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“Let’s go out, man. Get your ass off that damn couch.” Trey, my high school buddy and now New York roommate, swaggered into the living room, buttoning up his blue striped shirt. His black leather shoes tapped against the hardwood floor.

Trey had moved to Manhattan for college. We’d been through a lot together through the years. I loved him like my own sibling, but at times he was a pain in my ass.

I gave him a cursory look, noticing he was ready to hit the club while I sat back, television on low as I sipped my beer and worked. Tonight, I’d needed to get away from the office. I’d been there the last three Fridays past eight, and I was tired of staring at the walls of my four-by-four cubical.

Being a banker at Financial State Bank was no joke. Since I’d moved from Chicago to Manhattan, I’d been working nonstop, trying to expand my portfolio by bringing on more clients. I wasn’t a new banker by any means, but I was the rookie in this office. Starting over in Manhattan meant I had to prove myself to management all over again, when I’d already built a rapport in Chicago.

Checking himself in the living room mirror, Trey fixed the front of his dark brown hair and ran one hand down the front of his pressed cotton shirt. I fought the urge to laugh out loud. Trey was a preener. It was hilarious to watch, but I respected him for wanting to look nice, I guess.

“And here’s a guy who’s gonna have fun tonight.” He rubbed his chin, glanced back at the mirror, and then threw a look my way. “Let’s go!” He strolled toward the couch and shut my laptop. “Quit being so lame. What’re you doing anyway that can’t wait ’til Monday?”

I groaned. “Trust me; I’d much rather go out than do this shit all night, but I’ve got work to do.” I flipped open the screen and moved the mouse so I could study the analysis of the Tiggins Corporation. “I have to finish this write-up for credit.”

I felt Trey’s eyes narrowing on me. “Isn’t that shit your underwriter’s job? You’re such a sucker, man. You’re too nice.” He slammed my computer shut, harder this time, and almost right on my hands.

Sighing, I rested against the couch, picked up my beer, and chugged it back as the realization hit me that I had turned into an old man at the age of twenty-five.

I didn’t answer, because Trey was right. If this underwriter’s manager were to get hold of his lazy analysis, he’d be in deep water. A part of me believed I was completing his write-up to save his ass, which proved Trey’s point—I was a sucker. I’d bet my next paycheck that twenty-two-year-old underwriter was out getting shit-faced tonight, while I was staying at home doing his job.

I cranked my neck from side to side to let loose some of the tension building in me.

Trey snapped his fingers in front of my face, impatient. “What the hell? Let’s get going. Work’s not gonna get you laid.” He reached for my laptop and dropped it on the recliner. “Get your ass changed. I’m not taking no for an answer tonight.”

The look on his face told me he’d drag me out by my balls if I didn’t comply, so I stood. “Chill, I’m going, okay?”

I needed this anyway. For once, I didn’t want to think about Beth, the girl who had left me brokenhearted. I didn’t want to think of work, either. I needed to let loose.

I ran one hand down my face, releasing a heavy sigh, and headed to my room to get ready. Trey smirked as I walked past him, knowing he’d won.

Yeah, yeah.



I rested against the counter, my arms crossed over my more than plentiful chest, and released a silent sigh as my eyes zoned and took in all of Dr. James Klein—tall, dark, and hot as mother freaking hell itself.

I swallowed my saliva down, preventing a drool pool from leaking out of the side of my mouth. If I didn’t have any self-control, I would’ve been panting like a dog at his total hotness.

Oh, Dr. Hot Pants, I have the biggest crush on you.

I recited this little chant in my head often.

He was at the nurses’ station, studying his clipboard, most likely for his next patient. Maybe I could break a bone, catch some sort of virus, anything to get him to notice me. Because I noticed him every second of our evening shift together. I practically dreamed about him in my sleep.

I worked the evening shift—seven p.m. to seven a.m. Lucky for me, I had seven more hours to ogle him.

Right now, I needed his white jacket off so I could check out his ass again. I’d coined him Dr. Hot Pants with the fine ass. And oh, was he super fine.

Since I’d moved to New York a month ago from my small town of Bowlesville, Illinois, I knew my life would be turning up with better opportunities. I was meant for more than the local hospital, where the most excitement that had happened was when our sheriff shot his own foot by accident.

I sighed heavily at the hunk of a man in front of me. As soon as I stepped onto the emergency room floor that first day as an employed nurse of New York Cornell Hospital, I knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that Dr. James Klein would belong to me, my husband-to-be.

He just didn’t know it yet, but that didn’t matter. I had a plan, and it included a house, marriage, and a baby carriage. At least, I hoped so.

When he started strolling my way, I straightened and adjusted my push-up bra. The way his wavy brown hair moved when he walked made my heart race in my chest. What I wouldn’t give to run my fingers through his locks.

When he approached a few feet away, I pretended to look at my clipboard as I stood directly in his path. On purpose.

“How are you today, Kendall?” he asked, his tone smooth like silk.

I’d made it my point in life to turn his tone into hot, hoarse, and heavy, and more importantly, I wanted him screaming my name so even his neighbors knew who I was.

Patience, Kendy, patience.

“Good. Slow night tonight.” I threw him my sweet smile and popped out my hip in a Kendy-like fashion, meeting his hot hazel eyes in the process. I tilted slightly to accentuate my curves, subtle, but not over-exaggerated. I wasn’t normally this flirty, but I needed to step it up a notch if I wanted his attention.

He moved in closer, smiling his ever-charming smile, which made my breath hitch in my throat. “Yeah, hopefully the slow night continues.” He winked.

“I thought you loved all the excitement in the ER,” I said kiddingly.

“Oh, Miss Kendall, I prefer my excitement outside the ER.” The huskiness in his voice and his flirty stare increased my pulse rate.

Oh, my goodness gracious.

I bit down on the inside of my cheek to prevent my smile from widening.

He took a step back then peered down at his watch. “I’m going to make my rounds and hopefully cut out to the cafeteria for a snack.”

“I’m an evening muncher myself,” I joked, trying to give him a hint.

He smiled quickly, but then strode past me and down the hall.


I huffed out loud just when he was out of hearing range. Sometimes he was hot, yet other times he was ice cold.

Is he oblivious to the fact I’m crushing on him?

I frowned and crossed my arms, having my own little pity party. If I wasn’t twenty-four, I’d drop to the ground and pound my feet on the floor like a three-year-old.

I had tried everything in my Kendy Book of Tricks to get him to notice me. I’d constantly showed up wherever he was, since I knew when his breaks were. He’d turn around and then bam, I’d be there. Did he think it was purely coincidental? He seemed genuinely happy to see me and chat, yet he’d never asked me out.

A woman could only smile so much in his presence. My cheeks hurt from my overly flirty grin. And to top it all off, I had purposely bought smaller scrubs to accentuate my curves. You’d think I’d get some sort of reaction out of him. Damn elastic made ridges against my stomach, but still . . .