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The garage called before noon and Lou was sore. "Pete, you cocksucker, that car belonged to the raped girl, huh?"

"Why d'you think that, for crissake?"

"I know you, baby."

"Hell, I didn't fuck that broad-that's not the car."

"My boys say different. There's jism all over the seat and the description checks. Don't bring me no more cars, hotcock."

Pete hung up the phone. "Fuck you," he said to the instrument.

"Fuck who?" Lilli asked.

He patted her bottom. "You, cutie." He ran his hand up her leg and tickled her snatch.

She grabbed for his zipper. "I think I hear Putzie calling me… " Pete sprawled on the couch and let her suck him off, again. CHAPTER THREE Pete slipped out of the apartment and over to Hinkey's Bar and Grill which was next to the market. Between them, Hinkey and the market kept up a bulletin board service. You could find everything listed… if you dug the patter… from queens looking for cocks, to guys wanting rides anywhere.

There was always a crowd, standing, staring, chatting, looking up the girls' skirts, drinking. Pete began at one end of the board to work his way down, looking for someone going west who wanted a passenger.

He found it in about fifteen minutes, called the phone number, got a guy named Lanny, and went to the apartment, two blocks over. Lanny turned out to be a wiry, thin-faced guy who wore glasses and dressed well. He had a broad with him, a dark cunt with a roving eye. Her name was Edna.

The first time Pete looked at her, he knew she'd fuck if he could get her alone. She had the cock-look-what the guys called cock-in-the-eye. She looked at you but she was measuring your weenie. She was taller than Lilli, had smaller breasts, but very groovy legs. He had to look past her because he wanted to bend over and run his hands over those legs. Man, she was a cock tease just being in the same room.

Lanny seemed to be an OK shit. He had a Chev, he said, in good shape. He needed someone to share the gas because he was temporarily flat. They had a drink together, and Peter thought that Lanny was looking him over about the same way Edna was. What the fuck was the deal?

He told them he had a woman, Lilli, and he thought Edna smirked at Lanny when she heard it.

But they got together on the details. "We'll leave in a couple hours if it's OK with you," Lanny said.

.Pete left for the apartment thinking about Edna. She had opened the door for him when he went out, and had let her fingers slide over his hand like it was accidental. But it wasn't. She would spread open like a flower, and he would shove his pecker into her honey as soon as they got the chance.

Lilli was all packed. They didn't have much to bother with anyway, a few clothes, extra pair of shoes, some dirty pictures taken with a Polaroid camera. She kissed him when he entered and rubbed his fly, looking questioningly.

"We're all set," he said, and told her about Lanny and the gash. "You're sure you wanna go?"

"Hell yes," Lilli said, looking surprised. She had him unzipped, giggled. "Putzie wants to go… lookit, he's standing up-"

He snickered. Some of that hard-on was caused by Edna's ass. All he had to do was think of sticking it up Edna and it stirred. He lifted Lilli's skirt and rubbed her fanny.

She asked, "How much time we got?" "Two hours. Time for a good fuck."

She had both hands on the cock, squeezing, pulling, jazzing it; one hand slid down and cupped his balls. She took a long time answering. "Well, OK, if you promise…"

"Promise what?" He knew what she meant.

"Promise not to come in me."

He rubbed her ass briskly. "Yeh, I promise, cutie." He turned her toward the bedroom and slapped her ass. She squealed and began to unfasten the skirt.

By the time she reached the bed she was nude. He kicked his shoes off and unbuttoned his shirt watching her. Lilli, with a lewd grin on her pretty face, put both hands behind her head and did a lit- tie cooch dance for him, wriggling her loins in a very obscene way.

"I think I'll fuck you in th' ass," he said.

She only giggled. He had tried to get his cock up her asshole a dozen times, but the pecker was too big. He had tried with soap, Vaseline, some white cream she got in the drugstone, but nothing worked. For a few weeks he had diligently worked his finger up her ass and goosed her a half hour at a time while she was sprawled along the couch swinging on his joint, but it hadn't helped. She had enjoyed it, but no go.

"Putzie's too big," she said, loving it.

When he got his clothes off he pulled her down onto the bed. "Jus' a minute," she insisted. He had to wait while she sat in front of him and sucked on the cock, getting it all nice and wet.

Then she laid down with a sigh and he got on her quickly and tucked it in. He fucked Lilli about once a week if he was lucky. She was such an expert at catching the prick in her mouth that he almost had to force her to spread her legs. But when he did it was humpy. She was a crazy fuck, and tight. She had good muscle tone in her cunt. That was the good thing about Lilli-whichever end you put the cock in it was tight.

He got it in deep, with her legs wrapped around him, and began to pump. Holding her tightly he looked at her. "Don't you like that, for crissakes?"

"I like it when you do it."

"What the fuck kind of an answer is that?" He never could understand why such a sexpot didn't care for screwing.

"Don't fight it, baby," she whispered, licking his lips. "I jus' happen to like it the other way."

He gave up. He had asked her about that a thousand times and always got the same answer. Lilli was a cocksucker. Don't fight it.

"And don't forget," she said.

"Yeah, OK" He set up a rhythm, nice and easy, just get the friction going-don't shoot the jizz for crissakes-Marylee used to call it jizz. Marylee was fourteen when he met her, and had an electric cunt. The fucking*on' switch was wired in that position. He had never got her alone when she said, "no," not even when she had the rag on. What the hell happened to Marylee?

"What's she like?" Lilli asked.* "Huh? Who?" "The girl, what's-her-name, the one we're going with."

"Oh, her. Edna. I dunno, dark, tits, prob'ly got a cunt somewheres under her belly Lilli giggled. "Yen, probably. They married?" "Hell, I dunno. Rub my ass."

She rubbed it and kissed him at the same time. Lilli could do wonderful things with her tongue. It came from so much pricksucking, he thought. When Lilli put her tongue in his mouth it was an experience. She tantalized his tongue and sucked it like it was a cock. It made shivers run up and down his spine.

He goosed her with the cock, jabbing it and rolling on her slightly to give her clit a good working over. She writhed and bucked back at him. He bit her ear lightly. "You're a great screw, cutie."

"Don't you come in me," she warned.

"I'm gonna come in your ear," he said.

She giggled. "It feels big as a football in me."

"I wish I could get it up your ass."

She kissed him crazily for a minute. "Don't you likewhatldot'you?"

Pete sighed. Women! "Oh course I love it," he said, licking tongues with her. "You're the best cocksucker in-"

"Don't call me a cocksucker, honey… huh, please?" «why-what else?" They'd had this talk before too. "-Well, it sounds funny."

"Okay, but just between us, eutie, you are a great cocksucker." He punctuated the words by ramming the cock in. "The-greatest-cock-sucker-in-the-world."

Lilli giggled. "Okay, just between us. I'm a cocksucker."

"You're a Putzi-sucker."

She giggled delightedly, "Lemme suck:'im right now…"

"In a minute." He paused. "How many guys you sucked off, cutie?"

"I dunno."

She never would tell him. "A dozen guys?"

"Yeah." "Ahunnerd?"

She slapped his ass with both hands. "C'mon up and sit on my tits, huh?" "What difference it make how many guys you Mowed?" "Then why d'you want to know?"

He rammed her hard with the pecker. "I think I'll blow the wad right here." She squealed. "You promised, you sonofabitch!"

Pete laughed. "Okay, I won't, relax." He jabbed her with it for a minute. "How many guys?"