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Amy thought and then pulled out a curved round shaped piece of cheese from the food container on her bed, "Yes. This is it."

They put the end table in the center of the room. Stood three candles on it and placed the cheese in the center. They turned off the lights.

Wanda sat and said nothing. Then she looked into emptiness. Then she spoke, "Henry Majors."

A fog of white appeared in the room. It took the shape of a person. It took the shape of a female person. The female wore a dress of the 1920s.

Wanda came out of the trance like state. Amy looked at the spirit and asked, "Lizzy?

The spirit of Henry Majors wife ,Lizzy, spoke, "Yes. I saw you only a few times in life. I have seen you many times from the afterlife."

Amy, "Are you really here?"

Lizzy said, "I am as close to really here as I can be. I was with Connie but only for a moment."

Lizzy paused for a moment then continued, "I heard the voice of Connie calling. I went to Mapleville. But the medium was blocking the communication, as many do, when they only think they can communicate, but cannot. From Connie I saw her concern that Delores would use her powers to get the families wealth. So I went with you to Memphis and watched as Delores plan unfolded. She will switch papers. Then she will appear like Connie. And you are to unknowingly sign over the family wealth to her instead of Connie."

Lizzy continued, "I was with you when you boarded the train."

Lizzy turned and started talking to Wanda, "Then I saw you on the train and recognized your powers. To contact you I made the napkin float, above the table."

Lizzy continued speaking as turning, "Then to contact both of you I made the cheese change at the same time."

The plan was made between the three that they will allow Delores to switch the papers. Then she will be allowed to take that appearance of Connie and come to Amy's room. Where Wanda will cause Delores to hallucinate that Amy signs the papers.

Wanda and Matt and Kim remained in the car until Wanda senses her psychic power increasing. Wanda and Matt and Kim saw the papers appeared as they came through the door and went to the table with real papers. The real papers lifted up, floated to the door, and disappeared through it. They opened the door and watched the real papers as they floated down the hallway towards the front of the car and turn out of sight. After telling Amy not to sign the papers, Wanda left the room. Matt and Kim followed her. They went to the rear of the sleeping car hallway and watched as Delores came around the corner. Then as she walked down the hallway she changed into Connie. Connie knocked on the door. Amy invited her in. Connie opened the door an entered the sleeping room.

Wanda entered the next rear sleeping car. Matt and Kim followed. Wanda went into a stare into emptiness. Matt and Kim keep quiet and watched. Then Wanda immediately came out of the stare.

She appeared frightened and said to Kim, "It's not working."

Wanda pushed the train doors open and ran to Amy sleeping car. Kim and then Matt ran behind her. As Wanda turned into the hallway she saw Delores turn toward the door at the forward end of the hallway. She had the papers with her.

Wanda blurted, "Oh! No!"

And ran to Amy's room door. Kim and then Matt ran behind her.

Wanda opened the room door. She saw Amy calmly seated in the chair beside the bed. Kim and Matt were at the door.

Wanda, "What Happen?"

Amy calmly replied, "Just what you said she thinks that I have signed the papers."

Wanda, "It never worked!"

Amy held up her copy of the papers, "It worked." Wanda looked at the paper and saw no signature on Amy's copy. Wanda stood speechless.

Amy calmly said, "This family has had powers for five generations. They remain in the family. After you understand the powers, you hide the powers. Only the ones that find their powers, and don't understand them, show the powers."

Wanda sat on the bed. Matt and Kim heard none of the discussion between Amy and Wanda. For them, Wanda entered the room, Amy showed her the unsigned papers, and Wanda sat on the bed.

Wanda felt powers she had never felt before. She never knew powers like that existed. The feelings stopped. Wanda did not know if the feelings were a dream or if they were true. Wanda will not know if they were true.

Amy spoke to Wanda, "I have always been interesting in the psychic. Like I said in the lounge there have been the rumors that the psychic powers been in the family for years. I have never understood how the powers could start. Have you always had yours?"

Wanda coming out of her dream answered, "No, I had the accident. All I know is I was in the sky. I wasn't scared or anything. Then I went somewhere. I have never figured out where it was. Then I stayed only a short time. Then I return to the accident." Wanda paused, "The thing about all this is this is what is commonly known as an out of body experience. I have listened to others explain what they call and out of body experience. Sometimes I think they really had one. Other times I think they are misunderstanding what happen or simply faking the experience. Since it is unusual people have written much about it. I considered most of the things I have read and seen about out of body experiences as phony. Just to get the money. Only a few of them I feel are real."

Ange, Wanda, and Matt and Kim remained awake and sat in Amy room until morning.

At the Mapleville stop Amy and Wanda got off the train. Matt and Kim watched from the train window. Connie, her husband, and two kids were at the station and met Amy. She said she wanted to say goodbye to someone. Amy walked over to Wanda and thanked her for the help. Then Connie, her husband, and the kids walked, with Amy, into the station. The train pulled out of the station.

At the final stop, Washington, Matt and Kim remained on the train and watched while Delores and Donald left the train. Both carried their luggage to the other side of the platform. Then they sat down their luggage. Delores pulled the papers out of her pocket and saw the unsigned papers. Two uniform security officers, one male one female, walked up to them. The male said something to both of them. Delores said something in return. The female indicated for both of them to walk on the platform toward the station. They walked toward the station. The two security officers walked behind them.

Matt and Kim left the train.

The Artifact

The westbound train stopped in Rivertown at 2:15 pm. Darley and Heather stepped off the train. Darley was in his early thirties and Heather was in her late twenties. They have known each other for six years. Their plan was to come to Rivertown, make some quick money, and never come back. They walked the two blocks to the Waterfront Hotel.

Darley spoke to the desk clerk, "I'm Darley Manders. We have a reservation for two for tonight and tomorrow night."