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Carmen wailed as if she was being whipped. Her cunt shuddered with spasms, opening and closing, continually dripping.

Liz forgot her disgust for a moment and watched, fascinated by the spasming of Carmen's cunt. The cunt-meat was flushed nearly purple. Her pussy shivered, vibrated, seemed to suck at the air. With each shiver of Carmen's cunt, Carmen groaned.

At last Carmen's climax was over. Carmen got off Liz's face and toppled onto the thickly carpeted floor.

Liz lay there panting, her face raw and wet, the smell of Carmen's pussy saturating her. She was too exhausted to move. She reined on the couch, happy to be alive, happy to be free. She was aware of her heart thudding. She breathed deeply. Suddenly she was aware of her crotch throbbing, of the sun-warmed air nibbling at her exposed pussy, of warm cuntjuice dribbling down over her ass and between her asscheeks. As distasteful as this entire ordeal had been to her, Liz realized that she was now more excited than ever, more excited even than she had been with Carmen's tongue inside her pussy. As insane as it sounded, eating Carmen's cunt and watching Carmen climax had gotten her more excited than she had been since her first fuck. She gripped her cuntlips with both hands, aching to crush out the tension.

"Now I'll eat you," Carmen said. "You did a good job, so now you're in for a treat."

Liz turned her head to look at the naked, hazel-eyed woman with the black braids. In the sunlight Carmen seemed to wear a glaring halo. Liz squinted; Carmen moved toward her.

For a moment she thought she was hallucinating. "Oh, my God!" she gasped, sitting up, staring at the front door.

Pressed to the middle window of the door, was the flushed face of a teenage boy, his brown eyes bugging out of his skull.


Liz struggled with her jeans. She was trembling uncontrollably. Her life was ruined. Just like that, in an instant, her life had been destroyed.

Liz yanked off her jeans again. She had finally got them up, but she had put them on backwards. She could hardly control her hands. After putting on her blouse inside-out, she had taken minutes, endless minutes to button it. She had to get her jeans on now and get back out into the living room. Perhaps by chance, by some quirk of luck, Glen was still out on the front porch.

Maybe she could talk to the teen before he had a chance to squeal, could find out how much he'd seen; could bribe him, threaten him, kill him if necessary to stop him from talking. Lord, I must be losing my mind! she thought. She sat on the floor to stop herself from stepping on the legs of her jeans as she tried to pull them up. She wasn't even bothering with panties now. Panties! They were still out on the living room floor – evidence!

The police were probably walking up the front walk right now. They would knock quietly, warrants ready. They would push open the door, the door Carmen had undoubtedly left half-open as she had fled the house. They would see her panties, her wet panties, and they would smile at each other knowingly. Then they would shake their heads. Guilty as hell!

Liz stood up, fastening her jeans. She trembled all over. She felt like locking the door of her bedroom and cowering in a corner until they came for her. She knew now that she shouldn't have fled the living room in such a panic, leaving the gawking boy, the evidence, and Carmen. She should have invited the boy in immediately and sworn him to silence, bribing him with whatever it took.

She should have destroyed the evidence – those panties reeking of her lust-mad cunt. Then she should have leapt on Carmen, wrung the bitch's neck, and sent her back to Chicago. In the heat of the moment she could have done all those things. But now, trembling, sick to her stomach, she felt too weak even to talk. She crept back to the living room, sure she would faint.

The front door was closed, the boy's face gone from the window. Perhaps he had been an hallucination.

The livingroom was empty, deserted. Liz thought she smelled cunt in the air, but perhaps she was imagining that too. Perhaps it was her face she smelled. She'd have to scrub her face with soap.

Sunlight still blazed in through the picture window. The sky was clearing. Liz could make out blue through the tops of the trees.

In the center of the livingroom, like a stage upon which the whole nightmarish drama had been played, the white couch rested, bathed in sunlight. The air was still.

Carmen was gone; the boy was gone. Perhaps it had all been a dream. Perhaps she only imagined the scent of pussy now. Perhaps nothing at all had happened. Perhaps there was no evidence – no panties lying on the floor in front of the couch.

Liz stepped out of the hallway and into the livingroom. She crept around the end of the long couch, holding her breath.

Carmen looked up at her, smiling wickedly. "Isn't he a doll, Liz?"

Liz went numb inside. For a few moments she just stared. The scene before her was too unreal to believe.

"Come on, honey, join us," Carmen urged. "This boy loves getting his prick sucked. Don't you, angel?" She kissed Glen's cockhead, then looked at him.

The brown-haired boy, his shiny eyes glazed and rolling nodded. "Mmmm!" His brown toes wiggled, his skinny loins humped a few times, and his cock, well developed for a teenage boy.

"Well, come on," Carmen said, glancing back up at Liz. "Let's show this stud what a couple of hot women can do for him." She turned back to the boy's quivering cock and swallowed his entire prick in one gulp.

"Ohh, mannn!" Glen sighed. "Ohh, wow!" He squirmed sensuously on the thick carpet, his long naked body looking shiny in the sunlight. His skin had a bronzed cast. His writhing muscles stood out as if carved out of metal.

Carmen, lying alongside the boy, cooed as she bobbed her head up and down, munching on his cock. She was still as naked, as when Liz had left her, and Liz could see moisture between her round asscheeks. Her dark hairy crotch was still sopping with pussyjuice, and the pink meat of her parted cuntlips glistened.

Liz was aware that her mouth was hanging open. She was frozen where she stood, held by shack and fascination. She felt as if she'd been standing there for years, dazed, watching the writhing woman and the writhing boy, their limbs like twisting snakes. She was aware of herself trembling, but she couldn't move. She felt too weak even to faint, powerless to shut her eyes, even more helpless than when Carmen had sat on her face.

Carmen pulled her head off Glen's prick. She held the base of the cock in her fist, letting his prick jump and quiver in the air.

The boy's prick gleamed with Carmen's saliva. The head, purple and bloated like a ripe plum, looked ready to pop off the shaft. His hard prick stick twitched, as if straining to escape Carmen's hand. Down below, the teen's balls, looking like twin eggs, rose and fell in their sac.

Carmen licked Glen's prick as if his cockshaft was a candy-cane. She lapped at his prickhead as if his cocktip was a scoop of strawberry ice-cream on top of a cone. "Sweet baby," she murmured. "Angel. Oh, I could just eat you up!"

Glen watched her, panting, twisting his head, licking his flushed lips. "Oh, man, that feels good! Oh, man! Oh, jeez!"

Carmen giggled, licking his cock up and down as he squirmed and muttered. Then, all at once, she released his cock, letting his prick whack down against his tight brown belly. She swung round and tugged at Liz's legs. "Come on, honey. Off with the clothes again. This stud would just love to get his cock into you. Wouldn't you, angel?"

"Huh?" Glen said, his eyes opening wide.

Carmen reached up and unsnapped Liz's jeans. "You'd like to fuck this sexy blond lady, wouldn't you, handsome?" She glanced over her shoulder at Glen.

Glen sat up, his prick pounding his flat belly, his cockhead tapping his navel. "Oh, man! Heck!"