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Poias, son of Thaumacos 50, 56, 91,121, 148

Poliporthes, son of Odysseus 170

Polites, son of Priam 125

Pollux, seePolydeuces

Poltys, welcomes Heracles at Ainos 79

Polyanax, king of the Melians 161

Polybos, king of Corinth 105

Polybotes, a Giant 35

Polycaste, daughter of Nestor 46

Polydectes, son of Magnes 44, 65,67

Polydeuces, son of Zeus 40, 49, 51,120, 122

Polydora, daughter of Peleus 127

Polydora, daughter of Perieres 128

Polydoros, son of Cadmos 101, 103

Polydoros, son of Priam 125

Polygonos, son of Proteus 80

Polyidos, son of Coiranos 99–100

Polymede, daughter of Autolycos 48, 56 (not named)

Polymedon, son of Priam 125

Polymele, son of Peleus 130

Polymnia, a Muse 30

Polyneices, son of Oedipus 106, 107–10, 111,112, 149

Polypemon, seeDamastes

Polypheides, king of Sicyon 146

Polyphemos, son of Elatos 50, 51

Polyphemos, son of Poseidon, a Cyclops 165

Polyphontes, a Heraclid 95

Polyphontes, herald of Laios 106

Polypoites, son of Apollo 39

Polypoites, son of Odysseus 170

Polypoites, son of Peirithoos 121, 149, 158

Polyxene, daughter of Priam 125

Polyxenos, king of the Eleans 69

Polyxenos, son of Agasthenes 121

Polyxo, mother of Antiope 117

Pontos (Sea) 29

Porphyrion, a Giant 34

Porthaon, son of Agenor 39

Portheus, father of Echion 157

Poseidon, see‘The Twelve Gods’, pp. 262–6

Praxithea, at Eleusis 33

Praxithea, daughter of Phrasimos 134

Praxithea, wife of Erichthonios 133

Priam, son of Laomedon 86, 124–5,147, 152, 154,157, 161

Proeles, son of Aristodemos 93, 94

Procne, daughter of Pandion 133

Procris, daughter of Erechtheus 44, 70, 134

[Procroustes], seeDamastes

Proitos, son of Abas 62–4,65, 67, 115

Promachos, son of Aison 56

Promachos, son of Parthenopaios 47, 112

Prometheus, son of Iapetos 29, 31, 36–7, 75, 83, 128

Pronax, son of Talaos 47

Pronoe, daughter of Phorbos 39

Pronoos, son of Phegeus 113

Protesilaos, son of Iphiclos 121, 148, 151–2,153, 161

Proteus, king of Egypt 102, 147,164

Proteus, son of Poseidon 80

Prothoos, son of Agrios 42

Prothoos, son of Tenthredon 149, 161

Protogeneia, daughter of Calydon 39

Protogeneia, daughter of Deucalion 37

Psamathe, daughter of Nereus 29, 126

Pteleon, lover of Procris 134

Pterelaos, son of Taphios 68–70

Pterelaos, the sons of 68–9

Ptoos, son of Athamas 44

Pygmalion, king of Cyprus 131

Pylaon, son of Neleus 45

Pylos, king of Megara 135–6

Pylia, daughter of Pylas 135

Pylios, at Eleusis 171

Pylos, son of Ares 39

Pyraichmes, leader of the Paeonians 152

Pyrene, mother of Cycnos 82

Pyrrha, daughter of Epimetheus 37

Pyrrhos, later Neoptolemos 129

Python, serpent at Delphi 31

Rhadamanthys, son of Zeus 71, 72, 96, 97

Rhea, a Titanid 27–8, 102,125, 162

Rhesos, son of Strymon 30, 153

Rhexenor, father of Chalciope 136

Rhode, daughter of Poseidon 33

Rhoicos, a Centaur 116

Salamis, daughter of Asopos 127

