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"Don't touch me! Let me go!!!"

CRACK!!! The crop crashed into her belly again and she screamed again. The girl kept moving her fingers in and out of Angela and slowly started adding fingers. When four fingers were stretching her sex, Angela realized what was about to happen. She screamed and begged.

"Please no! Please don't do that! Please no!" But within moments, the thumb found its place alongside the fingers and the whole hand was thrust through. She was being fisted as she was being forced into a porno movie. Oh god!

"I will not ask you again," said Greta slowly and calmly. "Who do you work for?"

"I don't work for anyone!" screamed Angela. She looked desperately at Ricardo who just stood there smiling at her.

"Zara, she needs some more encouragement," said Greta. The other naked girl stepped to the side of the table. She held a thick needle to the side of Angela's left nipple and slowly started pushing it inward. Angela shrieked.

"Ricardo! Stop her! We had an agreement! Stop her!"

The needle punctured the skin and Angela shrieked again. Pain coursed through her breast and still the girl kept pushing. Eventually, the needle emerged from the other side. The girl attached a ring to the end of the needle and pulled it through, finally locking the ring in place.

Ricardo watched with amusement. He had decided back on the island that these breasts would look perfect with rings; possibly even wide gold hoops. And he didn't mind her calling out his name during the filming. That could be cut during editing.

The fist was moving around inside of her, causing discomfort, as the second girl moved around the table to the other side. "Who do you work for?"

"This has gone far enough!" screeched Angela. "Let me go!"

Greta nodded to Zara and the girl started pushing the needle through the second nipple. It was accompanied by screams and pleas for mercy. But before long, that breast also had a ring.

Angela was reacting perfectly as far as Ricardo was concerned. A seasoned actress could not have performed a better combination of indignation mixed with fear and shock. He had planned to ring her anyways so he decided to write her into the script of his latest movie. It would kill two birds with one stone.

He would include her in future productions. And he would sell her to the club where she would be branded with the skull and cross bones. Then she could play more substantial roles.

"I don't work for anybody," Angela shrieked. The needle was at her sex and was poised to penetrate her clit hood. "I work for the CIA!" she screamed. "The FBI! The army!"

The needle was slowly pushed through the vulnerable little piece of flesh and Angela howled again. The third ring was now in place.

The hand inside of her had been still during the installation of the third ring. Now, it came to life again. It started pistoning in and out of the beautiful bound woman, crashing into her cervix time and again. Each time, she grunted or shrieked. It kept pounding. Greta kept asking the question. Angela kept shrieking. Eventually the pain overwhelmed her. She passed out.

Chapter 15

"Here's my little slavegirl," smiled John as he found Angela in the baggage claim area. Her plane had arrived only minutes earlier.

"Ha ha," she replied. But she welcomed his embrace and trembled slightly as he held her.

"That was certainly an interesting vacation," he commented. "Not what one normally thinks of as a getaway. But I'm glad you are home safe and sound."

"Oh, John," she blurted. "It was horrible. Oh my god! You were so right. I never should have gone."

"No, you shouldn't have," he agreed as he continued to hold her. He did not know all of the details about her week away but the few that he did know about were pretty bad. He hoped that she was not too traumatized by her ordeal.

"But you did go," he continued. "And what's done is done. I'm only glad that we got you home safe and sound." He had more to tell her but that would wait. He needed to get her home to her family first.

Angela started sobbing. She had been successful until now at holding back the tears. But now, in the safety of her husband's arms, the dam broke and the tears were flowing freely. He let her cry and continued to comfort her. She had no luggage so he gave her a couple of minutes of sobbing before leading her to the car and driving her home.

Once home, Angela greeted her children and slaves and then John took her to their bedroom. He wanted to hear about her week and he wanted to make love with her. Her story would have to wait until after they fucked, though.

"Oh, Master," she sighed as they cuddled together after their coupling. "It just kept going from bad to worse." He raised his eyebrows at being called Master and wondered if it was just a slip of the tongue.

"Ricardo reneged on the agreement as soon as he bagged me," she said. He claimed that the Spanish language contract allowed him to do what he was doing. But she knew that the English version that she had read did not. Unfortunately, it was the Spanish one that she had signed.

"He started off by putting these in," she said, pointing to her three piercings.

John let his finger circle each of the nipple rings and then hooked his finger in one, tugging slightly on it. "I think they look very sexy. They look good on my new slavegirl."

"That's not funny, John."

He silenced her protest by kissing her but he continued to toy with the nipple ring. He truly did like the new look. When the kiss ended, she went on with her story.

"He was brutal. Everything he did was trying to break me or humiliate me. He makes pornographic movies and he kept filming me for parts in the movies. He's the skull and cross bones guy."

"Oh," said John. "Well, at least he makes good movies."

"John!" she admonished. "He put me in those movies!"

"I can't wait to see you in them," he grinned.

"John!" she reprimanded him again. "I'm your wife! I shouldn't be in those kinds of movies! But thankfully, I won't. All of that was lost in the fire."

"There was a fire?"

"I'll get to that in a little bit. Let me finish telling you how horrible he was."

John settled back to listen as he kept alternating between the nipples, tugging on the rings and teasing her.

"After he marred my body with these rings, I was gang raped by the men who work at the ranch. There must have been at least twenty of them. They kept at me until deep into the night. Then, when they were finished, they threw me in a cage. I never felt so hopeless in all my life."

"The next day, he announced that he was exercising his conversion option. He claimed that the contract had a clause that allowed him to make the slavery permanent at any point during the week. He made it permanent. And I wanted to die."

"I wondered how you ended up on the auction block," he said. He still hadn't figured out how she ended up being offered for sale.

It certainly had been quite a week. It was only a little over two weeks earlier that Cedric had staged the mock sale of Angela. She had looked stunning as she was affixed to the pole on the auction block. She had looked frightened and shocked but she was so sexy and beautiful and erotic. But now, two weeks later, it had happened for real. His beautiful wife had been sold for real. She truly was a slave. He was so happy that he had her home again.

"No, that's not how," she said. "I'll get to that part later."

John raised his eyebrows. Now he was really confused. What else had happened during the week his wife was away?

"The next day, he was filming another movie," she went on. "I was gang raped again but this time it was by a pack of dogs. Oh, John, it was so horrible. I shouldn't even be telling you about this. But I have to."