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'You're so insulting. No, I did not murder her. I came to see what sort of a life she had led. That hor rible Sable has upset me. She drinks brandy. She was a walking barrel of it tonight. I saw the tables she passed smell it.'

'She was, of course, summoned here. Someone phoned Hobart House. Two candidates for the crime, Falkirk and Lance. Unless you told her yourself to break up our interview.'

'You have the most devious mind…'

'I admit it.' Tweed called for the bill. Then he accompanied her safely to her Renault.

She said not a word. Slamming the door, she revved up the engine, drove out too fast without a glance in his direction. When he re-entered the hall, Newman had just returned with Paula from dinner. They were talking to Marler, who spoke to Tweed.

'Harry has returned to his watching post near Hobart House. I called him when I saw Sable stag gering out of her car. I've a nose for trouble.'

'Thank you both,' Tweed said. 'It was beginning to look like a dog fight.'

'D-Day tomorrow,' Marler said cheerfully. 'Lepard has his thugs in position inside the caves on the other side of the Falls.'

'I see nothing to be cheerful about,' Paula com mented.


When Tweed climbed the stairs to get some sleep, Paula came up close behind him. She waited while he unlocked and opened his door.

'May I have a few words with you?' she asked.

'Of course.'

He thought she wanted a brief resume of his encounter with Mrs Shipton. Or she wanted to pass on information obtained during her dinner. She closed the door, stood with her arms folded.

'I'm coming with you in the Audi.'

'No! You are not.'

'We always do things together,' she insisted.

'Not this time. They expect to see only one person in the car with me.'

'So I'll huddle down out of sight in the back.'

'No, you won't, because you won't be there.'

'Snapping at me will get you nowhere,' she retorted.

Tm telling you, Paula, it's not on.'

'And I'm telling you it is on, so accept it.'

'I could give you a direct order.'

'Give it, then, if it'll make you feel better.'

'As Deputy Chief of the SIS I am giving you a direct order. You will obey it.'

'All right. Better get to bed. You won't get much sleep.'

Her stubborn mood seemed to have vanished. She kissed him on the cheek, went along to her room.

Once inside she phoned room service, ordered a large breakfast to be served in her room at 4 a. m, then requested a wake-up call for 3.30 a.m.

Before a quick shower she took from the wardrobe a dark jacket and trousers. She had never before worn them. They were so sombre they merged with the dark.


The following morning at nine thirty the air was intolerably humid. The sky was a solid grey. Just north of the bridge beyond the Falls a vast storm moved slowly south.

In the garage, Marler was having a last word with Tweed, who sat behind the wheel of the Audi. As they talked a shadow moved in the darkness.

'They're in position in the caves,' Marler drawled. 'Lepard is with them as leader. So are we – in position on this side. With a bit of luck we'll have wiped them out before that king of a storm breaks. It's a monster. I'd better get into my position.'

Tweed started the engine, began to crawl out of the garage. A rear door was opened, shut. In his rear- view mirror Tweed saw Paula crouching down in the back.

He swore inwardly. There was nothing he could do. He had to keep moving to meet the delicate timetable. He said not one word. Neither did Paula.

She was checking the Browning she'd extracted from her shoulder holster. At the training mansion hidden in deepest Surrey they had been taught to do this in darkness.

As they proceeded along the High Street they passed noticeboards Marler had had erected in the middle of the night.


It was the only way to protect the inhabitants of the town when the bullets began to fly.

There was a sinister rumble of thunder. No rain drenching down yet. Paula opened the roadside window, looking out on the steep-stepped roads mounting the hill overlooking the High Street. No more thunder. It was ominously quiet.

On the far side of the Falls, Lepard was struggling with a special weapon. The bazooka was like a drainpipe. The sticky atmosphere was making his hands moist. It was not easy to manoeuvre the heavy unfamiliar weapon. In front of him, lying down below the low rampart wall at the rim of the cave, three of his elite men perched the barrels of their rifles, aimed at the oncoming Audi. They found themselves exposed with shoulders and heads above the parapet. It was the only way they could see down at the oncoming target, the Audi crawling closer by the minute.

Below them at Level Two their compatriots faced the same problem. They were nervous about their exposure. It was a difficulty Lepard had not fore seen.

The men below them in the cave at Level Three were equally nervous. Lepard had told everyone the signal to open fire would be when he fired the rocket from his own weapon, the deadly bazooka. One hit from his weapon and Tweed would be eliminated in a burst of fire.

Marler, perched high up on the roof of a house, had also spotted the weapon, through the cross-hairs of his Armalite. Beside him Harry had his automatic aimed at the cave in Level Two.

'What do you think?' Harry asked.

'It's going to be tricky. At Level One, Lepard has a bazooka.'

'Lord help us…'

'One rocket hitting the target and it's all over. I'm happy to see Lepard is unfamiliar with the weapon. It keeps wobbling all over the place. When I open fire so do the rest of our people.'

'Well, Pete Nield has arrived from the training mansion in Surrey, and he and Newman are covering that lot at Level Three…'

Lepard inserted his deadly rocket. It coincided with the storm breaking over the Falls with a tremendous thunderclap. An incredible cascade poured down from the sky, millions of gallons flooded down over the Falls.

Marler fired his first shot. The bullet took half Lepard's face away. Blood poured down. Marler's first bullet had hit as Lepard was about to press the trigger. He lost control. The barrel was aimed up at the roof of the rocky cave, brought it down.

Lepard was sliced in half at the waist as a huge knife-like rock caught him. Marler's bombardment was nonstop as his men sprayed the caves. The top half of Lepard's body, streaming with blood, fell into the surge of water, which was now a small Niagara. The rest of his body went over the edge, followed by his compatriots blasted by the shock- wave.

Inside the Audi, Paula stared in amazement. The immense surge of water was no longer white. It was blood-red as other enemies toppled out of the caves at Levels Two and Three. The Falls had taken on the look of a huge rainbow.

Paula stared down at the large pool at the base of the Falls. Enemy bodies floated on its crimson surface, rushed on downriver as they were caught up in the swift surge of the central current, much enlarged. She averted her gaze.

The action was taking on the atmosphere of a pounding operatic drama – but one never seen in the theatre. Vast sheets of rain hammered the roof of the Audi. A deafening inferno swept Gunners Gorge. The foetid atmosphere was creating a mist creeping up over the Falls.

Marler, now clad in a green sou'wester, was searching the area. He was perched on a flat rock to evade the streams of water sluicing down the ridge.

'Harry,' he shouted, 'something's wrong. There were ten of them. I counted. No sign of the tenth man. Where is he?'

Inside the Audi, where Tweed was slowly turning the vehicle to face the Nag's Head, Paula caught motion out of the corner of her eye. The tenth man was clam bering fast down a water-logged gulley. His target was the Audi.