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“And your relationships?” His aura burned with a curiosity that made her uneasy. “What about them, la mia tigrotta? Have you given up on commitment because of your parents?”

Her breath caught at his directness, but she forged on. “I have many healthy relationships on my own terms.” She uttered the lie without a shred of guilt. “Do I believe finding real love in this lifetime is almost impossible? Hell, yes. It’s proven over and over again. Why bother? Why dive into obvious pain and heartache unless you find someone you’d die for? And personally, I don’t think he’s out there. But I have a damn good time finding Mr. Right Now.”

The low hum of the plane’s engine was the only sound between them. “I’m sorry.”

His softly spoken words made her lips tighten. “Why?” she challenged. “I wasn’t beaten, starved, or abused. I grew up in a mansion with nannies, cooks, and any toy I asked for. I do what I want, when I want, and don’t answer to anyone. Why on earth would you be sorry for me? I got more than most.” He nodded, but she sensed he didn’t believe her. “I feel sorrier for you.”

Michael jerked back. “Me?”

“Sure. After all, I already know your secrets.”

The taunt hit the bull’s-eye. He stiffened and deliberately took a sip of his Scotch. “Ah, but I feel the same way. I am what you Americans call an open book.” The matching wedding band flashed as he waved his hand in the air.

She practically purred with the delight of taking the focus off her. “You had a close family with plenty of support. Money and success on your own terms. And you couldn’t find one woman to pretend she loves you for a lousy week. No wonder your mother is insistent on keeping to tradition. Has there been even one serious relationship in your past?”

Anger flashed in his coal-black eyes.

“I date,” he responded coldly. “Just because I haven’t found The One yet doesn’t mean I’m closed off.”

“Nice recovery. So what are you looking for, Count? What type of woman gets you all hot and bothered to settle down?”

He muttered something under his breath, and she settled back to enjoy the show. “I’d love to settle down and give my mother what she wants,” he finally stated. “But not at my expense. You see, cara, I believe in the love you say is impossible. I just believe it’s hard to find, and I refuse to compromise.”

“So all these women you take to your bed, do you seduce them for the challenge, the pleasure, or because you hope she’s The One?”

His eyes glittered as she threw down the gauntlet. Again, he impressed her with his dual ability to switch from smooth charmer to a man who refused to play games. “I hope. I take them to bed, concentrate on their pleasure, and hope in the morning I want more.”

Her breath strangled in her throat. Her surroundings tilted as his words echoed her own empty search for someone to slay the demons in the evening and be enough under the harsh morning light. Her heart galloped but this time it wasn’t panic that caused the blood rush.

It was Michael Conte.

Her fingers clenched around the delicate stem of her glass. The leashed sensuality radiating around his figure pulled her in and kept her caught in his web as he stared at her in sudden realization. “You experience it, too, don’t you?”

His harsh question made her flinch.

“Do you take them to bed to escape the loneliness, hoping it will end up to be more? Do you wake up in the morning with a sick feeling in your stomach, knowing you lied to yourself again? Do you wonder if you’re meant to be alone? Wonder if something deep down is holding you back?”

God, yes.

Sudden tears threatened. The horror of such messy emotion made her fight back for her control. She’d never admit such weakness and want to this man. He’d use it against her, to climb under her skin and probe for secrets. She knew what drove her, knew the empty hole inside of her started at sixteen when a boy she trusted took everything hopeful and good and bright and crushed it beneath his heel. But she’d gotten strong and chosen revenge in her own way. She’d never let anyone take away the choice of her sexuality or her control.

If Michael stripped her bare, she’d have nothing left.

So she smiled and lifted her glass in a salute. “Sorry, Count. I take them to bed because they look good. But thanks for sharing.”

The insult did what she hoped. The openness closed up as if a thundercloud passed over the sun and choked off the light. Her stomach flipped as the gleam of disappointment flashed in his eyes along with a tinge of regret. For one moment, she’d felt more connected with a man than ever before. Even in bed.

“I see. We shall play by the rules then, yes?”

She didn’t answer. With deliberate motions she picked up her magazine and tuned him out. Michael took the hint and they passed the next few hours in silence. Finally, the intercom lit up and the pilot’s voice came over the speaker.

“Sir, we are due to touch down at Orio al Serio within fifteen minutes. Please fasten your seat belts.”

Michael pressed the button. “Thank you, Richard.”

They clipped their buckles. Maggie drained her wine and ignored the empty ache in her gut.

* * *

Michael glanced at the poised woman by his side as he wound his way through the curvy hills toward his home. The top was down, and her gold-red hair blew in the wind in a tangled mass, but she didn’t seem concerned. Her pursed lips told him she was thinking hard, probably getting into character to meet his family. During the last twenty-four hours, he’d learned a lot about Maggie Ryan.

Unfortunately, the tiny glimpse only made him crave more.

The vivid green of trees and brown earth flashed by and welcomed him in a way that soothed his soul. His family owned land from generations back, which had all been passed to him. But he’d always known from his first visit to New York City that he longed to make his mark there. Papa took him to visit his uncle, and the bustle of Manhattan fascinated his sense of challenge. Unfortunately, the crowds and chaos did not call to his need for privacy and land. When he decided to expand La Dolce Famiglia in the States, he sought the excitement of Manhattan in a location that offered a more laid-back atmosphere. As he traveled upstate, a hidden jewel revealed herself in the majestic mountains of the Hudson Valley, and he knew he’d found the place he could finally call home.

Though he was happy in New York, his birthplace always gave him a certain strength. A reminder of the man he was and where he came from. On his own land, there was no bullshit or pretending. In the spinning world of technology and money and competitive business, he needed to remind himself of the things that were important.

The walled city of Bergamo reminded him of a treasure surrounded by a fortress. Snugly situated at the foothills of the Alps and separated into upper and lower towns, the combination of Old and New World mingled into sheer perfection. He enjoyed the sleek feel of the sports car as he moved from the Città Bassa to the Città Alta and the bustling city fell away to a quiet, country hush. A sense of peace and satisfaction coursed through him as he neared home.

He caught the musky scent of sandalwood in the air and shifted in his seat. Everything about Maggie was a sexual contrast. The hunter in him longed to dive underneath her surface and find what made her tick.

Her stunned look when he confessed his secret punched through his chest. He’d never told of his empty search for a woman to complete him. After all, most men would laugh, and women may take up the challenge to storm the barriers of his heart. She’d gotten him so pissed, the words burst out of his mouth. But her obvious recognition revealed her own deepest longing.