see with his own eyes that she was hardly frigid.

Far from it, in fact. He would see her locked tightly in the arms of another man… a man she hardly even knew, but a man who could bring her the delight Owen was failing to give her. It was a drastic move, she knew… the most drastic thing she had ever done in her life. She hadn't realized how desperate she had become, but there was no use in fighting it now. As she had with her fingers earlier in the day, she allowed her body to take control, and she groaned as she responded to the incessant tongue pressing against her. She opened her mouth and began to lash her tongue back into Bob's mouth, at the same time pulling her body off the chair so that he could better hold her. Hundreds of thoughts ran through her mind… thoughts that told her she was doing the wrong thing… that she wouldn't be doing this with anyone who was not her husband… that Bob was a married man…

She ignored them. With the mere touch of his lips and tongue against hers, he was releasing her pent-up arousal, and she was not going to be denied this time!

The young wife's eager reaction was all Bob needed. As they continued kissing with their mouths locked tightly, wetly together, Bob felt his cock spasm again and again, increasing his eagerness and reminding him that there was a lot more to do than merely kiss this lovely blonde woman. He reached up behind her and under her sweater, delighting when he found her flesh there instead of another garment. He ran his hands up and down against the skin of her back, lifting her sweater higher and higher over her upper torso, his lightly stroking fingers getting closer and closer to the tender sensitive flesh of her breasts as he brought his hands around to the doubled plane of her belly.

Then he slipped her sweater up over her unresisting arms and dropped it to the floor. Her fully rounded resilient breasts now pressed against his chest, and even through the cloth of his shirt, their hot pink nipples felt like points of fire. Bob groaned from the lusty sensations crawling through his loins and lowered one hand to the waist band of her slacks, trying to draw them down over her hips. He wanted to get her naked as soon as possible. If there was any resistance left in her, it would vanish as soon as her clothes were off.

But there was no resistance. In fact, Rita was fast becoming as eager to have Bob fuck her as he was to do it. The sensation of his lips against hers had been like a match thrown into a pile of gas-soaked newspaper, and with each passing moment, the fire in her loins was growing more and more intense. She pulled away from him just enough so that she could remove her slacks herself, the total sordidness of the whole affair making her more eager to go through with it. She had never thought of cheating on her husband in her life, but that was the only thought on her mind now.

Bob watched wide-eyed as the lovely young blonde woman slithered out of her slacks, so eager to get naked that she pulled her slacks and panties down over the soft, generous firmness of her hips with one rapid tug. She kicked her shoes off and moved her garments over her ankles, tossing them across the room.

Bob gave a low, throaty chuckle, seeing that words were not necessary. From the little Rita had told him of her problem with Owen, he knew she would be eager, but he had not thought she would be this anxious! Shit… the only other woman he knew who acted as thought she couldn't wait to get a cock up into her cunt was his wife. He stared transfixed at her salacious nakedness, delighting in the way she looked as she knelt on her knees, her full, enticing breasts falling delightfully in front of her… her folded belly puckered at her navel with the fleshy indentation of the belly button…

And the glistening inverted golden vee of her cuntal triangle, nestled between her tightly pressed thighs like a vein of precious metal begging to be exploited.

He reached out and took her nipples between his thumb and forefinger, rolling the already distended knobs, bringing up moans of suppressed desire from the young blonde's lushly upturned mouth. As she knelt, she ground her trim hips and buttocks in the heels of her feet, the last vestige of resistance leaving her as she felt her pussy chamber become more and more wet with a fiery river of lubrication brought on by Bob's fondling with her nipples.