The Iron Throne

The Iron Throne
Серия: Birthright [TSR] #1
Язык: английский
Добавил: Admin 11 Апр 20
Проверил: Admin 11 Апр 20
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the Great Empire….
It rose from the wreckage of gods-death, from the tumbled lands where the pantheon had died to stop one of its own from destroying the world. In the chaos after Deismaar, one man, Roele, founded an empire that would span the continent and last a millennium.
The blood-power in his veins strengthened the new land and coursed through the Roeles that followed him to the throne.
In time, that same blood flowed into the heart of the Emperor Michael Roele.
Ten centuries have passed since Deismaar, and Anuire still stands. But so too does one of the greatest villains created in the gods-death—the brutal and power-hungry Gorgon.
The Gorgon seeks to destroy the ancient empire, and to drink the blood-power of Roeles from the heart of Emperor Michael.

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