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“What thievery? Vardok asked idly. “To steal, you must take from someone. We didnt take you from anyone. You were alone. Its our good fortune you were stupid enough to wander into Jazid.

“I was in Aronsdale. She couldnt absorb that they had taken her from her home, her family, everything she knew. In Aronsdale, selling people was illegal. Unthinkable. In all the settled lands, only Jazid allowed it. Aronsdale and Jazid had a treaty for that reason, forbidding exactly what these nomads had done. Such incidents couldnt occur often or she would have heard about it even across the country. She hadnt known Jazid nomads came into Aronsdale.

“You cant do this, she said.

“We seem to be doing it just fine, Vardok told her.

Sot spoke in a slurred voice. “The forbidden is that much more valuable. He motioned at her with his bottle. “With that yellow hair of yours and those pretty violet eyes, well get a fortune.

“You cant sell me! Im a citizen of Aronsdale.

“Not anymore, Vardok said. “We crossed into Jazid two days ago. But dont worry, we wont put you in a public auction. Weve private buyers. They asked for an Aronsdale girl. Exotic coloring like yours. Someone pretty. And curvy. Like you. He rose to his feet and stepped toward her. When the wagon lurched, he lost his balance and dropped to his knees next to where she lay.

“Come on, he said, sitting next to her. “You were made for a man, eh? Why else would the Shadow Dragon make you so beautiful? The smell of peppers on his breath wafted over her.

“Go away, Allegra said. For so long, she had wanted a youth to say he found her beautiful, but none ever had. She hardly saw anyone, given the isolated region where she lived. She hated that Vardok had turned the sweet words into something ugly.

“You dont like us, eh? he said. “You Aronsdale women think you can do what you want. Now you know youre wrong.

“Vardi, stop it, someone said. “Leave her alone.

Vardok turned with a frown. Following his gaze, Allegra saw Stubble pulling himself up to sit by the crate. His blocky face was creased along one cheek from sleeping against the box, and his eyebrows had drawn into a black ridge over his deeply set eyes.

“Why shouldnt I talk to her? Vardok asked.

“Youre frightening her, Stubble said crossly. “Why do you keep doing that? Cant you tell shes scared?

“I dont know why you wont let us touch her, Sot muttered. He took another drink from his bottle.

“She doesnt deserve to be mauled, Stubble said. “Its our good fortune we found her, but this cant be easy for her.

Vardok looked baffled. “So what?

Sot smacked a bolt of cloth next to him. “I dont ask if being sold is easy for this silk. He pointed at Allegra with his bottle. “Why would I ask her?

“Shes a person, idiot, Stubble said. “Not a bolt of cloth.

“How would you like it, Allegra asked Vardok, “if someone dragged you away from your home and put you up for sale?

Sot gave a rasping guffaw. “Damn sure no one would buy his ugly carcass.

“Shes a woman, Vardok told Stubble. “Not a person.

“For saints sake, Allegra said. “A woman is a person.

Vardok glanced at her. “Not in Jazid.

“Like hell, she said.

“Enough! Vardok raised his hand, and Allegra flinched.

“I told you to stop it! Stubble said. “If you keep hitting her, shell be black-and-blue by the auction, and we wont get horse manure for her. That mark you left on her face will barely be gone by tomorrow.

Allegra hadnt realized she had a bruise, but it didnt surprise her. Tears gathered in her eyes. Would her family think she had died? Surely they would search for her. Although her parents ran a dairy, which filled their days with work, two of her four brothers were old enough to travel. She knew her family; they would look for her even if her brothers spent many seasons traveling. But she couldnt imagine how they would find her in Jazid, the largest country in the settled lands. A long time could pass before they even knew she was gone. It took ten days for a letter to go from Crofts Vale to her home, and her parents didnt know when she would arrive at the guild or write to them.

“We cant show her to either of them if shes not in good shape, Stubble said. “It makes us look sloppy.

“Either of whom? Allegras voice shook.

No one replied. At least Vardok slid back to his seat.

Allegra closed her eyes, hurting too much to think. Hunger sapped her strength, and the wine blurred her concentration. If she had a shape to hold, and if she could sing, she could create a spell of succor for herself. But the only shapes here were distorted triangles. She was too groggy to remember why they were bad. Reasons swam in her head. Oh. Yes. The more sides to a shape, the more power it gave a spell. Three-dimensional forms were stronger than those with two dimensions. Triangles were the weakest; they could barely create anything, and these were probably too distorted to work at all. She needed her pendant.

“My necklace. She wet her lips. “Do youhave it?

“We sold it, Vardok said. “With your horse.

“You sold them? Even knowing what they had intended, it was too much. Those were her last ties to home. It crashed down on her then, that they had ended her life as she knew it. They would sell her to some stranger who could do whatever he wanted to her. She would never again see her home.

“No no. A sob choked in her throat.

“Oh, be quiet, Vardok said. “Its just a damn horse.

“Let her cry, Stubble said quietly.

She struggled to hold back her tears. “Would you untie me? she asked Stubble. “It hurts.

“Maybe we should unroll the carpets, too, Sot said with a belch. “Hell, why keep anything tied up?

I hope you rot into mold, Allegra thought.

Stubble gave them a disgusted look. “Carpets and cloth dont feel. She does. He stood up, swaying as the wagon bumped along, and stepped over to her. He actually smiled. “You should see the look on your face. Im glad Im not the one buying you. It might be dangerous.

“Heaven forbid, she muttered.

“Shell shape up, Vardok said. “Especially if the General ends up with her.

Allegra thought she must have misheard. A general? The armies of the Misted Cliffs had conquered Jazid two years ago. The Jazid soldiers who survived had sworn allegiance to the conquering emperoror been executed. And the people of the Misted Cliffs abhorred slavery. Surely their army here would protect the treaty with Aronsdale.

“What general? Allegra asked.

Stubble crouched down and rolled her onto her stomach.

“What are you doing? she asked, alarmed.

“Hold still. He pressed his palm on her spine, keeping her in place. “I cant untie you otherwise.

“Oh. She closed her eyes with relief as he went to work on her wrists. They fell free at her sides, and she groaned when pinpricks scored her muscles.

“Better? he asked.

Her arms felt as if they were on fire. But it would pass, so she said, “Yes. She looked up at him. “My ankles, too?

“Shell run off, Sot warned him.

Stubble scooted to Allegras feet. “She can hardly move.

“You should leave her tied, Vardok said.

Stubble ignored him. Allegras legs were so numb, she couldnt tell they were free until pinpricks started in them, too. Stubble returned to his seat and took a packet of dried meat out from his pocket. He settled back, eating.

“Can I have some food? she asked.

“Maybe later, Stubble said.

“But Im hungry.

His voice tightened. “I said, later.

Apparently his kindness went only so far.

For a while, she just lay, wincing as the numbness left her limbs, but eventually she sat up. Vardok and Sot watched her with curiosity and something much darker. Disquieted, she pulled her shift farther down over her thighs.

“Who is the general you were talking about? she asked. The more she knew, the better she could plan her escape.