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«Exactly; that’s student orientation. The point being that none buy from the Carlyle suppliers. From Nimrod.»

«You explained that. The Nimrod people don’t want to be advertised.»

«But they’re here. They’re used.»

«By whom?»

«Faculty and staff,» answered Loring calmly, flipping over a page. «This may be a surprise. Mr. and Mrs. Archer Beeson …»

Matlock immediately pictured the young history instructor and his wife. They were Ivy League conformity itself—falsely arrogant, aesthetically precious. Archer Beeson was a young man in an academic hurry; his wife, the perfect faculty ingenue, carelessly sexy, always in awe.

«They’re with LSD and the methedrines. Acid and speed.»

«Good Lord! They fooled the hell out of me. How do you know?»

«It’s too complicated to go into, also restricted. To oversimplify: they, he, used to purchase heavily from a distributor in Bridgeport. The contact was terminated and he didn’t show up on any other lists. But he’s not off. We think he made the Carlyle connection. No proof, though … Here’s another.»

It was the coach of varsity soccer, a jock who worked in physical education. His items were marijuana and amphetamines; his previous source, Hartford. He was considered a pusher on campus, not a user. Although the Hartford source was no longer employed, the man’s varied and dummied bank accounts continued to grow. Assumption: Nimrod.

And another. This one frightening to Matlock. The assistant dean of admissions. An alumnus of Carlyle who returned to the campus after a brief career as a salesman. He was a flamboyant, open-handed man; a proselytizer for the cause of Carlyle. A popular enthusiast in these days of cynicism. He, too, was considered a distributor, not a user. He covered himself well through second- and third-level pushers.

«We think he came back here through the Nimrod organization. Good positioning on Nimrod’s part.»

«Goddamn scarey. That son of a bitch makes parents think he’s a combination of astronaut and chaplain.»

«Good positioning, as I said. Remember? I told you and Kresseclass="underline" the Nimrod people have interests that go beyond drugs.»

«But you don’t know what they are.»

«We’d better find out… Here’s the breakdown of the kids.»

The names of the students seemed endless to Matlock. There were 563 out of a total enrollment of 1200 plus. The government man admitted that many were included not because of confirmation of individual use, but due to their campus affiliations. Clubs and fraternities were known to pool resources for the purchase of narcotics.

«We haven’t the time to ascertain the validity of every name. We’re looking for relationships; any, no matter how remote. You’ve got to have all kinds of avenues; we can’t restrict them… And there’s one aspect to this list; I don’t know whether you see it or not.»

«I certainly do. At least, I think I do. Twenty or thirty names here ring loud bells in several high places. Some very influential parents. Industry, government. Here.» Matlock pointed. «The president’s cabinet, if I’m not mistaken. And I’m not.»

«You see.» Loring smiled.

«Has any of this had any effect?»

«We don’t know. Could have, could be. The Nimrod tentacles are spreading out fast. That’s why the alarms are sounding; louder than your bells. Speaking unofficially, there could be repercussions no one’s dreamed of… Defense overruns, union contracts, forced installations. You name it. It could be related.»

«Jesus Christ,» said Matlock softly.


The two men heard the front door of Sealfont’s mansion open and shut. As if by reflex, Loring calmly took the papers from Matlock’s hand and quickly replaced them in his briefcase. He closed the case and then did an unexpected thing. He silently, almost unobtrusively, whipped back his jacket and curled his fingers around the handle of a revolver in a small holster strapped to his chest. The action startled Matlock. He stared at the hidden hand.

The library door opened and Adrian Sealfont walked in. Loring casually removed his hand from inside his coat. Sealfont spoke kindly.

«I do try. I honestly do. I understand the words and the pictures and take no offense whatsoever at the braided hair. What confuses me is the hostility. Anyone past thirty is the natural enemy of these fellows.»

«That was Strauss, wasn’t it?» asked Matlock.

«Yes. Someone inquired about the New Wave influence. He replied that the New Wave was ancient history. Prehistoric, was his word… I won’t interrupt you gentlemen. I would, however, like to know Kressel’s status, Mr. Loring. Obviously, James has accepted.»

«So has Mr. Kressel, sir. He’ll act as liaison between us.»

«I see.» Sealfont looked at Matlock. There was a sense of relief in his eyes. «James, I can tell you now. I’m extremely grateful you’ve decided to help.»

«I don’t think there’s an alternative.»

«There isn’t. What’s frightening is the possibility of such total involvement. Mr. Loring, I’ll want to be advised the minute you have anything concrete. At that point, I shall do whatever you wish, follow any instructions. All I ask is that you supply me with proof and you’ll have my complete, my official cooperation.»

«I understand, sir. You’ve been very helpful. More than we had a right to expect. We appreciate it.»

«As James said, there is no alternative. But I must impose limits; my first obligation is to this institution. The campuses these days might appear dormant; I think that’s a surface evaluation… You have work to do and I have some reading to finish. Good night, Mr. Loring. James.»

Matlock and the government man nodded their goodnights as Adrian Sealfont closed the library door.

By one o’clock, Matlock could absorb no more. The main elements—names, sources, conjectures—were locked in; he would never forget them. Not that he could recite everything by rote; that wasn’t expected. But the sight of any particular individual on the lists would trigger a memory response. He knew Loring was right about that. It was why the agent insisted that he say the names out loud, repeating them several times each. It would be enough.

What he needed now was a night’s sleep, if sleep would come. Let everything fall into some kind of perspective. Then in the morning he could begin to make initial decisions, determine which individuals should be approached, selecting those least likely to come in contact with one another. And this meant familiarizing himself with immediate friends, faculty or student body status—dozens of isolated fragments of information beyond the data supplied by Loring. Kressel’s files—the ones he disclaimed having—would help.

Once in conversations he’d have to make his way carefully—thrusting, parrying, watching for signs, looks, betrayals.

Somewhere, with someone, it would happen.

«I’d like to go back to something,» said Loring. «Background material.»

«We’ve covered an awful lot. Maybe I should digest what I’ve got.»

«This won’t take a minute. It’s important.» The agent reached into his briefcase and withdrew the filthy, scissored paper. «Here, this is yours.»

«Thanks for I-don’t-know-what.» Matlock took the once-shining silver paper and looked at the strange script.

«I told you it was written in Oltremontan-Corsican and, except for two words, that’s correct. At the bottom, on a single line, you’ll see the phrase Venerare Omerta. That’s not Corsican, it’s Sicilian. Or a Sicilian contraction, to be precise.»

«I’ve seen it before.»

«I’m sure you have. It’s been given wide distribution in newspapers, movies, fiction. But that doesn’t lessen its impact on those concerned by it. It’s very real.»