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Here they come, Lt. Kelly announced. Theyre in a small shuttle.

Mikado, have the landing port opened and bring them aboard, Tag ordered.

Is that a good idea? Kosiev asked, what if their ship is wired to explode?

Tag closed his eyes and did not feel his senses giving any alarm. He looked at Kosiev and said, Then their race dies today and I think they realize that. It wont be wired. However issue orders to begin the attack if anything happens. He looked at Danielle and she nodded.

Dorg and Terl docked their shuttle in the landing bay of the Washington and were amazed at how much room there was. The landing area was larger than a dreadnaughts and had more empty space. The Bay pressurized and Terl and Dorg exited their shuttle to find two naval marines in full battle armor waiting for them. One marine said in standard Alliance, Follow me, please. Dorg noticed that the humans armor was bright and that the marines were moving smoothly as if they had on nothing but normal clothes. That armor had to weigh more than half a nect.

The marines led them to a lift that took them up five levels then they walked a hundred yards thru wide and roomy corridors until they reached a door that opened to reveal a large conference table where two men in military uniform and a young human male and female dressed in civilian clothes were sitting.

The young man stood up and said in standard Alliance, Welcome aboard the Directorate Ship Washington. My name is Thomas Gardner and this is my wife, Danielle. This is Admiral Kosiev who commands our military and Captain Lin Mikado who is the Captain of this ship.

Both of the Cainth bowed slightly, then Terl said, I am Head Clansman Terl elected leader of the Clans Assembly and this is Admiral Dorg the leader of all our military and naval forces.

Please sit down, Tag said and everyone sat down at the conference table. Tag then looked at the two Cainth Leaders and said, Could you please tell me why I shouldnt kill every living thing in this system and then go after your colony worlds?

Terl noticed that the human female was staring intently at Admiral Dorg. Terl then looked at Tag, You do get right to the point. Based on all that has happened before, Im surprised youre asking that question instead of just doing it. I think we both realize now that we could only slow you down and not stop you. The only thing I can offer is a promise to never be aggressive toward you again and avoid any further loss of life.

Could you agree to that promise Admiral? Danielle said to Dorg.

Dorg said, Yes I could.

Danielle looked at Tag and said, Then the promise is worthless. They are not being honest with us. Everyone in the room was surprised at her response.

Tag and Kosiev both looked at each other then back at her. Why is that? Tag asked.

Because I sense the Admiral here hates us with all his being. She looked at Terl and said, He would never accept anything that would force peace between us which leads me to believe that the promise you made in the form you just used, Clan Leader, is meaningless; I suspect that only promises made from one clan to another are binding and all other promises carry no legal weight unless all clans approve it in the form of a treaty.

Terl was amazed. How could you possibly know that?

Danielle shrugged and said, Its obvious if you just look at your Admirals reactions. Admiral, why do you hate us?

Dorg sat and said nothing. Terl looked at him and ordered, Answer them.

Dorg snarled, You killed my Grandfather. Terl sat back in his chair and looked at Dorg like he had never known him. The hatred was obvious in his face, the stiffness of his body, and the tight fists on all four hands.

When and how did we do that, Admiral, Danielle asked in a soft voice. Tag and Kosiev remained silent, looked at each other and leaned back deciding to let her lead the conversation.

Dorg looked at Danielle and said, He was killed when your ship destroyed the two destroyers and damaged one of our cruisers ninety cycles ago. He was the commander of the cruiser.

And you blame us for his death, Danielle said continuing to speak softly.

Yes, he would have been our Clan Leader and you ended his life.

Admiral, does any race other than your own have any standing in your point of view? Danielle asked?


What makes your race stand above all others?

Because we are the strongest of all races, Dorg yelled! None compare to us.

Still speaking a soft voice Danielle said, So you are saying that the strongest are the only ones that should have any standing.


What about the present situation, Admiral? Are you still the strongest now or have you lost your standing to my race, Danielle asked?

Dorg could only sit there and struggle with a response.

Let me put it another way, Admiral. If I walked into a room with 10 other humans and we started firing hand weapons at you; are you entitled to fire back in self defense?

Yes, of course.

What if during that confrontation you shot one of the ten and killed him. Are you to blame for his death?

He shouldnt have started shooting at me first.

What if he didnt; it was another that started the firing?

Then its the one who started firing that caused the death.

Danielle stared at Dorg for few moments then said, Ninety of our years ago one of your Admirals came to Earth with the intention of destroying our planet when one of your visiting nobles died while visiting. A Spejk doctor on our world determined that the noble died of natural causes. Were you aware of that?

Yes, so what?

Well, your Admiral found out that he had no cause to blame us for that death and he was furious that he could not use his fleet to destroy us. He took his fleet and left our system but on his way out to the jump limit he encountered one of our ships returning home and attacked it. Admiral, what cause did he have for that attack? What did we do to justify it?

Dorg just sat silent.

He had all two hundred ships in his fleet fire on that Earth Cruiser. All the Earth ship did was to try to defend itself and escape. Should the Earth Ship have just allowed itself to be destroyed?

Dorg sat silent.

Your Grandfather died as a result of your Admirals decision to kill the Earth Ship and crew. Just like the person who was shot when you would defend yourself if you were attacked by ten of us.

One last question, Admiral; would your Grandfather have died if your Admiral had not ordered his fleet to attack an innocent ship? Like you said earlier, the one who started the shooting is the one responsible for the death.

Dorg was in obvious turmoil. He tried desperately not to hear her but he knew she was right; try as he might he couldnt get around her logic. He knew at some level all along that the attack wasnt justified; it was the fault of the Admiral. His grandfathers death was the result of the Admirals anger over not being able to use his fleet for personal glory. All his life he had hated and blamed the wrong one. With that realization, he suddenly remembered the Human Colonists he had ordered executed and it hit him like a stunner. He hung his head and remained silent for a long moment, then said in a shaking voice, Im sorry. Youre right. Im so sorry. Ive been wrong about you all along. It was not your fault.

One more question Admiral. Dorg looked up and Danielle said in a voice that he could barely hear, When have we ever given your race a reason to attack us?

Dorg hung his head and it was obvious that he was shaken by what Danielle had said to him. Terl looked at his Admiral sitting with his head down and suddenly he understood these humans. They had done nothing but defend themselves. His race had been the aggressor from the beginning and had not even taken the time to look and see if there was any threat to the Empire. This was all a huge mistake. Terl looked at Danielle and said, I am also sorry. Im ashamed of how we have treated you and how we have misjudged you over the cycles. Then he looked at Tag and Kosiev, Whatever you choose to do, we deserve. You never represented a threat to us; we were the threat to you.