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Angela shuddered as she thought back to her day with the dogs. Once again, another actress played the role of a mistress. In the story, the mistress ran a dog training academy and the dogs were being trained to fuck women on command. During the filming in the morning, the mistress was focusing on getting the dogs to like to fuck a woman. Angela was turned loose in a fenced-in area with at least a dozen male dogs. It did not take them long to realize that there was a female among them and they started chasing her. Angela evaded them for a few moments but they quickly tackled her. One dog placed his teeth on either side of her neck and growled when she tried to get up. At that point, it was an easy task for the dogs to mount her. One after another, they mounted her and fucked her. Some even took her twice. Throughout the ordeal, the three cameramen recorded the rape from different angles to make sure that they caught all of the action.

In the afternoon, the plot called for a dog to learn how to fuck on command. Angela was strapped to a bench with her knees on the ground and her torso lying on the bench. Her bottom was completely exposed and vulnerable in this position.

"Fuck," the mistress commanded. The dog looked at her, confused.

"Fuck," the mistress repeated. Still, the dog just looked at her. The mistress attached a leash to the dog's collar and led him to Angela. She pulled the dog's nose to Angela's sex and the dog started licking the juicy treat. It was not long until the dog figured out what to do with the treat and he mounted Angela. Angela wailed and protested but the dog just kept pumping.

"Fuck," the mistress said as soon as the dog penetrated the slavegirl. She let the dog pump away for several minutes before she called out again. "Stop."

The dog had no desire to or intention of stopping and just continued his enjoyment of his human bitch. The mistress called out "stop" again and used the leash to pull the dog off of Angela. Then the commands started again with the mistress helping the dog to learn by using the leash.

"Fuck." "Stop." "Fuck." "Stop." At the end of two hours, the dog had learned the commands and was obeying. It was time to learn a new command.

"Ass," commanded the mistress.

Angela cringed as she heard the new order. She knew exactly what would happen. And just as she expected, the mistress positioned the dog and guided its cock into her asshole. "Ass," she repeated to reinforce the training.

"Ass." "Stop." "Ass." "Stop." For another hour, Angela was repeatedly sodomized by her canine rapist until he learned this command.

"Fuck." "Stop." "Ass." "Stop." Angela was dying a thousand deaths as she was repeatedly raped by the dog. Finally, the dog climaxed in her pussy, spewing copious amounts of its seed into the bound and naked slavegirl.

"Good boy," the mistress praised him. The girl received no praise or any other attention from the trainer.

John felt his cock starting to stir. The thought of his beautiful wife being fucked by a dog was very arousing to him. He wished he could have witnessed that.

"The next day, he ringed me again. Only this time it was through my nose." She tilted her head and he could see that a hole had indeed been punched through her septum. The thought of his wife being led around by a nose ring finished fortifying his cock and he slid forward, burying it in her sex.

"John, how can you be aroused by that? It was so degrading! It made me feel like livestock."

"I'm sure you were beautiful livestock; a beautiful, sexy slavegirl," he replied as he slowly thrust in and out of her tight, warm pussy.

"I spent the day hooked to a plow, pulling it through garden beds until I was too exhausted to even move. Then they carried me to the barn to brand me."

"They branded you?" he asked incredulously.

"No," she replied. "Thankfully not. But I was going to wear that scull and cross bones that you like so much on my butt."

"What happened?" he asked as he slid into her again, completely burying his cock in her body.

"We were rescued," she said. "Well, rescue is not the right word. We were rescued from Ricardo but it was like going from the frying pan into the fire."

Someone had hired a team of mercenaries to raid the ranch. A Texas billionaire's daughter had been kidnapped and enslaved by Ricardo. The mercenaries were there to rescue her. Ricardo was killed during the raid as were most of the guards who he had hired to protect him.

But the deal was that, in addition to the exorbitant sum of money that the billionaire paid them, the mercenaries would get to keep anything they found at the ranch. Angela was one of those anythings. They claimed her and a dozen other women as slaves. Then, after they finished looting the ranch, they burned it to the ground. Hopefully, the films of Angela burned with it.

"That night, they raped us over and over again. Then they threw us in cages and carted us off in their trucks."

"Wow!" uttered John. Things really did seem to go from bad to worse for his wife during the week.

"They flew us to Morocco and gave us to some slavers. That's how I ended up getting sold."

"Cedric didn't tell me that part," said John. Cedric had learned that Angela was to be sold at a competing organization's auction and had called John to alert him. That was the only thing that saved her. Had it not been for Cedric, Angela could easily have ended up as a harem girl to some sheik. But Angela only knew part of the story. John would have to find the right way to tell his wife the rest of the story.

"It was terrifying," Angela continued. "The whole process was terrifying; and dehumanizing."

She described what happened to her as she was "processed" for sale. They had given her a tattoo with her slave serial number on it. John wanted to see this but decided to wait until he finished fucking his wife. Plus, he wanted to hear the rest of her story.

He reached down and started toying with her clit ring, tugging on it and flicking his finger over the tiny bud. He knew he shouldn't be so excited by her story but he found the whole ordeal to be highly erotic. Beautiful Angela had been captured by one male and then claimed by a group of males who then sold her. This was a story line worthy of a movie; or a wet dream.

John's toying with her clit was having an effect on her. She was nearly delirious with lust as they coupled and most of the story was garbled and unintelligible. John would have to have her repeat it later. "At least her slavery hasn't affected her sexuality," thought John as he continued to pump into his wife's body.

The toying with her clit finally pushed her over the edge as she exploded into orgasm. "Oh, Master," she groaned. "Thank you for buying me."

John climaxed also and continued to stroke slowly in and out of Angela's warm, inviting body until he finally softened and slipped out. Then he held her and rehearsed in his mind how to tell her.

"Love," he started after she had recovered, "I don't know how to tell you this. But I didn't buy you."

"You didn't?" she asked in disbelief. "Then how did I get released?"

"Well," John fumbled for words. "Technically you weren't released. You have been loaned to me."

"What?!?!?!?!" she gasped. Then he told her about his phone conversation with Cedric two days earlier.

"I thought you should know, Mr. Dawson," Cedric had said. "I will do what I can but it will be quite impossible to get you an invitation to the auction. This is not my organization that is selling your wife. And as you might expect, they are very cautious. They go through a lengthy vetting process, just as we do."

"Do what you can," said John. "Money is no object." Then they hung up and Cedric called back thirty minutes later.