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"Next time, toots, you keep one cock at a time or I'll knock the shit out of you," Barbie said hotly to Jan.

"You and who else?" answered Jan, turning to face her. Jan's tits bounced in her anger. "I'll suck any cock and I'll fuck any cock whenever I feel like it, so cram that up your ass!"

"I'll take any cock that's left over. I'm very easily pleased," Candy said stupidly.

"Shut up!" Carl snarled.

"See you guys at work," Jim said.

"Don't be surprised if I don't talk to you," Carl said. "I think you liked my wife's asshole just a little too much!"

"He's a good ass fucker, honey. Don't get mad," Candy said dumbly.

"Shut up!" Carl snarled at his dumb, red-haired, wife.

"Is that all you ever say to her? Listen, you dumb son-of-a-bitch, any time you don't want that red, fiery snatch, I'll take it," Bob put in.

"Isn't that nice, honey, if you're tired of my red hair, see, other guys'll fuck me and you don't have to. Now that's sweet," stupid Candy said.

"Shut up!" Carl snarled.

"And you come home right now, you horny witch," Jim said to Jan. "For not wanting to have an orgy, you were right in there suckin' and fuckin'. Even more than me!"

"Jealous?" she asked, smiling sweetly at her angry husband.

"Frankly, girls, I think we ought to do this more often. How's about next week end? Only we'll all try and round up some extra cocks for old horny, here," Barbie said.

The girls all agreed to have another swapping meet.

"Fuck you!" Jim said, dragging Jan out of the bedroom.

"Next week is fine," Jan said, as she was bodily picked up and hauled out.

"You can practice fucking at home, too," dumb Candy hollered after them.

"Shut up!"


"I still can't see why you went so fuck-crazy at the party," Jim said, snarfing down his eggs.

"Sorry," Jan said, trying to ignore her husband's lousy table manners. It had always nauseated her the way he laid on the table, elbows spread out like an eagle with broken wings. He always talked with his mouth full of food and blew his nose at the table. Of course her mother had told her Jim wasn't the man for her. He had no couth at all. About the only good thing Jan could say about her husband was he made good money and supported her well. She watched him shovel his food into his mouth just like he shoveled gravel at work. At least he had the right job if not the right wife. Jan had long since been stirred to erotic ecstasy by her husband. She fucked him to keep the money rolling into the household. That's all.

It was a surprise to her, too, that she had been so turned on at the party. It was amazing how a change from old slovenly could stimulate her. She looked forward to another fucking night when she could let her hair down and forget she was married to the next thing to a pig.

Jan had watched her husband leave and was relieved. She had grown to hate his dirty jeans and heavy construction boots. He was clean and shaved and all that, but his muscles and money that had impressed her years before were stale. Maybe it was the years of trying to clean his construction clothes that had turned her off to stagnant boredom. Anyway, she was thrilled at how she had let it all hang out at the party. She was anxious for the next weekend to roll around for another fucking swap.

Which brought to mind the fact the girls decided more cock were needed. Where would she get another cock or two? She ought to contribute to the cause. Her prayers were answered when her milkman walked into the house. She immediately went into her vulture act and asked Stan if he would like a cup of coffee.

She tucked her robe around her body tightly as she sat across the kitchen table from the dark, heavy-set man. She surveyed his body, his face, his mouth. She sized him up like she was investing a large amount of money in a big hunk of meat. He would do, she decided, as she sipped coffee with her milkman.

"So how's the wife and kids?" she asked.

"Same as usual."

"You doin' good on your route?"

"Gotta build it up some more. You know, it's hell gettin' people to pay their bills. Yeah, it gets real boring after a while. You wouldn't know, I guess, being a housewife."

"Will you tell me something, Stan? I've known you for a long time. I just wondered if it's true that milkmen have little codemarks behind names of people on their routes… you know what I mean?" she asked, leaning forward so her tits jutted to expose the fullness of her soft flesh.

Stan drank his coffee and gulped at her insinuations.

"You can tell me. How long have I known you, fifteen years? God, Stan."

"All I can say is there's no marks behind your name," his eyes ogled her pressing, pushing titties, "… yet." He grinned devilishly.

"Why, Stanley," she said demurely.

She got up and got the coffee pot, being sure to swing her ass just enough for him to notice. She leaned over to put the steaming fluid in his cup. Her robe hung loosely as she did, exposing her full, round domes.

She sat back down across the round table from her old friend and milkman. Her big, blue, innocent eyes sparkled as she talked to him.

"Guess what we did Saturday night?"

Stan gulped his coffee and tried to keep his eyes off of her jutting boobs. He shrugged his shoulders and Jan thought how nice his shoulders would be, naked, close to hers, or between her legs. She did have a hang-up on strong shoulders and men that worked hard did have what she wanted in the line of shoulders and cocks.

"We went to a wife-swapping party," she said and winked.

"You? You gotta be kidding," he chuckled. He squirmed at the idea of getting rid of his wife to some poor sucker and taking Jan to bed and sucking her luscious, full tits.

"No, not kidding. Of course it didn't start out to be a wife swapping party. Just my husband's buddies and their wives getting together. You know how things go. Everybody got drunk and everybody wound up in bed, the same bed. It was really weird. I've never done anything like that before."

"Did you like it?" he asked anxiously. His eyes stared at her heaving breasts.

"Yeah, I really did. That's what's so funny. I thought it was one man and one man only when I got married. But, you know what, I found myself really excited with a different man. Sort of like when I was a hot-to-trot teenager. It was really fun. I thought all those heated, mad, passionate days were over forever. Now I know they're not. I'm alive again!" She smiled at her milkman with a seductive, sly grin. "You ever get bored with your wife?"

"I think everybody does," he said, ogling her rigid nipples that pressed against her robe.

"Sometime you ought to try having an affair or wife swapping or something. It really does wonders for a person's sex life." She saw him squirm and adjust the crotch of his pants. She smiled wickedly knowing he had a hard-on. If she just kept talking to him, he'd be so horny when he left he'd have to beat-off in the truck. How lovely. Cum cream mixed with the other kind, whatever that was.

"We've got a few problems, though. We don't have enough cocks to go around. Seems the girls in our group are more horny than the guys. Or else we just have more endurance. Once you've had an orgasm, how long does it take you to get a hard-on again?" she asked, resting her pretty chin on her hand as she leaned on the table letting her robe part enough to show more of her boobs, but not her nipples.

"That depends," he said nervously. He squirmed uncomfortably.

"You got a hard-on now?" she asked brazenly.

"Goddamn, you've never acted like this before. What the hell's the matter with you? Didn't you get any this morning?"

"I'm horny and, no, I didn't get any this morning," she said flatly.

"Jesus Christ," he moaned, but took her hand as she extended it.