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22. WD, “German V-2,” 397; WD, V-2, 38–39; WvB, handwritten “Kostenaufstellung betr. Übungsplatz Peenemünde,” c. 4.36, in BA/MA, RH8/v.1945. What Göring thought of the interservice rocket alliance is unknown, but he must have at least approved of it.

23. WD, “European Rocketry,” 253–54. See also WD, V-2, 47–48, and WD, “German V-2,” 398.

24. Ludwig, “Die ‘Hockdruckpumpe’,” 144; Klein, Vom Geschoss, 28–35, 56, 72–73.

25. David Irving in Mare’s Nest, 18–19, has already made some of the same points. On the possibility that Ordnance was interested in using the ballistic missile for gas warfare, see note 25 of Chapter 1.

26. Murray, German Military Effectiveness, 1–38.

27. Schabel, “Wunderwaffen?” 19.

28. Genstbd.H.3.Abt.Att.Gr.I to Ordnance, 4.2.36, forwarding 4.1.36 “Science News Letter,” in BA/MA, RH8/v. 1945; von Horstig to Akimoff, 25.8.36, in NASM, FE366/4; Goddard, “Liquid-propellant Rocket Development”; WD, “German V-2,” 400; WD Vortragsnotiz, 14.12.39, and WD to Leeb, 26.8.40, in NASM, FE349.

29. Germany, Das Deutsche Reich, 1:371–532.

30. WD, V-2, 39–41; von Richthofen report on 1.4.36 meeting with Kesselring in NA, T-971/73 (no frame nos).

31. Ebert and Rupieper, “Technische Wissenschaft”; Huzel, Peenemünde, 107; Reisig OHI, 1989, 24; WvB, “Behind the Scenes,” 20, SRCH, WvB Papers; WD, V-2, 37–38.

32. Reisig OHI, 1989, 26–27; WD, V-2, 139; WD performance evaluation of WvB, 11.9.37, in SRCH, WvB Papers.

33. Becker order, 12.5.37, in NA, T-77/797/5528603–4; “Organisations-schema Werk Ost,” c. 1937, in NASM, FE348; Ordway and Sharpe, Rocket Team, 31; Tessman OHI, 10–13; WD, V-2, 40–41.

34. WD, V-2, 48, 50–53.

35. Todt letter, 11.7.36, Riedel/Nebel patent of 3.8.36, Ordnance–Nebel–Riedel contract of 2.7.37 in NA, T-175/155/2685617–22 and 2685578–80; Ordnance correspondence on Nebel, 1936–37, in IWM, MI 14/801(V); WvB, “Behind the Scenes,” 19–20, SRCH, WvB Papers; and Reisig OHI, 1989, 55–56. The patent payment was probably based on the RM 72,000 paid to the Heylandt company for patents it received for its rocket car work. See Heylandt–Wa Prw 1 correspondence, 7.9.34–21.5.35, in NASM, FE749.

36. WvB, “Kostenaufstellung,” c. 4.36, in BA/MA, RH8/v.1945; WvB to Lorenz/RLM/LC I, 24.4.36, in NASM, FE746.

37. Riedel, “Raketenentwicklung,” 35, IWM, German Misc. 148; WvB German pilot logs and licenses in SRCH, WvB Papers; WvB SS officer file card, BDC; Tschirschwitz/DVL reports, 16.6.36 and 19.8.36, in NASM, FE746; WD, V-2, 124.

38. Riedel, “Raketenentwicklung,” 35–36, IWM, German Misc. 148; Tessmann OHI, 38–39; WD, V-2, 125, states that the cabin was at the opposite end of the “carousel,” but he is contradicted by Riedel and Tessman.

39. RLM/LC II reports, 18.2.37 and 1.3.37, on monthly meetings with Wa Prw D, and Pauls/RLM/LC II to WvB, 11.3.37, in NASM, FE746; Warsitz quoted in Ward, Wernher von Braun, 7–9.

40. Pauls, WvB, Künzel, and Warsitz report, 3.6.37, and LC II 2e report, 7.6.37, in NASM, FE746; WD, V-2, 125.

41. Ordnance–RLM and Ordnance–Heinkel correspondence, 1937–39, in NASM, FE746, especially Dellmeier report, 2.8.38; WvB to von Horstig, 23.11.35, in NASM, FE727/a; Heinkel, Stürmisches Leben, 456–64.

42. Stegmaier Starthilfe report, 3.2.42, NASM, FE692/e.

43. Marinewaffenamt document, 23.9.35, Kruse/RLM to von Horstig, 23.12.35, and Wa Prw 11 to von Horstig, 27.3.36, in NASM, FE724/b; Heinkel, Stürmisches Leben, 458–64.

44. Walter, “Development” in Benecke and Quick, eds., History, 263–80; Antz/RLM/LC 7III report, 14.10.38, in BA/MA, RL3/780; Schabel, “Wunderwaffen?” 183–84, 198; Stegmaier Starthilfe report, 3.2.42, NASM, FE692/e.

