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His hands reached around her and caught her naked ass and pulled at the spongy flesh, lifting and lowering her cunt. A throb ran through her and she began to jerk, her ass moving faster. Her climax slammed through her, causing her to vibrate around his pulsing cock.

"Aaaaggggnnnn!" she growled as her body stiffened and arched over his.

Warm washes of pussy juice seeped out and down the sides of his cock. Her cunt walls contracted and squeezed his cock in convulsions. Her fingernails raked his shirt-covered shoulders.

"Fuck me! Goddamn it, fuck me!" she growled through clenched teeth.

He responded. His hips lifted and his cock drove against the wet walls of her spasming cunt. Again and again, he slammed it to her. She rocked and heaved over him as she came again and again. He was approaching his own climax at freight train speed.

Louise whimpered and thrashed over him as the quaking waves of pleasure rumbled through her body. The ramming of his cock inside her cunt sent her from one climax to another. His hands clenched on her ass cheeks, squeezing and pulling at them. His face contorted and he lunged upward, his cockhead driving into the end of her cunt. His back arched, he groaned and shuddered.

Louise hesitated for a blurry moment. She felt the scalding flood burst into her clenching cunt and she cried out. Her muscles stiffened and she trembled. Each geyser of his cum sent another shudder through her. Color burst behind her closed eyelids and her ears roared.

Long seconds of rending pleasure held them suspended, bodies motionless except for a tremble or shiver. Slowly, the waves of pleasure subsided and Louise sagged. Her mouth hung open and her breath rasped through her slack lips.

Reluctantly, Louise eased herself off his cock and staggered to her feet. Her dress dropped over her legs, covering her cum-smeared pussy. She leaned shakily on the counter and caught her breath. Her eyes fell on the wall clock. A wave of fear shot through her. It was time for the girls to get home from school.

"You had better get yourself back together, my girls will be in any minute," she warned.

He looked up at her and nodded. His hands replaced his drooping cock in his pants and he rose slowly, crossing to her and looking down at her.

"Thanks, lady!" he rasped.

"Thank you," she replied through a smile.

He turned and started for the door. She followed and paused as he turned and kissed her deeply. His hands cupped her tight ass and his crotch ground against her. Just as she was about to forget about the girls and drag him to the sofa or floor, he pulled away.

"Maybe I'll stop again next time I'm in town," he promised and stepped through the door.

Leaning against the door facing, she watched him stroll down the walk. Her cunt throbbed and dribbled the cum he had left there. She turned, closed the door, and went back to the kitchen. She stopped in her tracks.

On the kitchen table lay a photograph. For a moment she thought he might have left it. Then she looked at it and her heart stopped. It was an instant-developing type and it was a picture of her a straddle the young man's lap, his cock plainly visible, entering her naked cunt. She gasped and glanced around the room. She was alone. She picked it up and ran through the house. A quick search told her that she was alone.

She stood in the center of the living room and tried to push down the fear that was bubbling up in her throat. She had no idea who had taken the picture.


Throughout dinner, Louise was quiet and acted as if she were in a daze, which in fact she was. She cast secretive glances at the members of her family and wondered what they would do if they saw the photograph that she had secreted away.

As if to confirm that it was a day of strange occurrences, Kathy and Beth insisted that she go to the living room with Martin and leave them to clean up the dishes after dinner. Her shock showing on her face, she finally conceded to their demands and left the kitchen to them.

Martin settled into his chair with the paper and she fidgeted with a magazine. Her mind refused to focus on the world around her. Every time she tried, the photograph flashed into her mind. She refought the battle over and over whether to tell. Martin and show it to him. She knew what the picture could do to him and his career if it fell into the wrong hands or if it was already in the wrong hands. She shivered with the thought of what would happen to her world and her family.

"I'm going to take my shower," Kathy announced as she passed through the room. The statement snapped Louise back to reality for a moment.

She drifted back to her thoughts as she heard the hiss of water in the bathroom. Beth wandered into the room and sat on the arm of her father's chair. He smiled up at the girl. She read the paper over his shoulder.

The water stopped in the shower and Louise was vaguely aware of the noises of the girl moving around in her room. Beth slid off the chair arm and disappeared. Louise heard the shower hiss again.

Kathy re-entered the room, clad in her shorty gown and a tight pair of panties. Louise glanced at the girl's round, nearly exposed ass as she crossed to her father's chair and pushed his paper out of the way and slid onto his lap. For a moment, it didn't register and then slowly she awakened. The girl had her arms looped around his neck and was smiling seductively at her rather as they whispered.

Louise looked hard at her husband and her daughter. There was something definitely sexual about their expressions and response to each other. Her eyes fell on his hand as it slowly rubbed the girl's ass through the sheer panties. In spite of herself, Louise felt heat and passion rising slowly in her crotch. She imagined what the situation was doing to his cock. She wondered for a moment why she wasn't feeling jealousy. For some reason that she couldn't explain, she only envied the girl.

Beth padded into the room. Panties were her only garment. Louise started and squeaked.

"It's so hot, I just couldn't find anything to wear," she explained softly to her wide-eyed mother.

Louise nodded silently. The girl's nipples stood erect on her flat chest. The panties she wore were even sheerer than Kathy's. Louise could see plainly the hairless little slit.

Beth settled on the arm of Martin's chair and put her arm around the back of it, leaning over to kiss his lips. Louise lurched. She shook her head. Her whole day had been a jumble and now it was turning topsy-turvy.

"Oh, let me show her," Kathy giggled, her voice rising above a whisper. Louise lifted her eyes to them.

Kathy slid off Martin's bulging lap and crossed slowly to her mother. Louise held her breath. The girl sat down beside her on the sofa. Only then did the woman see the small stack of photographs in the girl's hand. Her heart jumped into her throat.

"Beth and I took some interesting pictures today with Daddy's Polaroid," she said.

Louise glared at the girl, anger and fear bubbling up in her throat. She clenched her fist and tensed. Kathy held the pictures out to her. For several seconds Louise looked from the pictures to her daughter's smiling face. Slowly her hand took them and she looked down at the first one.

It was a clear shot of her sitting on the kitchen table, her head down, her mouth filled with the young panhandler's cock. Her heart stopped. She sat frozen for a moment, too stunned to move or speak. She jerked and snatched the picture off the top of the pile. The next one was of him lapping at her hairy, gaping cunt. Again and again she shuffled a picture aside. Each one was a different phase of her love making with the young man.

She almost passed the next one. It was of Kathy, naked, kneeling before Martin. His cock was in the girl's mouth and Kathy was actually managing to smile with her mouth stretched open so wide. Louise stiffened. Her eyes rose to meet the smiling face of her daughter.