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Danielle did as he asked and when she closed the door she saw a round hole in the wall extending toward the balcony. She entered it and walked into Atlas port. They couldnt see me could they, Atlas?

No, and they are going to wonder after some time has gone by why you havent come out.

Oh, well. You cant know everything, Danielle said as she started going thru her belongings selecting what she was going to take. How are you going to get me to Tag without being seen?

Pretty much the same way; Ill run a corridor into Tags cabin on the Washington and you just walk in with your bags. It will be up to you to explain how you got there. You might want to finish packing your bags now so you can take them with you. We should be there in less than ten minutes

Holy groad, Atlas; you can get to Jupiter that quick.

Im going to jump there this time. So hurry up and get ready to leave.

Tag was right; you really dont have a jump limit. Im glad that everyone else has to be outside Jupiters orbit to use a star drive otherwise we would have no warning of uninvited guests.

True and no one else is even close to the technology necessary to do it. Alright here we go.

One moment Danielle was looking at the building housing her living quarters and then she was alongside the Washington beyond Jupiters orbit. Atlas, you big showoff; you mean you can jump right out of a planets atmosphere. Whatever method you use, its obviously not affected by gravity; you are truly amazing.

Thanks, youre making my hull swell; the corridor is ready. Ill be listening in, this should be very interesting. Call me if you need my help, and Danielle could have sworn that in her mind she heard the ship laugh at her.

Danielle walked thru the corridor and emerged into Tags cabin. She knew it was his because of her picture on the writing table. Tag, she thought.

Yes, Darling, He replied.

Is there anywhere where you can communicate privately?

Yes, in my quarters, Ill go there now.

That would be good, dear.

Tag walked about 50 yards and took the lift two levels down and entered his room to find Danielle lying on the bed smiling at him. His mouth fell open and all he could do was stare at her. You told me to interrupt you, Danielle said.

What are you doing here?

Im going with you. Danielle said.

No youre not. This is entirely too dangerous for you to be here. Atlas, is this your doing?

Thomas Anglo Gardner, sit down and listen. Focus on what Im saying and try to understand it is important you see why Im here. The SFT have sent me to be with you because Sung Lea says if I dont then humanity will be annihilated with six months. Our best possible future is with me at your side during the upcoming battles.

I dont care what she says; were not going to do it. Ill override them.

Atlas, Danielle said, Open a channel to the SFT.

No you dont Tag started but then the seven members were on the com screen.

You were right, Danielle said. Hes not being cooperative. Would you kindly explain to him whats happening and the new chain of command?

The entire group of psychics looked at Danielle stunned speechless that she was already there in less than an hour from their meeting. Sung Lea visibly composed herself, then stood up and began explaining her visions. He asked questions and Danielle could see after a few minutes that the resistance was going out of him. Finally, he asked, What is she going to do thats so important to our survival?

We wondered the same thing when we made you our leader but according to Admiral Kosiev you have had a huge impact on our successes so far. We dont know what she will add, but we all agree its going to be critical that she does. So, she has been made co-leader of the SFT with you.


Tag, the two of you should communicate and agree on what ever course of action you plan to take. Do you think her advice is worthless? Sung Lea asked.

No, I always go to her on the hard decisions because of her insight. Tag sat in his chair and stared across the room at the woman he loved with all his being and knew that he had to follow Sung Leas direction even though he feared for his wifes safety. Finally he smiled and said, Well, there are benefits to having her here and somehow we will make this work. Have you announced the change in leadership?

No we were waiting for Danielle to arrive; we planned to do it in six hours however, we see that we can move that timetable up. We hoped you would see reason and well make the announcement now. Then Sung Lea looked at Danielle with an expression that showed immense curiosity, Danielle, you arrived there in less than an hour. I do not know of any possible way that could have happened. It feels eerily similar to what Tag did in the battle for Rossville; maybe youll tell us how you managed to do that? Sung Lea said with raised eyebrows.

Danielle smiled and said, I can walk very, very fast.

Good day, Sung Lea smiled and the screen went blank.

Why didnt you tell me before you came out here?

You told me to interrupt you, she said with a sly smile. So Im going to interrupt you. And she walked over and put her arms around his neck.

Just before he kissed her he thought, Atlas, how could you allow her to be placed in this kind of danger?

What danger? Atlas said. She has the same shield you possess. Theres not a weapon in the Alliance arsenal that could harm either of you. She has to be here. I believe Sung Lea knows what shes talking about and if you look deep inside yourself, youll see it too.

Tag forced himself to relax; he knew she was going to be ok, and then he gave her all of his attention, Beauty and brains, what a combo!

Chapter 2

Admiral, how is the evacuation proceeding, Terl asked as he boxed important documents to be shipped to the colonies? Some of these documents were important treaties agreed to by the Cainth Empire and other Alliance races. They would be important for the future, If there is a future, he thought.

Weve moved most of the Clan Leaders and their families aboard ships and they are just now leaving for the jump limit to go to our colonies. They should arrive there is eight hours. Some of the ships have arrived from our closer colonies and our ship count is now 967 warships. We are getting some disturbing reports that some of our enemies in the Alliance are moving fleets to occupy our colonies in the event the Humans are successful against us so we cant pull all our ships. Even if we pulled them all, it still wouldnt be enough against the Humans if they come in force. Admiral Dorg looked at the types of ships he had for defense of the planet and knew it was not enough. We can delay the Humans but not for long. There is no hope of moving the general population and our troops have had to stay on the planet to maintain order; most of them will have to remain on the ground controlling the riots. The news got out that we were heavily defeated and that our home world is at risk of destruction. I believe, Clan Leader that the Alliance leadership leaked that news hoping for chaos and possible overthrow of our government.

Youre probably right, Admiral. Who would have thought we would be facing extinction. Lets hope they give us enough time to save as many as we can and dont go after the colonies. Terl glanced at his display and saw thousands of Cainth civilians crowding the space port trying to get off the planet. The streets had numerous fires going and thousands of vehicles were constantly lifting and flying to the side of the planet away from open space which was the probable direction the Humans would approach the planet. The sky was choked with millions of ships trying to hold position as the planet revolved under them. Numerous crashes were happening as citizens forced their way into the mass of vehicles hovering above.

Thirty dregs later Terl was issuing orders to the military on how to handle the riots when Admiral Dorg came on his display, It looks like our time has run out. Sensors have picked up approximately two hundred plus star drives breaking into normal space in the outer system. Clan Leader, Im sending a shuttle to pick you up.