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“So what do we stand for, Billy Flint?”

“Truth and justice, Charlotte Steel,” said Billy. “Following the clues wherever they take us. Finishing the case no matter what.”

“I suppose you’re right, Billy,” said Charley. “Remind me why you’ve brought us here?”

Billy smiled at his partner. “Do you remember the mummy’s final word?”

Charley nodded. How could she forget? “Peace.”

“Exactly,” said Billy. “And peace is one thing that our vital witness hasn’t known in a very long time. The case isn’t closed until Angry Annie gets justice too.”

The place was empty. Billy had even asked the barman to leave.

“Annabel,” said Billy gently. “It’s me, Billy.”

The ghost girl announced her presence with an icy blast.

“Is she here?” Charley asked, shivering.

“She’s here,” said Billy.

“I didn’t think you’d come back,” said Annie.

“I promised,” said Billy. “And I always keep my promises.”

“Can you really help me?” said Annie.

“I can,” said Billy.

Annabel’s face lit up. Charley smiled too, as the room began to thaw. She knew that Billy was as good as his word.

“What do you need from me?” Annabel pleaded. “I’ll do anything.” There was a hint of desperation in her voice.

“Please,” said Billy, “you don’t need to earn your freedom. It’s a gift.” Ghostly tears welled in Annabel’s eyes. “It’s time for you to move on to a better place,” said Billy. “If you want me to, I’d like to say a few words in Latin and then you’ll be released from the chains that you’ve bound yourself in.”

A light sparkled in Annabel’s eyes, making them seem blue and clear for the first time, instead of grey and dead.

Billy began. The words he spoke had a beauty and music that was all their own.

Peace fell upon the Last Drop Tavern. Charley couldn’t explain what she was experiencing. She felt safe, wrapped in a blanket of love. Accepted. Forgiven. Charley closed her eyes and it was a summer’s day inside her mind. The warmth was all around her. She was running through a field, laughing. The sheer joy actually spilled over her lips and Charley laughed out loud. She opened her eyes, worried she had spoiled the moment somehow.

Billy was sitting there with a huge smile on his face.

“Has she gone?” asked Charley.

The answer came in the shape of a single white feather, appearing out of nowhere and floating down towards them. “I don’t understand,” said Charley, picking the feather up and examining it.

“Neither do I,” said Billy. “Wonderful, isn’t it?”

Roll up, roll up, if you dare, to Doctor Vindicta’s Carnival! Gasp at the dancing ghosts! Grimace at the creepy clowns! Giggle in the hall of mirrors!

It’s all harmless fun and frights…until a young boy disappears. The police believe he’s run away, but his sister swears he was snatched by a monster.

Only the bravest detectives can arrest a demon: Billy Flint and Charley Steel, aka S.C.R.E.A.M., top-secret investigators of Supernatural Crimes, Rescues, Emergencies and Mysteries.

It is 1891 and London is at war. High up on the rooftops lives a ragtag band of orphans and spies – the Watchers – protectors of the city. Below the cobbled streets lurks the Legion, a ruthless gang of cut-throats and thieves, plotting to unleash the forces of HELL.

When a mysterious coin falls into his hands, street urchin, Ben Kingdom, is flung into the midst of this ancient battle. The fate of the world now rests with Ben, but which side will he choose? An army of angels…or the claws of evil.


The Battles of Ben Kingdom

The Claws of Evil

The Feast of Ravens

The City of Fear

Firstly, I want to thank Rebecca Hill for her unstinting support. Thanks also to Will Steele for his awesome design work and the brilliant Manuel Šumberac for his stunning cover. Special thanks, as always, go to the rather wonderful Anne Finnis; my first guide in the world of publishing. I must also mention Helen Greathead; I’ll never forget your help.

As always, my pleasure in writing this book has been increased by the invaluable input from my talented editor, Stephanie King. Once again your instincts for a good story have steered me right, Stephanie. Thank you.

Special mention to my beloved Auntie Valerie on her 80th birthday – bon anniversaire!

Darling Jules; always and forever. Ben and Lucy; you are my heroes…you both get more incredible with every chapter. Thanks Ben for help with the acronym! Mum and Dad; I’m so proud of you. Mam and Jack; thanks for being there. Amanda; love you, sis.

Father; thank you for everything.

Some of you reading The Mummy’s Revenge might have spotted your own name in the text. If you did, this means that I think you are a thoroughly super person. Alternatively it might mean that you just happen to sound like a servant or criminal. You know who you are!

Andrew Beasley was born in Hertfordshire, and has spent most of his life with his nose buried in a book.

As a student he read law in Bristol, but was disappointed to discover that life as a lawyer wasn’t as exciting as books had led him to believe. He then spent a number of years travelling extensively across Europe for work, although he didn’t see much of it because he was usually reading a book.

Andrew is now a primary school teacher, where he shares his passion for storytelling with his class. Andrew lives in Cornwall with his wife and their two children, Ben and Lucy.

First published in the UK in 2017 by Usborne Publishing Ltd., Usborne House, 83-85 Saffron Hill, London EC1N 8RT, England. www.usborne.com

Text copyright © Andrew Beasley, 2017

The right of Andrew Beasley to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by him in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988.

Cover illustration by Manuel Šumberac. Hieroglyphics by Ian McNee. Illustration copyright © Usborne Publishing Ltd.

The name Usborne and the devices are Trade Marks of Usborne Publishing Ltd.

All rights reserved. This ebook is copyright material and must not be copied, reproduced, transferred, distributed, leased, licensed or used in any way except as allowed under the terms and conditions under which it was purchased or loaned or as strictly permitted by applicable copyright law. Any unauthorised distribution or use of this text may be a direct infringement of the author’s and publisher’s rights and those responsible may be liable in law accordingly.

This is a work of fiction. The characters, incidents, and dialogues are products of the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.

ePub ISBN: 9781474919388

Batch number: 03957/02