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“He didn’t really kill my father. Warren did,” I said when I could get words out over the lumps in my throat. The tears just fell down my cheeks into my hand.

“Oh, Carla darling,” Regan whispered, kissing my cheek. “We’re both pretty battered around right now but, in time, the worst hurt heals.”

“Ohho,” DeLord drawled in an altered voice. “Have I been outmaneuvered?”

Whether he meant it or not, the absurdity penetrated my grief.

“Rank has a few privileges,” Regan retorted quickly.

“Well,” DeLord chuckled, looking at our faces, “that would have pleased the Old Man no end.” He laughed again at our expressions. “I know. In Paris he was bending my ear either about Miss Carla - he always called you Carlysle - or you, Laird. I didn’t get the significance until I met you, Miss Carla,” and grinning mischievously, DeLord inclined his head graciously at me.

“Then, Bob, would you give me away, kind of in loco parentis?”

For a brief second DeLord looked startled. Then he smiled broadly.

“Miss Carla, it would be my honor. But unless you two plan on an early wedding, I might not be able to oblige. I don’t know how long I can string out the wrap-up of this assignment.”

“It only takes three days .” I pleaded with Regan.

“Shotgun wedding, by God!” he complained dramatically.

“Wouldn’t be the first time for you, I imagine,” I teased coolly back, rewarded by the look of shocked dismay on the major’s face.

“Why, you impudent little bit of a thing. It was no such .” Then Regan caught himself as he realized he’d fallen for the bait.

The noise had roused Merlin who barked joyously, wagging his tail and cavorting stiff-leggedly around.

“Ah,” Bob DeLord put in tentatively, “would you mind, Miss Carla, if I fixed myself a little something to eat? I left Edwards in rather a hurry this morning and - “

“Holy Moses, it’s nearly lunchtime,” I cried. “You both must be ravenous. There’s some canned soup. Will that take the edge off your appetite while I fix something more substantial?”

I flung open a cupboard door, standing on tiptoe to read the labels.

“That sounds just fine, Miss Carla.”

I had both hands on the countertop to give myself a boost upward when Regan roared at me.

“James Carlysle Murdock, if I’ve told you once I’ve - “

” - told you a thousand times to use the stool,” I finished for him, ducking guiltily and turning to grimace at my love.

As he swung me up to the top of the stool to kiss me, I had one brief glimpse of Bob DeLord, ducking his head to soothe the bullet crease with careful fingers.