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Ronon's hand opened convulsively, the weapon dropping with a clatter back into the open crate. Every last Wraith, and all the humans who were victims of Wraith experiments, or descended from their victims. That's what Teyla had said would happen. That using the weapon would kill Teyla and Rodney and everyone else with the Gift along with all the Wraith.

And could he say it wouldn't be worth the price?

Of course it wouldn't be worth it, he told himself firmly. Teyla and Rodney were his friends, his family, and he would have willingly died to protect them. But there had been a time when they would have just as gladly laid down their own lives to save humans from the Wraith. At least, Teyla would have done it gladly; Rodney would have done it in frightened, furious resentment, his racing complaints about the unfairness of their imminent deaths somehow adding up to his own kind of courage.

But they weren't going to do that now. They were going to find a way to destroy the weapon, despite the fact that destroying it meant letting the Wraith go on killing and killing and killing. Letting it go on when he could stop it right now by pulling a trigger.

He picked up the weapon again and let it lie in the palm of his hand. It was heavy for its size, a warm weight that invited his hand to curl around it. He held it for a long moment, and then put it away in his coat.

No one knew he'd found it. The Wraith might be kicking up a fuss about the weapon being missing, but they'd probably get over it. It wouldn't hurt to hold onto the weapon just for a little while, until they had a better idea how their forces stacked up to Queen Death's. What if they destroyed the weapon and then realized it had been the last hope of ever freeing humans from the Wraith?

He could always hand it over to Carter to destroy. But once it was destroyed, they couldn't get it back. John might be willing to hand over their last card that way, but Ronon wasn't. At least not yet.

He closed the storage crate and stacked them the way he'd found them, heading back out of the room toward the stairs. Hyperion's weapon nestled in his pocket, warm and heavy; his fingers caressed it, just for a moment, before he forced himself to let it go.

Chapter Three

Face to Face

Jack O'Neill balanced his paper plate containing one slightly misshapen doughnut on top of his cup of coffee and hugged his tablet more tightly under his elbow. There were days when he missed the old-fashioned briefing folder, and this was one of them: the consequences of dropping a folder or spilling coffee on it were a lot less dire than they were even with the supposedly hardened tablets. He had yet to meet a computer that could stand up to the usual day-to-day work of the SGC, never mind battle conditions. And he was, he admitted, doing his best not to think too hard about the upcoming negotiation. It was all too clear to him that there was no way Atlantis was going to be able to stand up to Queen Death without Todd's help, and that meant allying with people who had, over the past six years, done their level best to eat the Atlantis crew. On balance, that shouldn't feel worse than what the Goa'uld had wanted, but somehow this felt… personal.

Woolsey was there ahead of him, of course, a tall travel mug his only concession to the hour. It was filled, Jack knew, with half-caf sweetened with a single packet of artificial sweetener and topped with a splash of skim milk, and for a moment he really missed Daniel's extra sugar habit. Todd was there, too, smiling toothily at Woolsey, and as Jack took his place at the table, the young queen Alabaster arrived, trailed by Marines and one of her human escorts. He was big and blond and carried a plate piled with doughnuts, which he seemed to be urging on Alabaster. Jack couldn't hear what she said, but she accepted a small piece of the pastry, her smile almost human. One of the Marine escorts opened the door, and she came to take her place beside her father, sniffing curiously at the doughnut. The big blond leaned against the wall across from the Marines and began to eat, his honor apparently satisfied.

"Colonel Carter is not here?" Todd — Guide — asked. Beside him, Alabaster took a careful bite of the doughnut, cocking her head as if considering the taste.

"Colonel Carter has been delayed," Woolsey said. There was an edge of annoyance in his voice. "She will be here as soon as possible."

"I do not see the point in beginning without her," Guide said.

"I am sure Colonel Carter will find a way to destroy Hyperion's device," Woolsey began, and Guide showed teeth.

"But if she cannot, then our discussion is moot."

Jack took a sip of his own coffee. It felt really weird to be eating in front of the Wraith, considering, but he shoved that feeling down. "I have every confidence in Carter."

"I'm sure you do," Guide answered. "And I have no doubt of her technical ability, either."

He let the rest of his thought hang unspoken — he doubted their willingness to destroy the device — and Alabaster said, "As you have said yourself, the Lanteans have much to lose themselves by using the device. Let us at least discuss what shape some alliance between us might take."

Guide glanced at her, then shrugged one shoulder. "As long as it is understood that the destruction of this device is not negotiable. Until it is destroyed — until we see it destroyed — we have no incentive to help you."

"Except that Queen Death wants you dead, too," Jack pointed out.

Guide gave him a sidelong glance. "It is possible that we will treat with her, attain some terms. We are all Wraith, after all. Surely you do not wish to give us a common threat."

"I can't see Queen Death letting you, or Alabaster here, live," Jack said bluntly. Woolsey looked pained, but didn't intervene. "Alabaster's a rival, and you keep finding ways not to help her. All Queen Death is going to do is get rid of you."

"But if the choice is between the death of all my kind, and my own demise?" Guide let his voice trail off. "Ask Colonel Sheppard what I would do to save my people."

That I don't doubt, Jack thought. And I don't want to push him too far.

Woolsey gave them both a reproachful look. "As we have said before, we don't even know if this so-called device will function, or if it will do what it is claimed it will do without having unforeseen side effects. Even if it only does what it was apparently designed to do, that still places some of our own people at grave risk. I do not believe that this is a choice any of us wish to make."

"If Carter destroys the weapon," Jack said, "what are you willing to do to help?"

"To stand with you against Queen Death," Guide answered. Was he smiling? Jack wasn't sure how to interpret the twist of his mouth. "Which you need as much as we do. Alone, neither of us can withstand her fleet. Together…."

"That depends on what you have to offer," Jack said.

Guide did smile this time. "Teyla Emmagan will have given you Steelflower's strength in detail."

"Absolutely," Jack said. "Except for whatever's changed since she left."

"It has happened before that certain specifics have been — elided," Woolsey said, his eyes on his tablet.

"That has been a fault on both sides," Guide said. Alabaster laid her hand on his wrist, and whether it was a simple warning or silent conversation, he seemed to relax slightly. "As you know, there are two hives at the core of our alliance, mine — Steelflower's — and that of a young Queen who has allied with her as a sister. Since Queen Steelflower left us, we were joined by a third hive, who fled Queen Death when she demanded they despoil their own territory. Sadly, their ship was badly damaged, and I do not believe they will be of much use in battle. However, they have Darts in plenty, which will be placed at our disposal. The former consort of Queen Iceheart, who was killed by Queen Death, has brought three cruisers to join us as well — Teyla Emmagan is well aware of him. And there are others, a considerable number of others, who will hold off from any combat for as long as possible. They do not love Queen Death, but they cannot see their way clear to oppose her."