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“The males have monstrous penises, and you have a very tight vagina,” Tantamount agreed, rather understating the case. “I’m surprised you can manage sex at all.”

“Demon flesh is elastic, and the males enjoy the challenge of a tight closure. They do hammer it in, taking my grimacing for pleasure. Some demons are amorphous, adopting whatever form they prefer at the moment; we EEGS are less so.”


“Expressly Endowed Golems, created expressly to guard the Spire from molestation. It was a great shame when we failed that mission; now we mean to win it back. That will save us from abolition by EGG, the Eldest God of the Galaxy, who made us and the Spire, at such time as he discovers our dereliction.”

“So it’s not just vengeance against Prior.”

“Correct. But vengeance is one of the demon pleasures.”

Afterward, the demoness accompanied her to her room. Tantamount nursed Chance again and put him down in the crib for the night. She wasn’t concerned about him being taken from her; the demoness could do that at any time if she chose. She did not seem to be into sadism for its own sake.

“Do you ever?” the demoness inquired, opening her gown to show her beautiful breasts.

This was a new dimension, yet not completely unexpected; the demoness had been surprisingly friendly.

“Once I tried it with my sister, when we were teens in med school, just to see what it was like. I’m heterosexual.”

“So am I. But males can be such jerks.”

“Agreed!” Tantamount removed her gown, hung it up, and stood naked.

The demoness was already bare on the bed. They made love, stroking each other, kissing, and fondling wonderful breasts without biting. The demoness was an experienced and effective lover, not at all violent or insensitive. She used her tongue to caress Tantamount’s clitoris into virtual ejaculation, and reacted similarly to attention to her own miniature. But mainly it was the full-length embracing and intertwining, the ultimate closeness of two beautiful bodies. It was delightful.

“If it should happen that you lose your man tomorrow, and come into my power permanently,” the demoness said, “I hope your bitterness will fade in time and allow you to do this again.”

Tantamount was tempted. She realized now that demons were people too, with some similar feelings. If Prior lost, she would be the continuing captive of this creature, and a positive relationship would surely be preferable to a negative one. Certainly it was a far better prospect than captivity by the First Branch would have been, with his delight in power and humiliation.

“Perhaps so, in time.”

“I would like to learn caring. You could surely teach me, despite my limited capacity for it.”

“I can try.”

The demoness nodded, and faded. Tantamount was left undisturbed for the remainder of the night.

Chapter 23— Second Branch

Prior reported to the castle promptly at noon. It was now only four branches high, having settled one level. The demoness appeared, ravishingly beautiful. But he knew better than to give her any leeway; he had to go for as fast and certain a victory as he could manage.

“We meet again,” the Second Branch said. “I believe you know better than to try that laughing gas on me; my sense of humor is negligible. There is also no need for you to attempt sex with me. This is a different kind of encounter.”

“I’m aware of that,” Prior said tightly. “Where’s Tantamount?”

“Your delightful woman? She remains in good health.”

She gestured, and Tantamount appeared, lovely in a close-fitting gown. Her baby was at her left breast, but there was something obscuring her right breast. It looked like a small reptile.

“True?” he asked her.

“I have not been mistreated,” she said. “But this is a demon lizard whose teeth will slowly close on my breast as time passes, crushing the nipple and destroying its effectiveness for nursing. It will be exceedingly painful.”

“This is what she told you to say?”

“Yes. But it is also true.” He had no doubt of it.

“Let’s get to it, bitch,” he said to the demoness, and stepped into the pentagram, naked.

The demoness joined him, her gown evanescing. She embraced him and kissed him firmly on the mouth. Startled, he braced for a bite, but it turned out to be a straight kiss. Her perfect breasts pressed into his chest, and her groin touched his, causing his penis to react. Her body lifted so that she was his height.

“Hey—I thought you said no sex!”

“Perhaps I changed my mind. I understand you are a good lover. If you press hard and persistently, maybe you can penetrate my tight little pussy.”

His penis was stiffening.

“We’re supposed to be fighting! What kind of trick is this?”

She ran her hands down along his back, cupping his buttocks. “One of us will surely perish by the end of this engagement. Why not glean a bit of pleasure along the way?” Her bottom shifted, allowing his erect member to lodge in her cleft, which was warm and slick.

He couldn’t help himself. He thrust, and the tip of his member did man age to nudge into her aperture. It wasn’t quite as taut as Tantamount’s urethra had been, and was yielding slightly to his urgency. He thrust again, and got it in another inch. Her tight hole was stretching to accommodate him in a way it hadn’t at their prior encounter. Apparently she could let a man in if she chose. But he hardly trusted this.

“What’s the catch?”

“How can there be a catch?” she inquired, kissing his ear. “To win this contest, one of us must get a posterior close to the other’s face. This is not feasible while we are sexually connected.”

His body kept thrusting despite his distrust. He jammed in another inch. Then the orgasm overtook him, and he sent his semen into her close chamber.

“Smartly accomplished,” she murmured. Her firm vagina loosened further, and his pumping member slid in to full depth as it completed its fluid delivery. “You are indeed an apt partner. I am discovering my own climax.” Her body heated, her vagina clenched, and she breathed harder. “Oh, yes, yes!” She found his mouth again for a passionate kiss.

“You didn’t even bite,” he said after a moment.

“I was tempted, believe me. But I wanted the fuck more than the bite, at this moment. Of course I could still form teeth in my cunt and bite your pecker off.”

Prior froze, appalled. She laughed.

“But it’s against the rules for this sort of engagement. Real cunts don’t have teeth, so mine can’t either, or I forfeit the match. Had you going there a moment, didn’t I!”

“You did. I’m sorry I had to do that, then. Biting you, I mean. This is much nicer.”

“Thank you. Sometimes it is indeed possible to mix pleasure with business, however fleetingly.”

He was, amazingly, almost getting to like her. Then he looked past her flaring hair and saw Tantamount wincing.

“The biting lizard!” he exclaimed. “You’re stalling so it can hurt her!”

“Curses, foiled again,” she said, laughing. Suddenly all pressure ceased and he felt his penis dribbling into space. Her center section had dematerialized.

Yet it had been one fine fuck. Furious that he had fallen for this diversion, Prior grabbed her—and his hands passed through her body without resistance. “Huh?”

“I am doing what I should have done a year ago,” she said. “Spot dematerializing so that you can’t manhandle me. But I’m glad we were able to connect before things got serious; there’s something special about mortal sperm.”