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The fury of the beasts returned and their murderous roaring rose above the sound of clashing steel. Galand, Rayvan and Lake sprinted with a score of warriors to the timber-built hospital. As Ananais cut his way through to them, a talon raked across his back, ripping his leather jerkin and snapping a rib. He twisted and stabbed out and the beast fell back. Hands pulled him inside and the wooden door was slammed shut.

A hairy fist smashed the wooden shutters of the window and Galand ran forward, spearing his sword through the creature's neck. A taloned hand grabbed his jerkin and hauled him against the wooden frame. He screamed once as giant jaws closed around his face, then fangs fastened upon his skull and it burst like a melon. His body was dragged though the window.

An axe splintered the upper door, narrowly missing Ananais' head. Valtaya stepped from the ward within, her face bone-white with fear. In her hand was a needle and thread and a bloody swab, which dropped from her fingers as she saw the werebeasts climbing through the open window.

'Ananais!' she screamed and he jumped back as the door burst open and a huge Joining with an axe leapt forward. Ananais lashed out savagely opening a terrible wound across its belly which spilled its entrails to the wooden floor. The creature tripped and fell, dropping the axe which Ananais swept up.

Rayvan saw two Joinings running towards Valtaya and valiantly she leapt into their path, swinging her sword. A back-handed blow sent her reeling. Ananais beheaded a creature with the face of a lion and turned to aid Valtaya.

He hammered his axe into the back of the first Joining, tearing the weapon loose as swiftly as he could, but the second beast was towering over Valtaya.

'Here, you hellhound!' bellowed Ananais and the creature swung its great head, focusing on the puny black-masked figure. It backhanded the axe aside, ignoring the wound gashed in its forearm. Then its talons snaked out, ripping Ananais' mask from his face and hurling him from his feet. He hit the floor hard, losing hold of the axe. The creature leapt towards him and he rolled to a standing position to launch himself feet-first at the monster. Fangs snapped as his booted feet crunched home and the beast was thrown back into the wall. Ananais swept up the axe and whirled it in a murderous arc, caving in the creature's side.

'Behind you!' shouted Rayvan, but it was too late.

The spear entered Ananais' back, plunging through the lower chest.

He grunted, and twisted his powerful frame, tearing the weapon from the Joining's talons. The creatures leapt forward and he tried to back away, but the spear jammed against a wall. Ananais ducked his head and grabbed the beast, pulling it into him in a bear-hug.

Fangs tore at Ananais' face and neck, but his mighty arms continued to pull the creature forward on to the spear-point jutting from his own chest. The Joining howled in pain and fury.

Rayvan watched it all and time appeared to freeze.

A man against a monster.

A dying man against a creature of darkness. Her heart went out to him in that moment as she watched the muscles of his arms bunch and strain against the power of the beast. She lurched to her feet, ramming her dagger into the Joining's back. It was all the aid she could give. . But it was enough. With one convulsive heave Ananais dragged back the beast and the spear-point plunged home.

Outside the rolling thunder of hooves echoed in the mountains. Men of the Legion turned to the east, narrowing their eyes, trying to make out the riders in the dust-cloud.

At the tent of Ceska, Darik ran forward, screening his eyes. What the Hell was happening? Were they Delnoch cavalry? His mouth dropped as the first line of riders appeared from the dust-storm.


Screaming for his men to form a shield ring about the emperor, he dragged his sword from its sheath. It was impossible. How could they have taken Delnoch so swiftly?

Legion men raced into place, forming their shields as a wall against the riders. But there were too few, and none of them carried spears. The lead horsemen leapt over the shield wall, swinging their mounts to attack from the rear.

And then the wall collapsed, men running in all directions as the Nadir swept over them. Darik fell in the doorway of the emperor's tent with a lance through his chest.

Tenaka Khan leapt from the saddle and entered the tent with sword in hand.

Ceska was sitting on his silk-covered bed.

'I always liked you, Tenaka,' he said.

The Khan advanced, his violet eyes gleaming.

'You were to be the Earl of Bronze. You know that? I could have had you hunted down and killed in Ventria, but I did not.' Ceska wriggled his fat frame back on the bed and knelt before Tenaka, wringing his hands. 'Don't kill me! Let me go away — I will never trouble you.'

The sword lanced out, sliding between Ceska's ribs.

The emperor fell back.

'See?' he said. 'You cannot kill me. The power of the Chaos Spirit is in me and I cannot die.' He began to laugh, high-pitched and shrill. 'I cannot die — I am immortal -1 am a god.' He staggered to his feet. 'You see?' He blinked once, then sank to his knees.

'No!' he screamed and fell forward on his face. With one blow Tenaka severed the head. Gripping it by the hair, he walked out into the open and mounted his horse. Kicking the steed into a gallop, he rode to the wall where the Legion waited. On the plain every Legion soldier had been slain and the Nadir massed behind the Khan waiting for the order to attack.

Tenaka lifted the bloody head.

'This is your emperor! Lay down your arms and not one man will be slain.'

A burly officer leaned on the wall. 'Why should we trust your word, Nadir?'

'Because it is the word of Tenaka Khan. If there are any Joinings alive beyond that wall, kill them. Do it now if you want to live.'

Within the hospital building Rayvan, Lake and Valtaya struggled to break the lance pinning Ananais to the dead Joining. Thorn limped into the room, bleeding from a wound in the side.

'Get out of the way,' he said, taking up a fallen axe. With one blow he smashed the shaft. 'Now pull him off it.' With great care they eased Ananais from the spear and carried him to a bed where Valtaya plugged the wounds in his chest and back.

'Live, Ananais,' said Rayvan. 'Please live\'

Lake exchanged glances with Thorn.

Valtaya sat down beside Ananais and held his hand. The warrior's eyes opened and he whispered something, but no one could make out the words. Tears formed in Ananais' eyes, and he seemed to be staring beyond them. He made an effort to sit, but sagged back. Rayvan turned.

Tenaka Khan stood in the doorway. He came to the bed and leaned over the warrior, placing the mask carefully over his face. Rayvan moved aside as Ananais tried to speak and Tenaka leaned in close.

'Knew. . you. . would. . come.'

'Yes, my brother. I came.'

'All. . finished. . now.'

'Ceska is dead. The land is free. You won, Ani! You held. As I knew you would hold. In the spring I will take you to visit the Steppes. I will show you some sights: Ulric's tomb, the Valley of Angels. Anything you would like.'

'No. No… lies.'

'No,' said Tenaka helplessly. 'No lies. Why, Ani? Why do you have to die on me?'

'Better. . dead. No bitterness. No anger. Not much… of a hero now.'

Tenaka's throat seemed to swell and tears fell freely, splashing on the ruined leather mask. Ananais closed his eyes.


Valtaya lifted his arm, feeling for a pulse. She shook her head. Tenaka stood, his face a mask of fury.

'You!' he stormed, pointing at Rayvan, his arm sweeping to take in the others. 'You miserable scum! He was worth a thousand of you.'

'Maybe he was, general,' agreed Rayvan. 'And where does that leave you?'

'In control,' he said, striding from the room.

Outside Gitasi, Subodai and Ingis waited with more than a thousand Nadir warriors. The Legion had been disarmed.