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Doreen Miller had once before been engaged to many. The boy she was seeing was Jimmy Tibbs, and, when Doreen was in high school, she knew the first time she laid eyes on him that he was the one boy in the world for her.

They had met on a school picnic. Doreen wasn't a very popular, not because she was unattractive, but because she was shy, and couldn't always talk to a guy. Many guys had wanted to take her out, but when she had nothing to say to them, they felt that she didn't like them, and so, asked other girls for dates.

But her mother had insisted that she go on this picnic. "You'll meet lots of boys, Doreen. You don't want to be a wallflower all your life, do you?"

She didn't really want to go on the picnic, but it was the only way she could quiet her mother. She took a seat in the back of the bus and stared out the window during the long ride to Valley View State Park.

Her mother had prepared several chicken sandwiches for her, and she was so hungry that she ate all of them, except for a half of one. When she got to the picnic grounds with the rest of her class, she had only that small half a sandwich and a banana to eat.

"Is that all you brought?" asked a boy who was a stranger to her.

"No," she said. "I ate it all." She looked at the boy. His deep blue eyes seemed to be smiling at her.

"Well, you can't live on that," the boy told her. "Here, my mom gave me too much to eat. Look at all this! Four sandwiches and extra hunks of cheese. She must've thought I was going in the army."

"No thanks," said Doreen, who couldn't take her eyes off her handsome new friend.

"How about a Coke?" he said, offering her something from an already opened bottle of soda.

"No, thanks," she said, still staring at his curly sandy-haired locks.

He looked around him and lowered his voice. "There's rum in the Coke," he told her. "I put it in when my dad wasn't looking."

She still shook her head, but he poured out a glass for her anyway. She took it, and tried to smile at him.

"I'm Jimmy Tibbs," he said to her. "What's your name?"

"Doreen Miller," she replied in a half strangled voice.

"I'm new in this school. My folks moved over here from Pineville. Dad got a new job, so we hadda move."

"Oh." She wanted to ask him all sorts of questions about himself, but she couldn't bring herself to do it.

"You're real nice," he said. "I like girls who don't chatter all day long. You know what I really hate? A girl who is always looking at herself in the mirror and talks without stopping. You know, when I first saw you, I knew I'd like you."

She again tried to smile, and this time, her lips moved just a bit. There was something so charming about this boy. He seemed genuinely interested in her. When she didn't have much to say, he didn't walk away from her and go over to another girl.

"Hey, you know what?" he said. She shook her head. "Let's get away from here. I hate crowds. I know this park. I know where we can just sit and talk and look at the lake. It's really pretty around this time of year. C'mon, let's take the food and go. We'll be back in lots of time to get the bus back."

"Okay," she said. "I'd like that."

"Congratulations!" he exclaimed.

"For what?" she asked.

"That's the first time you said more than two words to me all day. Hey, you and I are gonna like each other. I can just tell."

She grinned broadly now. He was just what she had always hoped would happen to her. He was her knight in shining armor, riding to her on a white horse.

"Ain't it pretty?" he said, pointing to the crystal-clear blue lake. A few ducks were lazily swimming around in circles. Apparently many people fed the ducks, because as soon as they saw Doreen and Jimmy, they swam towards them, expecting a handout.

"Wanna feed them?" Jimmy asked.

"Okay," Doreen replied. "I still have half a chicken sandwich."

"I know!" he cried. "I'll treat 'em to rum and Coke! Let's see if they go for it!"

"How you gonna toss it to them?" she asked. "You should soak the bread in it and see if they eat it."

"You know," said Jimmy. "You're pretty smart. I like you. I really like you."

He put his arm around her as they soaked lots of pieces of bread in the alcohol. He was the first boy she ever let touch her like that. Other boys had tried, but she politely and firmly asked them to remove their arm from her shoulder.

Most of the ducks avoided the rum-soaked bread, but one duck was going after it madly. Jimmy and Doreen started to laugh when it looked as if the duck was starting to swim about in circles.

"He's drunk!" they cried, and sure enough, the duck was acting clumsily, like a man who has had more drinks than he should've had and stumbles away from the bar.

Jimmy's hand managed, in their laughter, to press up against Doreen's breasts. She hadn't even realized what he was doing at first, but just noticed a strange and pleasurable feeling overtaking her.

When she looked down at his hand, and realized that he was beginning to unbutton her blouse, her first reaction was to push him away, but something held her back and she let him reach inside her blouse and fondle her breasts.

"You're real nice," he said to her as he gently squeezed her ripening melons. "You feel nice too."

She knew she shouldn't be letting him touch her like that, but it was making her feel so good that she couldn't stop him. Her nipples were starting to swell up and get hard and she found that she was breathing more and more heavily.

"Doesn't that feels good?" he asked her. "I feel good. I feel real good 'cause I'm with you."

His warm smile seemed to penetrate through her. She wished for nothing more than to be enfolded in his arms. Doreen wanted to be held and touched all over, but only by this handsome young man.

He seemed to know exactly what she craved, because the next thing he did was to draw her body close to his. He could feel her tits touching his chest, and her hard nipples produced waves of pleasure as he rubbed up against them.

Jimmy took hold of Doreen's hand and placed it on his thigh. She felt his warm body and as he rubbed her hand on his body, she closed her eyes and let him kiss her.

His lips felt warm and moist and as his tongue slipped into her mouth, she felt the strangest sensations between her legs. It was like an itching feeling, but not quite. She couldn't describe it, except to tell herself it was wonderful.

Now Jimmy gently tugged at her hand until it was at the top of his zipper. She didn't quite know what he was having her do until it was almost done, but he was gently pressing her hand onto his bulging crotch, and she felt something that was hard and soft at the same time without immediately realizing what it was.

As she stroked that piece of cock flesh underneath his pants, her whole body started ta swoon with pleasure. Whatever he wanted to do with her was okay, she told herself. She didn't know exactly what guys did with girl's, but that didn't matter. If it was with this handsome young man, it would be all right.

She felt his stiffening cock for several moments before site realized that it was his penis she was touching. When she suddenly looked at that swelling between big legs, she gasped. "Oh!" she cried, pulling her hand away. Jimmy gently pulled her hand back and this time used her fingers to unzip his fly.

She was unsure what to do, but he was firm with her. She let him use her fingers to take out his swollen meat.

"I'm really hard for you," he sighed. "I really dig you, Doreen. Touch it, and feel how hard it is."

He didn't let her decide whether to touch his cock or not, but he easily forced her fingers to rub up against his purplish cock head. She had never seen an erect penis before. The only cocks in fact that she did see were on statues in museums, and even then, she always tried to avert her eyes.