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"I wonder why Belinda would do something like that," he mused. "That sure is too bad, Gladys. Belinda always seemed like such a sweet girl. The only reason I can think of for her acting like that is Tony. She must have caught him with another woman."

Gladys' face turned even whiter. "Well, maybe she was just, just horny," she said weakly. "I'm sure that's all. Tony's not out there. The Colonel and Belinda are the only people in the pool."

Andy pretended to peer closely at the view outside the window. Then he balled up his fists and let out a bellow.

"Tony's in that apartment!" he shouted. "And he's fucking another woman! I-I can't quite see her face. If she turns around just, a little more – Jesus! It's Sharon!"

"Oh, dear!" Gladys wailed. Her little plan to keep Andy from discovering Sharon and Tony had failed. There was nothing to do now except hope that Andy wouldn't be too angry. He sounded mad already though. Gladys trembled nervously and tried to think of what to do.

"Andy," she said softly. "Now don't get upset, dear. It's not the end of the world, you know. Perhaps Sharon just wanted, er, something different."

Gladys stopped in embarrassment. She couldn't go on with that line of reasoning. She had to think of something else.

"Uh, well, just look at it this way," Gladys continued, praying for the right words to keep Andy's temper in check. "With Sharon, er, playing around, you're entitled to do the same thing. I mean, don't get mad at her. Just go out and have some fun on your own. If she's with another man, she can't very well get upset if you find another woman. Isn't that right?"

Andy turned around. His scowl faded into a grin. "Hey! That's right!" he exclaimed. "I never thought of it that way, Gladys. I'll bet that's what you're going to do. You're going to play around with another man now that you caught The Colonel knocking off a piece of ass with Belinda. Right?"

Gladys blushed. She supposed she had to say yes. After all, it had been her idea in the first place.

"Uh, well, I haven't really thought about it, but I guess that's what I'll do. Yes! That's exactly what I'll do!"

Gladys blushed even harder. She hoped that Andy couldn't tell that she was lying. She had no intention of going out and finding another man to fool around with. That was ridiculous for a woman her age.

"Great," Andy grinned. "If I'm going to look for another woman and you're going to look for another man, we might just as well fuck each other. Doesn't that sound reasonable?"

Gladys trembled so hard she almost shook herself right off the couch. That wasn't what she had meant at all, but there didn't seem to be any way of getting out of it. It was a reasonable conclusion but she hadn't intended it that way at all.

"Uh, well, I'm really too old for that sort of thing," she protested lamely. Her eyes widened in surprise as Andy came closer and closer to the couch. "I-I've given up sex. It's ridiculous for a woman my age."

Gladys tried to sound reasonable, but her excuse sounded feeble even to her own ears.

"That's the silliest thing I've ever heard," Andy said, chuckling a little. "Too old? You're never too old for a little good lovin', Gladys. You ought to know that."

Gladys squirmed uneasily on the couch. There didn't seem to be anything she could say. Fucking with Andy was the last thing she wanted to do, but she couldn't think of a good enough excuse to get out of it.

"Come on, Gladys," Andy pleaded. "You don't want me to get mad at Sharon, do you? You're the one who said I should just go ahead and fuck someone else and not get jealous and mad. I'm bound to get jealous if you don't let me fuck you."

Gladys sat up straighter. There was only one thing to do. She would have to fuck with Andy and that was that. If he didn't, he'd be mad at Sharon and the whole apartment complex would hear about it. The last thing Gladys wanted was an angry scene. She and The Colonel were bound to be dragged into it and she could just imagine what her church group would say if they heard about The Colonel's antics.

"Uh, all right," Gladys agreed reluctantly. "I-I'll do it, Andy. I can't see why you want me though. There are lots of young women in the complex much sexier than I am."

"That's not true," Andy insisted, pulling down Gladys' bathing suit so that her titties sprung free and quivered in the light. "You're really stacked, Gladys. You've got a beautiful body. I've been watching you out at the pool and this isn't the first time I've thought about fucking you."

Gladys blushed. She was thrilled in spite of herself. Imagine a young man like Andy lusting after her body! It made her feel very sexy indeed when he put it like that.

"Ooooooh," Gladys sighed as Andy's lips came down on her little rosy nipple. The scarlet nub swelled and throbbed and delicious shudders flowed through Gladys' body. She'd never felt like this before. She'd never let The Colonel do a disgusting thing like this. Sucking titties was really awfully perverted and she was shocked to find that it felt just wonderful.

"I-I like it!" she gasped, thrusting her tittie forward so Andy could suck even more of her quivering tittie flesh into his mouth.

Andy blinked in surprise. This was really getting interesting. Gladys was acting very strangely. Perhaps The Colonel hadn't ever sucked her nipples before. Andy didn't know why Gladys was acting so surprised and pleased, but he wasn't going to take the time to ask her about it. He wanted to get her little pussy hot as fast as he could. It looked like Sharon was pretty busy over at Georgette's apartment, but he didn't want to take any chances. If Sharon should walk in, Gladys would probably faint dead away. He'd never have another chance like this one and he was going to take full advantage of it.

Andy chewed Gladys' stiff nipple between his lips. He spat it out and watched it quiver, glossy and hard. Then he gave her other nipple the same treatment until Gladys was panting with lust.

"Here," Andy offered, tugging at the one-piece bathing silt she wore. "Let me help you get this suit off and then we can really have fun."

Gladys gave a little gasp of surprise. Her head was whirling and she felt like a young girl again. She blushed crimson when Andy began to lower her suit. He liked her titties just fine, but what about the rest of her? What if he didn't think her pussy was pretty?

Andy rolled the tight bathing suit down carefully. Inch after inch of smooth skin came into new. Andy hadn't expected Gladys' figure to be this good. He was really amazed. She had the curvy small waist of a teenager and the lush asscheeks of a nude model. Her legs were superb too. Gladys was a real doll.

"Wow!" Andy exclaimed as he dropped Gladys' suit to the floor. "You are some foxy lady! I just can't believe it. Why do you hide yourself in the one piece suit? You should be wearing the skimpiest bikini you can find with a body like yours."

Gladys giggled. Little sugary thrills were running through her pussy and she felt like someone had just handed her a million dollars. The Colonel had always told her she had a terrific figure, but she'd never really believed it before. The Colonel was the only person who had seen her body naked and she just figured that all husbands told their wives things like that. Andy certainly wasn't pretending though. There was a gleam in his eyes that could only be called pure lust. Gladys felt like a sex-bomb now and it was a really wonderful feeling, the most wonderful feeling of her life.

"You, you really think I look good?" she asked, anxious for more compliments.

"Let me prove it to you," Andy declared, running his fingers up and down her curvy body. "Your little pussy is so soft and pretty that it makes me want to kiss it all over. You'd like that, wouldn't you, Gladys?"

Gladys started to tremble from head to foot. The idea of someone kissing her pussy was exciting. She didn't exactly know what to say.