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"Here is my offer, Mr. Dawson," Cedric started. "Please hear me out and do not get upset. It will result in the return of your wife but there will be strings attached to the offer."

He paused for a moment and then continued. "Despite trading in human flesh for most of my career, I have never owned a girl. I think it is time to change that."

"What do you mean, Cedric?" asked a confused John.

"I mean that I plan to buy Angela," Cedric replied. "But I don't mean to be selfish with her. And I don't want her to entirely give up her life. Her life is what defines her and to deprive her of it will change her. I do not want her changed. I will share her with you and your family."

"What?!?!?!?!?" sputtered John. "Are you crazy?"

"I am most certainly not," he replied with his calm island accent.

"Then what are you proposing, exactly?"

"I plan to buy Angela," said Cedric. "There is no way for you to buy her and I would hate to see her end up as a slave elsewhere. And I have amassed a small fortune of my own from my work. I will buy her. She will become my private stock."

John listened as Cedric continued. "I would truly love to have her with me always and permanently. But it would not be fair to Angela. And as I said, I want her as she is; not as a mindless, changed slavegirl. I will share her with you."

"Share my wife with me?" asked John incredulously. He was dumbstruck about what he was hearing.

"Yes, Mr. Dawson," affirmed Cedric. "I will share Angela. She will be my property but I will allow her to live with you and your family. I will only require her for my use for three months out of each year."

John started off confused and then became angry. The conversation went on for close to an hour. In the end, John was resigned to the new arrangement. It was better than losing Angela forever. She was to be sold within the hour. Maybe someday, he would be able to buy her and own her completely.

"Do not fear, Mr. Dawson," said Cedric as the conversation ended. "I will be a kind owner. But I simply must possess Angela. She is extraordinary. It is the first time that I have wanted to take title to someone."

Angela had been silent as John related the conversation and told her of her new status in life. She shuddered a few times and eventually had to close her eyes to block out the world. How had things changed so much and so fast?

"Do the children know?" she asked when John finally finished.

"No, they don't know anything other than you went to Cuchilla for your little slavery adventure. We'll have to come up with some kind of story for when Cedric summons you. But we have time to work on that."

"Yes, Master," was all she said.

Chapter 16

"Yes Master" kept ringing in his head. Angela had quickly fallen asleep after he finished telling her about the arrangement with Cedric and he cradled her in his arms as she slumbered. It had been an exhausting week for her.

She had called him master; several times. What caused that? What should he do? Maybe the week had changed her. Maybe learning that she was now owned by Cedric had changed her. Maybe that inner slave that she talked about before the trip had emerged and taken over.

He could easily justify treating her as a slave. After all, she technically was a slave now. She had been registered as a slave. And Cedric had ownership papers for her.

Plus, he had long fantasized about Angela as a slave. She was extraordinarily beautiful and exceedingly sexual. During the week before her trip when he had temporarily enslaved her, she was stunningly erotic. She seemed to blossom in her newfound role as a slave.

But she was his wife. It was one thing to enslave her for a week to try to teach her a lesson. And that could almost be thought of as a game. Full time slavery to Cedric and to him would be much different and would change their relationship forever. He would have to think long and hard about this.

In the morning, he decided that he would let things get back to normal as much as possible during the periods when Angela was at home. As much as he wanted to enslave Angela, he would let her return to her roles as wife, mother and mistress. He was sure they could play at master and slave in the future and that would have to satisfy his fantasies.

Angela stayed in the bedroom for much of the morning and John did not disturb her. He knew she had to sort out a lot of things in her mind. When she finally did emerge, it was lunch time and she found the family in the kitchen enjoying their meal. Two naked slavegirls were serving soup and sandwiches.

"Hi, Mom," said Jenna when Angela stepped into the kitchen. This greeting was repeated by Jack and John got up from his seat to hug his wife.

"Hi family," Angela smiled. She sat down and Alaine and Kim scurried to get her food. They chatted throughout the meal but not a word was spoken about Angela's previous week. John was pleased with that. Angela needed time to process.

"So have you been sold lately, Mom?" asked Jack teasingly after everyone had finished eating. Angela's face went white at the question and she tensed.

Jenna giggled. "She was! Wow, Mom's really getting into the slave scene."

Then she turned to her father. "How much did she cost this time?"

"I don't know what you're talking about," John replied. But his blushing gave away the fact that he was lying. "Two weeks ago was all staged, you know."

Jack nodded slowly. "Yes, I know that two weeks ago was. But what happened last week? Were you sold again?"

"Jack," said John. "Your mother just got back from a long trip. Let's not bug her."

Jack and Jenna both stared at their mother. Her face was still blanched and she cast her eyes down, afraid to look at her children. Both of them instantly knew the answer to that question. That's when Angela's fate was sealed. Jack stood up from the table and placed his hand on his mother's shoulder.

"Come, girl."

Angela took a deep breath and paused for a moment before standing. "Yes, Master."

John watched in disbelief at how readily Angela accepted her new status. A week earlier, she had protested and resisted. Now, she was willingly admitting that she was property.

"You are overdressed, girl," said Jack.

"Yes, Master," Angela repeated. She quickly undressed and stood before Jack. Two weeks earlier, she had blushed furiously. Now, she seemed undisturbed by her nudity.

Jack started to leave to enjoy his new girl but Jenna spoke up. "Wait, Jack. Don't take her yet."

Jenna stood up and walked to Angela. She lifted a plump breast in her palm and traced the gold ring with a finger from her other hand. "These look good on you, girl."

This did cause Angela to blush. During her earlier bout of slavery, Jenna had shown no interest in her. Now, her daughter held her breast in her hand and was fondling her intimately. Jenna lowered the breast and crouched down. She hooked her finger in the clit ring and lifted, raising the clit hood and exposing the sensitive little nubbin there. Then she trailed a finger down between the labia which were parted and slippery with arousal.

"I like the newest slave, Dad," offered Jenna. She stroked up and down a few times and then pushed her finger between the slick petals and into Angela's love channel. "She's very responsive. And I love the new jewelry."

John was at a loss for words. He would have come to Angela's aid to protect her if she showed any signs of discomfort. But other than the blushing, she showed every sign of accepting her slavery. He watched Jenna's finger sliding slowly into Angela's sex and had to shake his head to clear it before responding.

"Yes, she's extraordinary," he finally managed to say. "She will serve us well."