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"I'll be there," he said.

The phone hung up. Ginny thought she could hear Justin laughing again. Closing her book, the girl slipped on her sandals, grabbing a blue jacket, then slipping it over her shoulders. Ginny tiptoed to her door, and she cracked it open. Her mother was still downstairs. Down the hall, she could hear the steady droning of some news documentary. Biting her lower lip, Ginny closed the door, careful to turn off the light. It was an unspoken rule that her mother would never open the door once she thought her daughter had gone off to sleep. Ginny walked carefully down the hall, past the living room, where she saw the hack of her mother's head just above the long green sofa. She disappeared into the kitchen, making sure she had the keys to the back door before slipping out and carefully re-closing it. Shivering, Ginny hurried down the drive, looking about to make sure no neighbors were spying on her. Ginny's heels clattered against the concrete as she rushed down the street, onto Brand Boulevard, then across the four lanes of busy traffic, until she saw the dark shape of the school building looming in front of her. Moving along the east side, she saw the dim glow of lights from the basement athletic area. Justin was there, just like he had said he would be.

Ginny paused for a moment, her fingers pulling at the edges of her sweater. It was wrong, terribly wrong for her to sneak from her house like that. She had just lost her cherry today, and Justin bad been so rough. But there was something in the sinfulness of the thing, something exciting about the way he had overpowered her and made her obey that appealed to the girl.

Letting out a sigh, Ginny walked slowly to the outside stairs, curling her fingers around the cold metal handrail and descending the steps to the outside door. The frosted glass on the windows prevented her from seeing in. She knocked softly against the panes, inhaling sharply when she saw a shape moving behind the glass.

"It's Ginny," she whispered loudly through a crack in the door, adjusting her sweater around her neck as a breeze raised her hair from her shoulders.

There was rattling on the other side of the door. Then it opened slowly, pushing out toward her.

"Justin, I feel so weird coming here and – oh, God!"

It was Gus.


"No! Oh, God, noooo!"

Ginny tried pulling back. But Gus had been ready for her shock. Grabbing her hard by the wrist, he yanked the frantic, teen into the building, kicking the door shut behind her. She heard the double panes rattling in their frames as she pitched forward, barely keeping her balance. Where was Justin? Why had he called her and asked her to come if he wasn't here?

"That's it, baby. Come on, come on to ol' Gus. He wants to have a little fun with you."

Ginny turned around, backing slowly away from the advancing janitor. He looked more loathsome than before. The sweat on his face made him look more horrible. His close cropped graying black hair glistened. His broad forehead wrinkled and the skin around his dark eyes tightened. He hadn't shaved for a day or so. How could the school district have hired such a pig in the first place?

"Justin's around here. He called, and I was right there. In fact, I heard you pantin' away."

"No, no, that's not true!" Ginny said, shaking her head slowly.

"Sure is. Justin's my pal, my buddy at least for a while. I told the little fucker I'd turn'em in, tell the coach he was fuckin' around. Your panties were right there under the couch. I didn't let 'em take 'em away before the coach came back. The kid was frantic. Loves football and all that shit."

Gus rubbed one hand under his chin, peeling off a lose scab.

"Me, I like fuckin'. Fuckin' young stuff like you. Usually gotta pay for it," he said, his voice lowering nastily. "But this time I'm gonna get it free."

Ginny felt her stomach tighten. Justin had sold her, solid her to Gus like some slave just to save his precious high-school football career.


"He's gettin' some stuff ready. I don't like fuckin' in the usual way. Guess you could've figured that out, though."

Ginny didn't want to figure anything out. She looked wildly around, searching for a path of escape. Everything was dark around her. She wasn't familiar with the twisting passages in this area of the school building. She'd be running blindly about with Gus behind her, knowing every square inch of the pathway.

"No, oh, no!"

Now the girl knew what real fear was. The flesh along her thighs and in the crack along her ass crawled. As Gus took one step closer, she drew back, her breath catching. Ginny thought she could hear her heart pounding. Gus looked so big now, much bigger than she'd remembered him.

"Ohhhh!" she gasped.

Gus caught her by the shoulders, his big palms pressing down. Ginny closed her eyes and shuddered, fighting out the sheer desire to scream. He was hurting her, curling his fingers into her flesh and pressing down. The pain shot up to her neck, then down to her back.

"Suck cock, baby? You wanna wrap them lips around my prick and suck me off? Yeah, that'd be good, givin' ol' Gus some good head."

The thought made Ginny want to vomit. He was pressing her down toward the floor. He was going to make her do it. He was going to make her suck his prick!

Ginny twisted away, backing off after Gus lost some of his grip.

"Bitch!" he spat.

He moved, quickly, twisting strands of her hair in his fists Ginny yelped, feeling him tearing strands from her scalp.

"Yaghghhghh!" she screamed.

Her eyelids flickered as Gus jerked her close, his filthy breath pumping in her face. She could smell all that whisky and, tobacco he had consumed. The odor made her want to puke. And this was the thing that was doing to fuck her?

"Suck me, baby, suck me good!"

He tightened his grip on her hair, dragging her back, back past the door and toward the office, where she and Justin had fucked. Muttering something about her being too much trouble, he flung her forward, sliding one leg out to make sure she tripped on it.

Ginny pitched forward, her legs tangling over one another. Her hair flew in her eyes as she doubled over, her palms hitting the polished concrete floor hard. The shock of the blow sent shards of pain through her arms and elbows, the air being knocked from her lungs as she rolled several times and finally came to rest against a door.

"Here," he said.

He was tugging her hair again, drawing her face up against his booted foot so hard that the blow cracked her lower lip. Ginny moaned, able to taste her own blood, and Gus growled again. The horror of what she was now facing surged through her like some hideous new life.

"No, I won't, I won't!"

He stared at her, breathing hard, heavy. The brightness in his eyes was like the hungry fixed stare of a sewer rat. As she trembled, the terror gnawing at her mind, Gus smiled. He enjoyed doing this, watching a woman trembling under his filthy gaze.

Raising one hand slowly above his head, he drew closer, his feet nearly touching hers. Ginny whimpered, tensing, waiting for the blow to fall. He would strike her again and again. She knew it, felt it in her bones. Even as she flattened herself against the wall, drawing her legs up until she was a tight little ball, his hand came down. As before with Justin, she could hear the wind whistling between his spread fingers. There was a moment's silence. And then the blow came, the force knocking her body halfway on its right side.

"Ygaghghhgh – uhhhhfffffff!"

Ginny covered her face with both hands, whimpering softly. She dug her heels into the floor, trying to scoot away from the big man. Gus followed her, raising one booted foot and kicking her hard in the ribs.