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Simon grinned into Demmell’s bulging eyes, lifting the pressure of his forearm slightly to allow the passage of a modicum of air. His voice was hard and low.

“Question time.”

Perhaps it was something in Demmell’s expression, some spark of hope lighting his eyes, perhaps it was a sixth sense awakening too late to be helpful, but suddenly Simon knew that he hadn’t won. Instinct told him to turn, but there was no time to obey before the blow fell. Constellations spun in front of him, and long before his body collapsed all consciousness had gone and he was free-falling into oblivion.


Gradually the darkness lightened.

The Saint lay perfectly still. Someone appeared to be hammering nails into the base of his skull. He was aware that he was lying on his back, with something soft beneath his head. His senses were stirred by two separate sensations that managed to filter through the haze enveloping his brain. A delicate aroma of expensive perfume was wafting across his face, and his taste buds were approving the smoothness of the champagne that was being gently trickled into his mouth.

Full consciousness returned, but he delayed opening his eyes for fear that the vision the two sensations conjured up would be dispersed by reality.

“Bollinger, I believe.”

“Nothing but the best.” The voice was soft and low, containing the tantalising hint of an accent he could not readily identify. He could feel the lips that framed the words almost caressing his ear. He opened one eye and then the other, to focus on the face above.

Sapphire blue eyes sparkled from flawless tanned skin, the full lips were slightly parted, and the vision was framed by cascading flaxen hair that caught and trapped the sun like a halo.

Simon shook his head, closed his eyes and opened them again but the vision remained. He levered himself into a sitting position, wincing at the pain in his neck and back.

“I’ve heard of ministering angels — but champagne?”

The vision poured out a glass and handed it to him. “For the fevered brow, it’s the only thing.”

The Saint rubbed his neck.

“How is it for the fevered neck?”

“Best applied internally.”

The vision held out her hand and helped Simon to his feet. The Saint’s eyes narrowed fractionally as he felt the strength of the fingers and the bone-hard skin along the edge of the palm, but he was too intent on absorbing the rest of the picture to pay immediate attention to either.

The vision smoothed the front of a white cotton dress that appeared to consist of little except a neckline and a hem. Nature had been generous with her gifts, and Simon agreed it would have been ungracious to hide them.

The girl raised her glass.

“Cheers, I’m Samantha Lord.”

Simon returned the gesture.

“Sebastian Tombs.”

He rested on the arm of a chair and Samantha sat opposite him, one seemingly endless leg crossed over the other. She took a slim platinum case from her bag and proffered a cigaret. He shook his head.

“No longer one of my vices.”

“Well, perhaps it leaves you more energy for your remaining ones.” Samantha selected a cigaret, lit it, and watched the exhaled smoke rise towards the ceiling until it finally disappeared.

Her gaze travelled slowly round the room.

“You must have had an untidy upbringing.”

“I mislaid a cufflink.”

Samantha leaned forward and removed his glasses. “Maybe you’d have a better chance of finding it without those.”

He decided for the moment not to confirm or deny her apparent diagnosis of his natural vision.

“Where did you spring from anyway?”

“I have a suite on this floor. I’d just come in to get something, and when I passed your room the door was open and I saw you. I never could resist a gentleman in distress.”

Samantha had stood up as she talked, and the Saint also rose, taking her empty champagne glass and placing it alongside his own on the table.

“What makes you think I’m a gentleman?”

His hands rested on her shoulders, and her mouth opened as he moved closer. Their eyes held each other’s as their lips met.

The crash of the door being slammed shattered the spell. Emma Maclett walked purposefully into the room, ignored Samantha, and spoke directly to the Saint.

“Hi! I’m from the Herald Tribune.”

Samantha’s voice was as sweet as vinegar.

“Cancel my subscription.”

The Saint stepped out of the line of Ire, assuming the professional indifference of a tennis umpire.

Emma’s green eyes flashed.

“I do hope I’m breaking something up.”

Samantha looked at the Saint inquiringly.

“Sweet thing. Your aunt?”

“I’m just a local science correspondent.”

Samantha shrugged.

“Well, I wouldn’t want to stand here in the way of a Nobel Prize.”

The Saint, fearing a full-scale battle, stepped between them.

“Sam, I really don’t know how to thank you.”

Emma’s eyes flashed.

“I thought you were doing that when I walked in.”

Samantha spared her a long, withering look.

“Bitterness is a terrible thing, dear,” she cautioned, and turned back to the Saint. “I’m very easy to thank. Just take me to dinner tonight.”

“I’d love to. Where can I find you?”

“The lobby, eight sharp.”

“Till tonight then.”

Samantha turned as she reached the door, and winked at the Saint.

“Help yourselves to the champagne, it can brighten up the dullest occasion.”

After the door closed, Emma still could not hide her jealousy.

“Who was she — your leg man?”

“I found some eager character ransacking my room. I was about to ask him some questions when I was knocked out. She revived me.”

“That part I saw. And while you were out, my father also went out.”

“Where? With whom?”

“To see someone called Curdon. He wouldn’t tell me any more.”

The Saint relaxed.

“It’s all right. Curdon is a section head with D16. He’s here to look out for your father too.”

“D16! But why didn’t he tell me he already had protection?”

“I don’t know, just as I don’t know why our recently departed vision of loveliness should knock me out and then revive me.”

“She knocked you out!”

“I didn’t actually see who it was, but she said she was passing and just happened to glance in, not very easy considering the door was shut. Also she has hard hands, the kind of hardness that comes from practising karate by demolishing the odd housebrick, and the blow that laid me out was as expertly delivered a karate chop as it has ever been my misfortune to receive.”

“But you’re still going to meet her tonight.”

“Of course. How else can I find out what game she’s playing? Now I’ve got a room to clear up and a shower to take. I’m interviewing for chambermaids and backscrubbers, if you’d like to apply.”

“It’s a tempting offer, but I’ve had better. I’ll keep in touch.”

Simon escorted her to the elevator and returned to repair the havoc in his room. When most of the mess had been straightened out he showered, the needle-thin jets of cold water stinging and revitalising his body. He dressed in a lightweight jacket and slacks and carefully combed his hair back into place. Anyone witnessing his actions would have found it difficult to believe that less than an hour before he had been fighting for his life, and even to the Saint the memory of his clash with Demmell was rapidly fading. There were too few minutes in any day to spend even one of them thinking about what might have been.