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I would like to thank the following readers for their much-appreciated input. Their comments have made this a better book. Any mistakes are mine alone. (Actually, theyre due to pernicious imps who sneak on to the computer when Im asleep, but I cant keep using that excuse.)

For reading the manuscript and giving me the benefit of their wisdom and insights: Aly Parsons, Kate Dolan, Sarah White and Kathy. For their critiques on scenes, Alys Writing Group: Aly Parsons with (in the proverbial alphabetical order) Al Carroll, John Hemry, J. G. Huckenpöler, Simcha Kuritzky, Jennifer J. Monteith, Bud Sparhawk and Connie Warner. Special thanks to my much-appreciated editor, Stacy Boyd, and also to Tracy Farrell, Mary-Theresa Hussey, Kathleen Oudit, Marianna Ricciuto, Margo Lipschultz, Dee Tenorio and all the other fine people at Luna who helped make this book possible; to Binnie Braunstein, for all her work and enthusiasm on my behalf; to my wonderful agent, Eleanor Wood, of Spectrum Literary Agency.

A heartfelt thanks to the shining lights in my life: my husband, John Cannizzo, and my daughter, Cathy, for their love and support.

To the dancers in the Patuxent Youth Ballet. You're looking great!