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Darcy maintained the stoic exterior he adopted whenever he was around his aunt, but inside he was smiling. He could easily imagine Elizabeth standing opposite the august personage of Lady Catherine de Bourgh and stubbornly refusing to give ground.

“Aunt Catherine, Miss Elizabeth could not refute the rumors that I intend to make her an offer of marriage because they are true. As soon as Georgiana makes her debut, I shall be on the road to Longbourn Manor for just such a purpose.”

“I forbid it! Your alliance will be a disgrace. If you persist, I shall not receive you. Your name will never be mentioned by me again.”

“That would be unfortunate, Aunt Catherine, but it will not deter me. I am in love with Elizabeth Bennet, and if she will have me, I intend to make her my wife.”

“If she will have you! If that woman truly has any regard for you, she will refuse any such offer as you will be censured, slighted, and despised by all your acquaintances.”

“I appreciate your concern, but you need not worry about matters that fall exclusively to me.”

“Will you deny your mother her most cherished wish that you marry your cousin and my daughter?”

“My mother and father were deeply in love, and Mama wished the same for me. I love Anne as dearly as I do Georgiana, but as a sister, and her love for me is as a brother. Despite your hopes, it has never been otherwise. There is nothing you can say that will change my mind as to my choice of wife. I do not wish to be estranged from you, as you are dear to me and my mother was devoted to you. However, that is your choice. If you do not wish to see me again, I shall accept your decision. Likewise, you must accept mine.”

Georgiana continued to listen to what had become a one-sided argument with her aunt’s shrill voice reaching new heights. Confident that her brother could not be dissuaded from making an offer to Elizabeth Bennet, she returned to her room, but she knew when her aunt was leaving because she could hear the impact of her cane hitting each step. As soon as she saw her carriage pull away, she ran downstairs to her brother.

“Will, Aunt Catherine is very angry.”

“That is an understatement,” he said, laughing. “She objects to my having fallen in love with a woman who has no rank or position in society. Frankly, I am beginning to see that as an asset.”

“Anne must have told her. How else would she know?”

“Oh, beyond a doubt, Anne is behind this. She knew exactly what her mother would do upon receiving such information.”

“Will, since Miss Elizabeth has endured a good deal of abuse on your account, it seems only fair that you should go to Hertfordshire to apologize for the behavior of our aunt.”

“You are right, Georgiana. It is my responsibility to go to Longbourn to make sure Elizabeth has suffered no permanent damage from Aunt Catherine’s attack.”

Georgiana ran to her brother and hugged and kissed him. “But, Will, you must go as soon as possible. I do not want you to wait for my debut. It is still six days off, and that is sufficient time for you to go to Longbourn to make Elizabeth an offer and to return in time to escort me to the Warrens’ ball. Will you do this for me?”

Smiling and nodding, Darcy shouted for his valet. “Mercer! Mercer! Where are you?”

“Sir, I am here,” Mercer answered from his perch.

“Tomorrow I am to go to Hertfordshire on important business, possibly the most important of my life. Please prepare for our departure.”

“Trousers or breeches, sir?”


Chapter 52

Mrs. Hill had a view of the road from the kitchen window, and when she saw the carriage pull into the lane, she thought it must be Lady Catherine again. Who else could afford such a fine conveyance? After her visit, Miss Lizzy had told everyone that Her Ladyship was merely paying a courtesy call. Well, if that’s what she called courtesy, Mrs. Hill would take a pass on civility. She could not hear what was being said, but she knew an angry voice when she heard it. And although it took her longer to figure out what the strange thumping noise was, when Lady Catherine came out of the parlor leading with her cane, that mystery was solved.

Instead of the grouchy grand lady Mrs. Hill was expecting, she opened the door to find Mr. Darcy holding a letter and asking that it be delivered to Miss Elizabeth and that he would wait for her answer in the garden. Mrs. Hill was reluctant to deliver the letter. What if the nephew was as angry as the aunt? She hated to see her sweet Miss Lizzy upset, especially since everyone in the house was in such a good mood. Miss Jane was engaged, Miss Mary had a suitor, and Miss Lydia was still in London not causing anyone any trouble at the moment.

“Mr. Darcy is here at Longbourn? Where?” Lizzy asked as Mrs. Hill handed her the letter. When she read its two sentences, she smiled. No wasted words here, but it was enough.

Dearest Elizabeth,

Although I come unannounced, I hope you will be able to spare a few minutes of your time for me. I shall wait for you in the garden.

Yours, Fitzwilliam Darcy

Quickly grabbing a bonnet and cloak, she was out the door. As soon as she saw Mr. Darcy sitting on a bench in the garden, her spirits soared. He was wearing a very fine coat and her favorite dark green waistcoat. He had come dressed to the nines to pay a call on her.

“Mr. Darcy, what a pleasant surprise.”

“Miss Elizabeth,” he said, bowing, “I am happy to hear you find my visit a pleasure considering my aunt’s behavior in coming here. Her manners and speech were abominable, and I ask your forgiveness.”

“You have nothing to be sorry for. Only your aunt should be held accountable for her speech, but she certainly does speak her mind.”

“From what I heard from my aunt, you do likewise.”

“Which should come as no surprise to you, Mr. Darcy.”

“As long as it is not I who is on the receiving end of expressions of your displeasure, I shall always encourage you to speak your mind,” and with that hint of a future together, he stepped forward and took her hand.

“Before you say anything else,” Lizzy said, holding tightly to his hand, “I must thank you for what you did on Lydia’s behalf.”

“Please, I did very little, and I have no wish to speak of it.”

“But, surely, you will allow me to…” but before she could complete the sentence, he took her in his arms and kissed her. It was not one kiss, but many, and with each kiss, she could feel his passion rising until she felt it necessary to gently push him away. “Sir, please, I have never been kissed before.”

“Good,” he said, and after untying her bonnet and tossing it on the bench, he pulled her close, and she felt his warm lips once again. As pleasant an experience as it was, propriety demanded she step away from him.

“Mr. Darcy, you are quite overwhelming me,” she said while retrieving her bonnet and fixing her hair. “If you would, please come and sit beside me.”

Darcy was about to get to the purpose of his visit, when Elizabeth said, “Before you begin, Mr. Darcy, I should caution you…”

“Caution me! Are you saying you will refuse my proposal?” he said, standing up. “What is it you want from me, Elizabeth? Shall I tear my heart from my chest and lay it before you? What must I do to secure your love?”

“Sir, you have my love, and I am not refusing you. I am merely suggesting that we move at a measured pace. We must have a courtship.”

“Why on earth do we need a courtship? A courtship serves the purpose of exposing one’s faults before vows are exchanged. Have you not seen me at my very worst?”

“I don’t know, have I?”

“Oh, I can see you are enjoying yourself. You have my heart, and now you will toy with it,” he said, laughing, but his laugh hid a growing impatience. He had been prepared to purchase a special license, so that they might marry immediately. But, now, she was talking about a courtship. “All right, then, three weeks of banns, and then we shall marry in the village church.”