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She was completely naked other than the collar around her neck and the gold cuffs that held her wrists together behind her back. She had been given instructions by Cedric before they entered the room. She was to follow him and then kneel beside his chair. She dutifully kept up with him and waited for him to sit before lowering herself to her knees. It was not a very graceful move without the use of her hands but she managed the maneuver as best she could.

The auction started and Angela watched as the first frightened girl was led onto the stage. The first one was no older than her seventeen year old daughter. She was beautiful and had glowing rosy skin. Her eyes betrayed her terror and they shifted back and forth looking around the room. It was clear that she knew what was about to happen.

The auctioneer started describing the girl and her qualities. The silky golden hair was naturally blonde, he said. He held up one breast and bounced it to show how firm it was and announced that the girl had natural D cup breasts. The girl looked quite athletic and had a finely toned body with muscled but very shapely thighs and calves. Angela heard herself gasp when the auctioneer announced that the girl was only sixteen.

He motioned for an assistant to come forward and another naked slavegirl stepped up behind the girl, reaching around and lifting the two heavy breasts in her palms. The cane was raised and then swiftly lowered, striking both breasts across the soft upper swells of the girl's magnificent mounds. Angela was at a table close to the stage and she could hear the grunt of pain coming from the poor captive teenager. The auctioneer ran his fingers across the bright red welt to show the audience how well the girl marked. Then the bidding was opened.

The bidding lasted for a long time. In the end, however, the girl was sold for 600,000 pounds. The Canadian couple had finally been successful in purchasing a girl.

During the time that it took to remove the girl from the stage and position the next lot, people stood up and milled around, chatting with each other.

"That's quite a beauty that you have there, Cedric," Angela heard a man say. "Will she be sold tonight?"

"Thank you, Charles," Cedric replied. "But no, she won't be put on the block tonight. She's part of my private stock."

"It's a pity," the man said. "I'll offer 500,000 pounds if you ever decide to part with her."

"Thank you. I'll keep that in mind."

"That's one," whispered Cedric to Angela as he leaned down to her. Angela was trembling. She loved attending these auctions and found them to be erotic and stimulating. But it was quite a different matter when people viewed you as merchandise, she thought.

"I see that I won't have to waste many paintballs with you," she heard another male say. She recognized Ricardo's voice.

"She makes a lovely slave, don't you agree?" asked Cedric. "I can't blame you for wanting her to participate in one of your hunts."

"Yes," replied Ricardo. "But she has not yet agreed to that. Perhaps I will just buy her from you. What is your price?"

"I'm afraid she is private stock," said Cedric. "She's not for sale."

"Everything is for sale at the right price," responded Ricardo. "Name your price. Money is no object."

Cedric just smiled but did not respond.

"One million pounds," offered Ricardo. Angela sucked in her breath and felt her heart pounding in her chest. This had not been such a good idea to come here as Cedric's slave for the night. She was terrified.

She watched as the next three girls were brought onto the stage, publicly fondled, caned and then sold one at a time. Each one seemed to be more beautiful than the last and each was shapely and athletic. She wondered if some cheerleading squad had been decimated by the slavers.

Between each sale, people mingled and people kept coming to her table. A woman offered 750,000 pounds to buy Angela. A couple offered 700,000. Ricardo came back twice with higher offers.

"That's three," whispered Cedric after another offer had been made.

"That's four."

"That's five."

"That's six."

More girls were paraded to the post and locked to it. Again, Angela was astounded at how beautiful each one was and how young they all were. They were all either fifteen, sixteen or seventeen years old. She was also astounded by the number of buyers. The room was more packed than at any time she had been here. There must have been close to a hundred people in the room. And when she looked up at the video screens that were scattered around the sides of the room, she saw that there were 316 buyers participating in the auction over the internet.

In all, thirteen beautiful young girls were claimed by new owners. At the end of the night, seventeen offers had been made for Angela. The highest bids came from Ricardo who stopped after making a third offer of one and a half million pounds. But all of the offers were respectable. Excluding Ricardo's outrageous prices, the rest of the bids ranged from 500,000 to 900,000 pounds. Angela was astonished that there had been any bids at all. She was even more astonished that the bids had been so high. They were valuing this thirty seven year old mother of two at the same level as all of the beautiful, fresh teenagers that had been on the stage.

When the last girl was sold, Cedric stood up and led Angela out of the room. Again, most eyes were on her. This time, she also felt hands on her as people reached out to grasp a breast or pat her ass. It was humiliating to be on public display and to be groped so openly.

Cedric led her to the settlement room and attached her cuffs to a post while he went over to supervise the transaction processing. The Canadian couple came up to her.

"We expected to see you here," said Fanny, "but not like this."

Bob reached out and gathered Angela's generous breasts in his hands, squeezing them. "We are certainly glad you came as you are. Do you do this often?"

"It's my first time," Angela blushed. "It was a silly bet."

"What was the bet?" asked Fanny as her fingers slipped between Angela's thighs and stroked her labia. Angela was amazed at how wet she was. Why would her body react that way when her mind was so scared?

"He said that he would get unsolicited offers to buy me," she responded. "I said he wouldn't. Who would want an old broad like me, after all?"

"Who was right?" Fanny asked. Now, her finger was fully embedded in Angela's sex and she was stroking it in and out. Angela sucked in her breath at the intrusion before she replied.

"He was," she gasped.

"How many offers did he get?" asked Bob as his fingers moved to the stiff rouged nipples. He rolled them back and forth and tugged them outward occasionally.

"Seventeen," said Angela with a quiver in her voice from all of the arousal.

"That doesn't surprise me," commented Fanny. She leaned down and Bob saw that she wanted to taste a breast. He cradled one of the heavy orbs and lifted it, placing the nipple at his wife's waiting lips. Angela watched in disbelief as she saw Fanny's tongue snake out and circle her nipple. The sensitive little nubbin, which was already stiff from all of the arousal of the evening, stiffened even more. Then she saw her bud being sucked between the wife's lips and felt teeth raking over it, sending even more unwanted thrills through her overheated body.

"It probably would have been eighteen if we hadn't gotten that first girl," said Fanny after she let the nipple slip from her mouth. Bob gripped the wet nipple again and squeezed slowly as Fanny straightened up and kissed Angela.

Her nipples were burning as Bob kept increasing the pressure on them. Fanny's finger continued to stroke in and out of her and Angela's mind was a swirling confusion of lust. Fanny lowered her head again and Bob dutifully raised the other breast, feeding it to his wife. Angela gasped as she felt the wet warmth claiming her nipple and then let out a yelp as the teeth bit down on her more harshly than last time.