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11. Food is being rationed but plentiful.

a. More of a financial measure than shortages.

12. A bill to loan them 1.5 billion dollars is being held up in the Senate

III. Scandinavia

1. Norway, Sweden and Finland are being controlled from the cities by puppet governments propped up by Soviet troops. The smaller cities and villages are virtually free of communist influence. An uneasy truce is in place after a large number of assassinations and retaliations. A number of hangings and atrocities by both sides have brought an uneasy truce as the long winter starts.

2. Denmark is under very tight Soviet control. The area controlling access to the Baltic is being heavily fortified on both the Swedish and Denmark coasts.

3. Reports indicate that the Baltic itself is rather uncontrolled with relative freedom of movement being allowed between all ports.

IV. Germany

1. Very little is known of conditions in Germany. A puppet government has been created and appears to be in total control with behind the scenes support of the Red Army and NKGD.

V. France

1. The French Communist Party is in full control and is comprise of former resistance fighters. The majorities of the Soviet forces are in well defended bases and rarely venture out in the countryside.

2. At the moment there is no organized resistance to the puppet French communist government.

VI. The Low Countries

1. All countries are tightly controlled by the NKGD and Soviet forces along the coastlines.

2. A number of attacks by resistance groups have been violently crushed and retaliations have been rampant.

3. Soviet troops and security forces are numerous throughout the area and patrol with regularity.

4. Our Intelligence Agents sent into the area have been unsuccessful to say the least with 75% going silent within weeks. Highly place moles are suspected in the collective NATO structures.

VII. Turkey

1. Turkey has unofficially joined NATO and has allowed 12 large air bases to be developed.

2. Their armed forces are in fair condition and are in the process of expanding and strengthening their defensive positions along the Dardanelles and Bosporus on their western front.

3. Of major concern is the lack of depth of these defenses. In addition the Turkish government started major construction on these defensive works in critical areas as late as September 13th.

4. The far northeast border is very porous and defended lightly. 10 divisions from their border with Syria being transferred less than a week ago to this front. Total forces reported on the border are 17 divisions.

5. Supplies to Turkey have been hampered by a large increase in submarine activity in the area of Tobruk and Sicily. A delay of 30 days has been experienced due to the rerouting of a large number of convoys to the Suez Canal. Much of the supplies were destined for Turkey but were diverted to SAC instead.

6. The airbases in the Adana area are ready to receive the units of the 15th Air Force. The advanced teams are in position and hard at work finalizing the facilities.

7. General LeRoche conducted a 1 month tour of Turkish territory and estimated that if attacked in force, the eastern border would hold for 20 days while the Northeast border with the USSR would be breached in 3 days. He strongly recommended that this border be strengthened immediately with NATO troops if necessary. The Turkish government is expected to respond to his report next week and will hopefully acquiesce to additional NATO troops being deployed in their territory.

VIII. Japan

1. Defense forces continue to be trained

2. 75% of the forces on mainland China, Korea, Burma, Malaya, Bruni, Dutch East Indies, British East Indies, North Borneo and Guam have been transported back to Japan proper and integrated into the defense forces.

IX. Manchuria

1. Soviet occupied

X. China

1. Full-fledged civil war with fluid and chaotic conditions.

2. Numerous Japanese units caught in the fighting after fleeing the Soviet forces in Manchuria.


1. Estimated at full war footing

2. 70% of oil production non-functional

3. Estimated 5% increase per month despite current bombing campaign

4. 185 divisions currently in the field

a. 50 in Western Europe

b. 30 on the Pyrenees Line

c. 2 in Italy

d. 2 in Greece

e. 10 spread out internally in Eastern Europe

f. 10 on the eastern border of Turkey with 30 more enroute

g. 35 on the Northeastern border of Turkey

h. 15 in Scandinavia

i. 10 internal Russia and Ukraine

j. 21 in Manchuria

5. VVS units

a. See Attached

XII. Yugoslavia

1. 7 division in Greece

2. 8 divisions in Italy

3. 4 internal

XIII. Eastern European nations

1. 35 divisions internally

XIV. United States

1. See attachment

Damn it I’ll be typing all day. Where the hell is the attach shit… Oh crap you’re kidding. Holy shit this is ridiculous. There must be 30 pages of double column figures. Oh man…

* * *
Actually the typist underestimated the number of pages. It was more than 120 pages all together and he was soon joined by others.
* * *

We leave you at this point with Stalin poised to invade Turkey the Levant and Iraq with two objectives in mind. First and foremost to prevent NATO from attacking his oil production facilities ever again and to enjoy the immunity the United States has from this calamity of modern war. Second is to deny NATO the oil in Iraq and to close the Suez Canal to all shipping and eventually make the Mediterranean a Soviet lake by wrestling Gibraltar from the British.


Coming soon

World War Three 1946
Book Three
The Red Sea
The Allies Strike Back


Copyright © 2014 Harry Kellogg III

All rights reserved.