Salmoneus, son of Aiolos 38, 44–5

Sandocos, son of Astynoos 131

Sarapis 58

Sarpedon, son of Poseidon 80

Sarpedon, son of Zeus 96, 97, 153, 154

Satyr, a 58, 60–1

Scaios, son of Hippocoon 120

Scamander 123, 124, 154

Sceiron, son of Pelops 126, 139

Schedios, son of Iphitos 121

Schoineus, son of Athamas 41, 44, 49, 117

Scylla, a monster 55, 167

Scylla, daughter of Nisos 137

Scyrios, father of Aigeus 136

Sea, seePontos

Seasons (Horai), the 29

Seilenos, father of Pholos 75

Selene, seeMoon

Semele, daughter of Cadmos 101, 102

Side, wife of Orion 32

Sidero, stepmother of Tyro 45

Simoeis, father of Astyoche and Hieromneme 123

Simonides (lyric poet, 6th-5th cent, BC) 141

Sinis, son of Polypemon 138

Sinon 156–7

Sipylos, son of Amphion 104

Sirens (Seirenes), the 30, 40, 55, 167

Sisyphos, son of Aiolos 38, 44,64, 101,117, 126

Sky, seeOuranos

Smyrna, daughter of Theias 131

Sparta, daughter of Eurotas 118

Spartoi (Sown Men), the 100, 109

Spercheios, son of Menesthios 128

Spermo, daughter of Anios 148

Sphinx, the 106

Staphylos, son of Dionysos 50, 140

Stemops, son of Melas 42

Sterope, daughter of Acastos 128

Sterope, daughter of Atlas 117

Sterope, daughter of Cepheus 88

Sterope, daughter of Pleuron 39

Sterope, daughter of Porthaon 40

Steropes, a Cyclops 27

Stesichoros (lyric poet, 7th-6th cent. BE) 119, 172

Stheneboia, daughter of Apheidas or Iobates 62, 63, 64,115

Sthenelaos, son of Melas 42

Sthenele, daughter of Acastos 130

Sthenelos, father of Cometes 160

Sthenelos, son of Androgeos 79

Sthenelos, son of Capaneus 112, 121

Sthenelos, son of Perseus 68, 69

Stheno, a Gorgon 66

Stratobates, son of Electryon 68

Stratonice, daughter of Pleuron 39

Strophios, father of Pylades 163

Strymo, daughter of Scamander 124

Stymphalos, son of Elatos 92, 115, 126

Styx, an Oceanid 28, 29

Sun, the (Helios) 29, 33, 34, 43, 50, 55, 57,76, 80,83, 97, 166, 168

Sylea, daughter of Corinthos 138

Syleus, killed by Meracles 85

Talaimenes, father of Mesthles and Antiphos 153

Talaos, son of Bias 47, 107, 108

Talos, a man of bronze 56

Talos, nephew of Daidalos 137–8

Talthybios, herald of Agamemnon 148, 150

Tantalos, father of Pelops and Niobe 105, 143

Tantalos, son of Amphion 105

Tantalos, son of Thyestes 146

Taphios, son of Poseidon 68

Tartaros 35, 59; as place 27–8, 119

Tauros, son of Neleus 45

Tebros, son of Hippocoon 120

Tegyrios, king of Thrace 135

Teiresias, son of Everes 70, 109–10, 112,114, 167,170, 171

Telamon, son of Aiacos 40, 49, 86, 121, 126–7

Telchis, kills Apis 58

Teledice, wife of Phoroneus 58

Telegonos, king of the Egyptians 60

Telegonos, son of Odysseus 167, 170

Telegonos, son of Proteus 80

Telemachos, son of Odysseus 147, 169

Teleon, father of Boutes 50

Telephassa, wife of Agenor 96, 100

Telephos, son of Heracles 88,92, 116

Telesilla (lyric poet, 5th cent, BC) 105

Telestes, son of Priam 125, 149–50, 156