45. Gartmann, Men, 99–102; Sänger-Bredt, “Silver Bird,” 203–6; Ordnance corr. on Sänger, 16.10.34–9.2.37, in BA/MA, RH8/v.1225; Sänger files, BDC.

46. Gartmann, Men, 103–6; Sänger-Bredt, “Silver Bird,” 206–11; Sänger-Bredt and Engel, “Development,” 237–44.

47. Rudolph OHI, 33–39; WvB to WD, 200). 10.37, and WD “Notizen” for 3.11.37 meeting, 28.10.37, in NASM, FE348.

48. WD “Notizen” for 3.11. meeting, 28.10.37, in NASM, FE348; Becker orders, 11.7.38 and 15.11.38, in NA, T-77/797/5528609–12; WvB to RLM/LC II 2 e, 5.2.38, in NASM, FE746; “Abteilungsfest Wa Prüf 11,” 16–17.7.38, in SRCH, WvB Papers; Zanssen biographical information courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. Gerhard Zanssen.

49. Riedel, “Raketenentwicklung,” 24–25, 28, IWM, German Misc. 148; WvB, “Das Aggregat III,” 29.11.37, DM, (FE1120).

50. WvB to von Horstig, 23.11.35, in NASM, FE727/a; Ordnance corr. with metalworking firms, 13.4.35–15.7.36, in NASM, FE744; IG Farben Bitterfeld to Kummersdorf, 23.11.36, and Zarges to Kummersdorf, 21.1.37, in NASM, FE752; WD to W Preispr.-Heer, 11.11.38, in NASM, FE745; Reisig, “Das kongeniale Vermächtnis,” 106; Reisig OHI, 1989, 59–60; Rudolph OHI, 30–31.

51. Gievers, “Erinnerungen,” 264–65; WvB, “Behind the Scenes,” 14, SRCH, WvB Papers; WvB to KG, 11.7.34, in NASM, FE74/b; WD, WvB, Altvater, and (?), minutes of 9.11.37 meeting at Siemens, in NASM, FE119; Mackenzie, Inventing, 45–46.

52. WvB, “Behind the Scenes,” 14, SRCH, WvB Papers; WvB draft contract documents for KG, 10.10.34, in NASM, FE74/b; Gievers, “Erinnerungen,” 280–81.

53. WvB A-3 progress report, 28.4.36, in BA/MA, RH8/v.1260; KG description of A-3 guidance system, 11.36, NASM, FE23/a; WvB, “Das Aggregat III,” 28–38, 29.11.37, DM, (FE1120); Mueller OHI, 13–18.

54. Patent, 1.5.36, on A-3 design, NASM, FE190; Ordnance, KG, Deutsche Glühfadenfabrik corr. and documents, 23.10.36–12.4.37; Goddard, “Liquid-Propellant Rocket Development.”

55. WvB to Lorenz/RLM, 3.11.35, in NASM, FE746; Ordnance–TH Aachen correspondence, 15.1.36–19.1.37, in NASM, FE727/a; WvB, “Behind the Scenes,” 18, SRCH, WvB Papers; WvB, “Das Aggregat III,” 24–27, 29.11.37, DM, (FE1120).

56. WvB to Bassenge/RLM/LC II, 1.11.35, in NASM, FE746; WvB, “Das Aggregat III,” 4 and 42–45, 29.11.37, DM, (FE1120).

57. WD, V-2, 42–44; WvB report on A-3 launches, 15.1.38, in NASM, FE747; “Operation Leuchtfeuer” documents, 1937, in NASM, FE367; Reisig OHI, 1989, 10–12.

58. WD, V-2, 44; WvB report on A-3 launches, 15.1.38, in NASM, FE747.

59. WD, V-2, 54–56; WvB A-3 launch summary, 7.38, appended as pages 57–69 of “Das Aggregat III,” 29.11.37, DM, (FE1120).

60. WvB A-3 launch summary, 7.38, appended as pages 57–69 of “Das Aggregat III,” 29.11.37, DM, (FE1120); WD Vortragsnotizen for Becker, 29.12.37, in NASM, FE367; WvB to Haas/KG, 17.12.37, in NASM, FE74/b.

61. WvB A-3 launch summary, 7.38, appended as pages 57–69 of “Das Aggregat III,” 29.11.37, DM, (FE1120); Ordnance–KG meetings, 10.1., 15.1., 20.1.38, in NASM, FE119; Mueller OHI, 13–24.

62. Mueller OHI, 13–24; WvB report on A-2 launches, 28.1.35, in BA/MA, RH8/V.1945; WD Vortragsnotizen for Becker, 29.12.37, in NASM, FE367; WD, V-2, 56.

3. Breakthrough in Key Technologies

1. “Werdegang… des Professors Dr. von Braun,” anonymous typescript, late 1943, in NASM, FE341.