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“His face was radiant and his eyes radiant and his eyes were glowing with passion. As for myself, vibrating as I was with the ecstasy caused by his nibbling and licking of my flesh, I was flushed and quite unable to meet his gaze. He was kneeling before me with closed eyes, as if only half-conscious. I drew out the leg from beneath my rump-and extended that like the other… to his caresses.

“Christopher did not fail to take advantage of the new charms thus offered to him. Both of my thighs as far as the lace of my drawers was thus at his disposal. And he kissed and nibbled and licked the soft flesh inside my tender thighs, raising or parting the limbs in order to reach regions he had not yet visited.”

“I allowed all this-with no more than an occasional long drawn and quavering sigh.' I hardly think I could have said a word… so palpitant was I at being ministered to in this exciting manner.- I saw his nostrils flare-I suppose some sexual aroma had reached him and so increased his agitation.”

“I saw him gaze intently towards the spot where my gown was raised sufficiently to disclose the intersection of my drawers. Fortunately or unfortunately, they were of the closed variety, for I think I would have fainted, in spite of all that I had condoned, if he had at that time been able to see my secret parts.”

“And yet I had sufficient pity for his obvious regret to surreptitiously pluck towards the legs of my drawers so as to offer him fresh territory when he resumed his caress. Presently he had both thighs right to their tops at his mercy, and his busy tongue foraged wherever it could reach, until I was once more moaning and sighing with delight.”

“Yet again I was overcome and conquered by another more capricious and licentious thought. Even in the solitude of my bedroom I blushed scarlet as I discarded my drawers. For according to the code of the countryside, none save a lost girl could be in the presence of any male when she was without this chaste garment, even if completely swathed otherwise in clothes. But I had a reason — a morbid reason-for wishing to omit my undergarment on this occasion.”

“I had discovered a light, discarded but quite presentable skirt in the back of my wardrobe. And in the rear of this skirt was a deep plaquet slit. I smiled to myself as I saw this and was smitten by a sudden inspiration.”

“Suppose that a girl… I said to myself-had carelessly forgotten her drawers while wearing this skirt? Suppose the girl were I-and suppose that Christopher were with me when a sudden movement on my part disclosed a prominent if rather reprehensible part of my anatomy through that cleft in my clothing-”

“I gasped with delight over the idea. Already I was in my underwear-about to dress for his evening visit. I saw my flushed face in the mirror-and the die was cast. I carefully enlarged the opening in the plaquet with a pair of scissors, and donned the skirt, having drawn up my short chemise to a point where I knew it would not obstruct the view which I intended to afford my fiance that night.”

“I moved to and fro before the mirror, and turning my head over my shoulder I noted the effect. I saw that at my least movement there was a white flash which even the dumbest of men would realize was not the white on linen slips or silk undies. And if I stooped over a bit it opened to a really exciting extent. I even held the slit open with my hands, gratified if slightly horrified to note that now almost my entire bottom was presented through the opening.”

“Even though it had been tacitly assumed between us that my fiance was at liberty to offer his caresses to any part of my anatomy which was bared to his eyes, that fact did not constitute an effective passport to whatever regions he might have once visited. For instance, although he had once had me unclad from neck to navel it did not follow that he could visit my bosom with his caresses whenever be might so desire.”

“So he always waited until I myself, overcome with desire to feel his tongue and lips and fingers caressing me in other spots than my face and arms and neck-would, with languorous shame and apparent unconsciousness of what I was doing, commence to expose myself in the region which longed for his caresses.”

“And thus, this evening, when flushed and horribly self-conscious of the nudity beneath my skirt, I joined my fiance in the parlor, I had plenty of time to decide on how to commit the unmaidenly act which I contemplated. So at last I whispered softly: 'Your tongue is lovely, my darling. It's like warm, moist velvet on my skin. I love to have you bathe me as you wish-and to feel you even suck my flesh. Shall you-bathe my bosom after we are married… just as you did the other evening?”

“He almost groaned with delight at the thought, and then whispered shakily that he would bathe my very feet — my toes… with his tongue. He could show me now how he would do that, and how delightful I should find it. And he looked meaningly at my short skirt and my slender legs, clad in the very thinnest of silk hose.”

“To encourage him, for before undertaking my experiment I wished him as wrought up as possible. I silently rolled my stocking down to the ankle. And I flushed as I then submitted my bared limb to his lickings and tonguings-until for the first time he pleaded with me in words to grant him a further exposure than I had already made — I pretended to think it over.”

“He begged me: 'Mayn't I have this darling foot bare — for just a little moment?”

“I bowed my head in assent. And he gasped with great pleasure as he drew off my shoe and almost reverently bared my foot by removing my stocking. Later I was to discover the hot desire which my naked feet could arouse in him. For many a time I have sat there reading a book while he caressed and licked my bare foot before promenading it over his exposed and rampant prick.”

“But now his breath was hot upon my toes-and his lips and tongue also. I was glad now of the immaculate care I had always given my girlish feet and toes and nails. And I was amazed to find how thrilling to my senses were his fervent caresses on my pedal extremities. I was wrought up now to the pitch which gave me courage for my incredible and indecent experiment in testing his complaisance.”

“I sighed-moaned gently… laughed hysterically- and wrested my foot from his hands with a little jerk. And I drew the leg upward, rolling upon the sofa in such a disorder that my skirt mounted more than a trifle. So I crouched there, panting, upon one side, with both knees drawn upward. I could almost feel that tong slit in the plaquet part slightly.”

“I heard a low gasp from Christopher. Then his fingers trembled on the opened cleft of my garment-which may have revealed at the moment some six inches of white and tender flesh of my left buttock.”

“My darling… my beautiful darling-” he gasped, as he pressed eager lips to my bared backside.

“I exclaimed in shame and agitation-fairly groaning with excitement as I felt his tongue on my bare rump.”

“What… what are y-you d-doing, Christopher? I sighed, as I moved uneasily beneath his caress.”

“He murmured: 'Darling, the slit in your drawers must have opened a little-right under the opening of your skirt. I'll fix it for you in a moment-but first… just let me kiss you there a little'.”

“I sighed with shame-and with a subtle pleasure, too. I babbled whisperingly about it being so disgraceful… for him to see me in such a spot. But my lack of real resistance seemed to empower him to indulge his senses as he wished. Already he was lavishly licking the soft flesh curving down to the base of the buttock. And his questing face and mouth were gradually widening the opening.”

“I shivered with a strange intoxication, though I was quite silent now, have for my feverish breathing. And his lascivious nibbling of the soft and abundant flesh thrilled me unspeakably. Christopher was making further discoveries now. Already his caresses had parted my dress to the point where the vertical cleft between the two mound was exposed to his eager eyes.”