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Meanwhile, an album by a band called Marduk titled “Fuck Me Jesus” is allowed, which shows a naked woman using a crucifix as a dildo on the cover.81 Amazon also sells a song titled “Fuck White People” which has a noose on the album cover.82 They also stock various black supremacist books that promote hate groups like the Black Hebrew Israelites.


Twitch.TV (which is owned by Amazon) is a website where people livestream themselves playing video games (I know this seems strange to anyone over 40) and they can have a large number of viewers who enjoy watching them play. Like YouTube livestreams, there is a chat box on Twitch where viewers can post comments and even tip the player.

While it’s mostly for video games, sometimes the gamers will talk politics during their streams, and the Thought Police are watching in case they say something “racist,” “sexist,” “homophobic,” etc., etc. One gamer was recently banned from Twitch for simply saying there are only two genders.83 The email informing her of the ban read, “Your recent behavior has proven your lack of understanding of what hateful speech is and how it may affect your community on your channel… Several of your statements have been found offensive towards the transgender community, and we don’t tolerate this kind of behavior.”84

In a YouTube video discussing the ban she said, “I specifically said, it’s okay if a man wants to be a woman, and a woman wants to be a man, you cannot be anything in between,” referring to the odd “gender fluid,” “pan gender,” and the dozens of other “genders” liberals have invented.

A popular DJ named Deadmouse (stylized Deadmau5), who also streamed on Twitch for fun was banned for “hate speech” after he called another streamer a dreaded “homophobic slur.” He issued a statement saying, “It was intended to insult a fuckin asshat who was being a fucking asshat… it wasn’t ‘directed at an entire group of people who have a sexual orientation that differs from my own.’ Fuck off with that shit. I know who I am, and I don’t have to fucking sit here and cry and defend my fucking self with the obligatory ‘I’M NOT THAT PERSON, I AM SORRY” reflex… The sane people who knew what it was in the heat of the moment knew the purpose of the statement, and the people that think otherwise, I’m better off not even fucking knowing and they can just keep the fuck clear of me.”85

It was great to see someone of his celebrity push back against this PC nonsense, but he soon backtracked and issued an apology, along with apologizing for his previous “non-apology” in response to the ban, saying, “I know what I said was wrong, and my hastily composed non-apology was an insult to injury.”86

Many other Twitch streamers have had their accounts suspended and banned for just uttering what moderators thought were “slurs” out loud in a fit of anger when something went wrong on the game they’re playing when they actually said something that just sounded similar to one.87 So even while players are virtually “mass murdering” people in a video game, the Thought Police are carefully monitoring them to make sure their off-the-cuff commentary doesn’t happen to offend someone in the LGBTQ community or other “protected group.” One streamer was even given a 30-day suspension for calling another player a “mongoloid,” because Twitch considers that “hate speech” too.88

Like YouTube and Facebook Live, Twitch uses real-time voice recognition systems to analyze what people are saying in order to lookout for any words that are flagged as being inappropriate. Monitoring livestreams using AI is one of the top priorities of the tech companies due to the bad press they get when someone livestreams something completely ridiculous (or criminal) so they are putting enormous resources into being able to detect what is being said in real-time, and even what is being shown so they can take down a stream if their algorithm deems the broadcast includes anything “inappropriate.” Twitch, however, like all the other major platforms turns a blind eye when liberals flagrantly violate their rules.

A popular streamer who goes by “Destiny” (real name Steven Kenneth Bonnell II) has explicitly called for violence against conservatives on at least one occasion. When he was asked during a stream, “You genuinely do hate conservatives, don’t you?” he answered, “Very much so. I’ve moved full-on to the political violence level or the real violence level when it comes to conservative people. I feel like they need to be fucking excised from my fucking country. I think they’re demonstrably evil people.”89 He remains on the platform and his channel is still monetized.

Alex Jones “Unpersoned”

One of the scariest aspects of censorship isn’t a few songs, movies, or books disappearing from the Internet, but a person being deleted. An “Unperson” is a term from George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four that describes someone whose very existence has been erased from society, and this basically happened to radio talk show host Alex Jones in August 2018.

Within the course of just a few days he was banned from YouTube, Facebook, iTunes, the TuneIn radio app, Spotify, Stitcher, Pinterest, and even LinkedIn! Years of archived shows and interviews just disappeared. PayPal also closed his account, preventing his website Infowars.com from accepting payments through the service,90 and numerous credit card processors also refused to allow him to have an account, making it difficult to accept debit and credit cards for the products he sells.

Liberals were thrilled with the actions, including Democrat Senator Chris Murphy from Connecticut who said, “Infowars is the tip of a giant iceberg of hate and lies that uses sites like Facebook and YouTube to tear our nation apart. These companies must do more than take down one website. The survival of our democracy depends on it.”91

Many conservatives, even those who think Alex Jones is a raving lunatic, were quite concerned about his sudden “disappearance” from the Internet. Even Senator Ted Cruz defended Alex, tweeting, “Am no fan of Jones — among other things he has a habit of repeatedly slandering my Dad by falsely and absurdly accusing him of killing JFK — but who the hell made Facebook the arbiter of political speech? Free speech includes views you disagree with.”92

Others came to his defense as well, including Bill Maher who said despite Jones telling “lies” about him, “if you’re a liberal, you’re supposed to be for free speech. That’s free speech for the speech you hate. That’s what free speech means. We’re losing the thread of the concepts that are important to this country. You care about the real American shit or you don’t. And if you do, it goes for every side. I don’t like Alex Jones, but Alex Jones gets to speak. Everybody gets to speak.”93

The ACLU [American Civil Liberties Union] even warned his ban could set a dangerous precedent and expressed concerns that the pendulum could swing the other way some day, and groups like Black Lives Matter could be shut down under the same pretense.94

President Trump appeared to reference the unpersoning of Alex Jones which had made national headlines, saying, “I won’t mention any names but when they take certain people off of Twitter or Facebook and they’re making that decision, that is really a dangerous thing because that could be you tomorrow.”95

Alex Jones Was Just the Beginning