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"You see, I told you that you'd like what we had."

"Yes. Just put it in me. I want it! I want it!"

I did and I grabbed it and guided it to my burning hole. This time it felt good, and I had a small climax as it was sinking into me. In moments, I was thrashing about and pitching to his cock as it pounded into me.

I was having a series of climaxes as his dick shot into me and I wanted him to hurry so I could fuck the other one again. Then he too was between my legs, driving his dick into me to the hilt. I loved the feel of his balls slapping against my ass each time he'd drive his rod into me, then the feel of it swelling as he came in me, making me squeal in sheer pleasure. I couldn't get enough of it, and I wanted the third guy in the worst way. It was fast and wild this time with him. I felt frenzied as I wrapped my legs around him. We came together again and again.

Then they were leaving.

"Wait, it's early yet. We have time to do it some more."

It was my voice pleading with them to fuck me again. I could hardly believe my ears.

"Naw, we got to get home and do our chores. Maybe some other time."

I felt hurt as I watched the three of them walk away, but I also knew I needed to get back to Uncle Harold's and Aunt Clara's before they got upset and thought I was lost or had run away from them.

They weren't home yet when I got there, so I ran upstairs and took a quick bath. In my room, I got some other clothes and brushed my hair. Sitting there brushing, I could still smell their sweat, and the different smell of each one of them. I could remember the sounds of each as they'd groaned in the throes of their coming. Each had his own sound.

My pussy was quite sore from the grinding workout they had given it. There was another kind of ache in my pussy between my legs, one of being empty and wanting to feel the warmth between them, something hard thrust into my sheath, filling it.

I heard the pick-up pulling in as I came back downstairs. I ran out and helped them bring the groceries in, then helped Aunt Clara get supper started.

"See, Clara. She was all right while we were gone. Matter of fact, must've done her some good. She how rosy her cheeks look. Well, I'll get the cows milked and fed and get on back because I'm mighty hungry and them vittles smell good."

After supper, I washed the dishes and put them away while Aunt Clara did some sewing and Uncle Harold read his paper. Then it was time for bed so we could get up in the morning and go to church.

I wasn't much for going because I felt like everyone in church would look at me and would know what I'd done.

I soon forgot those thoughts as I crawled between the sheets. Pulling my shorty nightgown up, I began exploring my breasts. The nipples went hard at the first touch and I caught my breath at the tingling sensation running from there to the core of my sex. I hadn't put the panties on, and now ran my fingers along my stomach muscles and traced them along the lines of my pubic hairs, then pulled and teased them lightly as the sexual warmth spread from my loins to the rest of me. Then I teased the pouting, puffy lips of my pussy. The moisture had seeped out onto the hairs along them. My fingers slid between them and the soft silky texture of my flesh sent a delicious feeling racing along my spine. Their dicks had felt the same softness as they had slid between my pussy lips and into my wetness.

I caught my breath again as I pushed my two fingers into my hole and began working them in and out, letting my thumb and heel of my hand rub my clit. Within a few short minutes, I had a climax that shook me to the center of my being. Then fell into a sound, deep sleep.


The next morning I felt good, and even though I had qualms about going to church, I was soon ready. We drove to church. Everything was going fine until the choir filed in. There, third from the end in the fourth row, was the third boy. When our eyes met, I turned crimson from the top of my head to the heels of my feet. A blush spread on his face. Even his tan didn't hide it. I nearly choked.

After church, I went straight to the car, hoping my aunt and uncle would hurry. I didn't want to face him if I could avoid him.

"Hi! I'm Tad Thatcher. What's your name?" Even before I turned to answer, I knew it was him.

"Sheila Henderson. I'm visiting my aunt and uncle for a few days. Tad did you say?"

"Yes. Look, I'm sorry about last night. I just got carried away. But you did, too."

"I don't want to discuss it. I'd rather forget it ever happened." I felt the blush to my toes.

"Okay. I just thought that you might like to go for a walk this afternoon if I get out that way. I really wanted to tell you that I was sorry and apologize to you."

"Well, you have and I'd rather not see you again or talk to you."

I watched him turn and walk away and wondered why I had said that when I had really wanted to get naked with him, and fuck some more, even feel his beautiful dick in my hands and suck it like the other girls said they'd done to boys.

I wondered how his jism would taste and if it would choke me when he'd cum in my mouth. But I made him run off.

I watched for him all afternoon, hoping he'd come anyway. I had it all planned out: I'd walk into the woods and he'd follow me. Then I'd lead him to my swimming place and strip my clothes off, pretending I was alone. Then I'd stretch out on the ground and play with myself. He'd get hot watching me and would come to me with his hard dick and fuck me. I'd fight a little, then really get down with him. Then we'd swim a while. Rack on the grass, I'd suck him until he came again.

That night I fingered myself three times to that fantasy. The next few days were the same. He had taken me at my word. I was so mad at myself, I could've cried.

I knew my father would call for me soon. But when the mailman came, there wasn't even a card from him. In my room I did cry, then fell asleep.

"Sheila, Sheila! Your father's here. Come on downstairs."

I rushed down and there he was, big smile and all. I jumped into his arms and kissed him with tears running down my cheeks.

We loaded my suitcase and then he handed me the keys to the car along with a big kiss and hug. We said our good-byes to Uncle Harold and Aunt Clara and were on our way. It was a long drive to Oklahoma City from Arkansas.

I went straight to my room when we got home and for once I didn't even finger myself. Instead, I went to sleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. I wanted to be up before Dad and surprise him with breakfast.

"Hey, that smells good. How'd you manage to get out of bed so early?"

"It wasn't easy, but I wanted to surprise you. I was thinking that to earn my spending money, instead of paying a maid to come in, I could do the housework, and you could pay me what you'd pay her."

"Sounds all right with me, if you're sure you want to."

"Well, it would take care of my gas money."

"Okay. I'll call the maid service when I get to work and have them discontinue service. You're as good a cook as your mother."

That was exactly what I was hoping he'd say, because I intended to keep the house anyway and he might as well get used to it. I couldn't help a smile.

After he left for work, I ran back upstairs and got into a pair of cut-off shorts, leaving my panties off. I hated panties anyway as the elastic in the waist and legs always felt like it was cutting into me. For the same reason, I left my bra off. I loved the feel of my breasts swinging free. I didn't even slip my shoes on because it felt good running around barefooted.

By ten-thirty, I had the whole house straight. I decided to do the laundry tomorrow as I plopped down on the sofa with a cold Coke. The phone rang.

"Barbara! Yes, I got back last night! Hey, why don't you come over and we'll go for a hamburger and malt? You don't have a way over? Well, I'll come and get you!"