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Ted lay down on the floor on the far side of the bed, his heart beating a tattoo against his chest. Her sonofabitchin' old man would kill him if he found him in here.

Eva crossed the room quietly and crawled onto her bed and under the covers.

They heard quiet talking for a while, and then a soft rap on the door.

The door opened and her father looked in. "She's sound asleep," he said, and closed the door.

A gasp of relief dribbled wetly from Ted's trembling lips. With effort he calmed his shaking body and finally lay quietly in the darkness.

Eva's hand crept over the edge of the bed and found his face.

"Come up in bed with me," she said.

"Are you out of your mind?" Ted hissed.

"He won't come back," she reassured him. "It's more comfortable up here with me."

Ted lay still for several minutes listening to her heavy breathing and finally got to his knees. His hands searched for her under the covers. They found her. She was naked, and she was playing with herself. She felt his hand on her belly and reached up and pulled it into her hairy crotch.

"Fuck me, Ted," she said softly, nuzzling his fingers into her cunt.

"Are you kidding?" he said. "I don't think I'll ever be able to get it up again, besides, I'm getting the hell out of here."

"You'd better wait a little while to be sure they're asleep. Come on up here with me."

He reluctantly got up and crawled under the covers, clothes, shoes and all. Her hand went immediately to his fly and unzipped. He was soft and limp, even in her warm, moving hand.

"Ouch! You got the hair caught in the Goddamn zipper," he cried, pulling away from her.

"You talk a little different, now that you've had your way."

"You pulled it all out of me, baby."

"I sure did, didn't I?" she said proudly. "Kiss me."

"Not after what you did."

Eva sat bolt upright. "After what I did?" she cried.

"You sucked me off, kid. You're a cocksucker."

"You dirty bastard. You said you'd never call me that when you used to beg me to do it to you."

"Well, you sucked my cock. Didn't you?"

"Yes, but…"

"Then you're a cocksucker. Plain and simple."

"You rotten son-of-a-bitch," she cried, her voice getting shrill and loud.

"Shut up or you'll get your old man in here."

"Like hell I'll shut up…"

He pulled her back down and kissed her, anything to close her yapping mouth. She relaxed immediately, her bare leg going over his hip. He felt a stirring in his loins.

"I'm getting the hell out of here. I'm too young to die," he said, struggling out of her grasp and onto his feet.

He eluded her lunge and went around the bed and gently opened the door. It looked clear so he tiptoed down the hall to the front door. It opened quietly and he was outside before he realized she was right behind him. She followed him across the porch and down the steps, where he finally stopped and turned.

"Christ, Eva, get back in the house. You're bare ass naked!"

She threw her arms around his neck. "Don't leave me now, Teddy. I need a fuck!" she cried.

"Get away from me, you nutty broad. You're drunk and all screwed up." He struggled to get away from her, but she clung to his neck. They were almost to the street when he finally went down in the grass, flat on his back with Eva on top of him.

"Now I've got you, Ted Baxter, and I'm going to fuck you," she said, her hand tearing at his fly.

It was a bright, clear moonlit night with the crisp coldness of winter nearing. She looked like a sex Goddess bathed in the pale yellow moonlight.

Ted looked at her heavy tits and then down at his crotch where his cock was rising from his open fly. It was hard as a iron bar.

"Okay, baby, fuck me," he said, "Fuck me right out here in the street where all your neighbors can watch."

She groaned, pointing his prick toward her cunt, and slowly let her weight down on him. His cock sunk to the hilt in her wet cunt. She lay across him and started humping, lifting up until he was almost out and then back down to engulf his cock all the way.

"God, Ted, it's so good, just like old times. Let's go all the way, even if I'm not on the pill now. Fill me up with your spunk and make me a baby. God, make me a baby! Shove it into me, Ted… fuck me, fuck me, knock me up you bastard! It feels so damn good, honey!"

Ted agreed, it did feel damn good. Her cunt seemed to open and close around his cock without ever letting go. "Are you really going to marry this John guy? He's a jerk." Ted said.

Eva wished for a minute that she had his cock in her mouth so she could bite it for saying such an ugly thing. "Yes," she moaned, "yes, he's my true love." She increased her speed, feeling her orgasm near, her whole body tingling at the expectation.

"You don't have a true love, unless it's a hard cock, any hard cock. You're a little slut, Eva, a cock-hungry slut and you'll never be faithful to him." Ted said, feeling the jolt nearing in his own balls.

He's just trying to hurt me because I'm marrying someone else, she thought, his cock filling her with a thrilling excitement. And I will be faithful to my husband, I know I will. Ted is just jealous.

"Stop for a minute, Ted. I don't want you to come yet," she said, lying perfectly still. "Let's roll over so you'll be on top. I want you to be fucking me hard when you come, and I want it all inside me."

They rolled over, the cold grass sending chills up her spine. "Fuck me hard, honey, it's the last time for us," she said, throwing her legs up around him.

"Last time, my ass." Ted growled, ramming roughly into her. "I'll bet that the first time I see you after your marriage you'll open your legs to me."

"You'll lose, Ted. I won't ever cheat once I'm married," she said, rolling her hips to meet his thrusts. "What do you want to bet?"

"I'll bet… I'll bet a good cunt-lapping against a first class blow-job like you gave me earlier."

"You bastard, you can't lose a bet like that," she giggled, "But you're on, it's a bet. Oooooh, honey, fuck me… faster, I'm about to come!"

The thought of Ted mouthing her cunt after she was married was bringing her off, even though she knew she would never let him do such a thing. And she imagined she could still taste his stringy cum in her mouth and what it would taste like if she lost her bet, which she wouldn't, and started coming. She jerked wildly, little grunts of pleasure slipping from her lips as the heavenly feeling that she needed so much now tore into her quivering belly.

Ted felt her cunt tighten around his prick and started coming, his jizz splashing into her cunt. Eva felt the wet stuff filling her and came again.

"Oh, Ted, that was wonderful. I love you, darling," she moaned, still hunching against him.

Ted jerked out. "Sure you do, baby. Like so much shit," he sneered. "You love my hard cock, that's what you love." He got to his feet and tucked himself away, carefully zipping up his pants.

"Next time I'm in town, I'll drop by when your husband is gone and fuck you again… for old times' sake. And if I feel up to it afterwards I'll collect my bet." He walked down the street to where his car was parked and drove away.

Eva lay on the damp grass for several minutes before she felt the icy cold against her bare backside. She got to her feet and went back into the house.

In the safety of her room, she started to cry, deciding that Ted was a real bastard, a first class son-of-a-bitch. He had used her, used her for his own male gratification. She was an innocent pawn, raped and defiled, unfit to enter her marriage dressed in white.

She found the half-empty jug and lay down on her bed and took a long drink. It was hot and raw, burning all the way down; she took another. Too much whiskey did strange things to her. Her mind seemed disjointed and fuzzy, unable to separate the real from the fantasy. She opened her legs and nudged the thick lip of the whiskey bottle into her cunt. She hunched eagerly against the cold, glass, prick-like thing and wondered what John was doing, certain that he hadn't spent the evening like she had.