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“It is always dark for me,” said Beowald. “My ears see for me, and my feet see for me. I can wander in these mountains for hours and yet know exactly where I am. The pebbles beneath my feet, the rocks, the grass, the flowers, they all tell me where I am. The smell of the pine trees, the scent of the wild thyme that grows nearby, the feel of the wind, they tell me too. I can go more safely over this steep mountain with my blind eyes than you could go, seeing all there is to be seen!”

The children listened to the blind goatherd, as Ranni and Pilescu set out the lunch. There were sandwiches for everyone, and hard, sweet little biscuits to eat with cheese made from goats’ milk. Beowald ate with them, his face happy and contented. This was a great day in his life!

“Beowald, take us up to where we can see the Secret Forest,” begged Paul. “Is it very far?”

“It will be two hours before we get there,” said the goatherd. He pointed with his hand, and it seemed to the children as if he must surely see, if he knew where to point. “The way lies up there. It is steep and dangerous. But your ponies will take you safely.”

The children felt thrilled at the idea of seeing the Secret Forest from the summit of the mountain. They were very high up now, though the summit still seemed miles away. The air was cold and clear, and when the wind blew, the children wrapped their fur-lined cloaks around them. They could not imagine how Beowald could wear nothing but trousers.

When they had eaten all they could, they stood up. Ranni fetched the little ponies, who had been nibbling at the short grass growing where the mountain-side was least rocky. The children sprang into the saddles and the ponies jerked their heads joyfully. Now, they thought, they were going back home!

But they were mistaken. Beowald led the way up a steep, rocky track that even goats might find difficult to tread.

“I can’t think how Beowald knows the way,” called Peggy to Nora. “There isn’t a sign of any path, so far as I can see.”

“It’s probably one that only the goats know,” said Ranni. “See, that old goat with the great curling horns is before us. It almost looks as if he is leading the way!”

“Ah, my old one knows when I need him,” said the goatherd, and he put his flute to his mouth. He played a few merry little notes and the big goat came leaping lightly down to him. “Stay by me, old one,” said Beowald.

The goat understood. He trotted in front of Beowald, and waited for him when he leapt up on to a rock.

Beowald was as nimble as a goat himself, and it was amazing to the children to think that a blind youth should be so sure-footed. But then Beowald knew every inch of the mountain-side.

Up they went and up. Sometimes the way was so steep that the ponies almost fell as they scrambled along, and sent crowds of stones rumbling down the mountain-side. Ranni and Pilescu began to be doubtful about going farther. Ranni reined in his fat little pony.

“Beowald! Is the way much steeper?” he asked. “This is dangerous for the children.”

“Ranni! It isn’t!” cried Paul indignantly. “I won’t go back without seeing over the top. I won’t!”

“We shall soon be there,” said Beowald, turning his dark eyes to Ranni. “I can smell the forest already!”

The children all sniffed the air eagerly, but they could smell nothing. They wished they had ears and nose like Beowald’s. He could not see, but he could sense many things that they could not.

They came to a narrow ledge and one by one the ponies went round it, pressing their bodies close against the rocky side of the mountain, for a steep precipice, with a fall of many hundreds of feet, was the other side! Nora and Peggy would not look, but the boys did not mind. It was exciting to be so high.

The old goat rounded the ledge first, and Beowald followed. “We are here!” he called.

The ledge widened out round the bend — and the children saw that they were on the other side of Killimooin Mountains! They were not right at the top of the mountain they were on, but had rounded a bend on the shoulder, and were now looking down on the thing they wanted so much to see — the Secret Forest!

“The Secret Forest!” cried Paul, and Jack echoed his words.

“The Secret Forest! How big it is! How thick and dark! How high we are above it!”

All eight of them stared down into the valley that lay hidden and lost between the big ring of mountains. Only Beowald could not see the miles upon miles of dark green forest below, but his eyes seemed to rest on the valley below, just as the others’ did.

“Isn’t it mysterious?” said Jack. “It seems so still and quiet here. Even the wind makes no sound. I wish I could see that spire of smoke I thought I saw when we flew down low over the forest in the aeroplane.”

But there was no smoke to be seen, and no sound to he heard. The forest might have been dead for a thousand years, it was so still and lifeless.

“It’s funny to stand here and look at the Secret Forest, and know you can’t ever get to it,” said Mike. He looked down from the ledge he was standing on. There was a sheer drop down to the valley below, or so it seemed to the boy. It was quite plain that not even a goat could leap down.

“Now you can see why it is impossible to cross these mountains,” said Ranni. “There is no way down the other side at all. All of them are steep and dangerous like this one. No man would dare to try his luck down that precipice, not even with ropes!”

The girls did not like looking down such a strange, steep precipice. They had climbed mountains in Africa but none had been so steep as this one.

“I want to go back now,” said Nora. “I’m feeling quite giddy.”

“It is time we all went,” said Ranni, looking at his watch. “We must hurry too, or we shall be very late.”

“I can take you another way back,” said Beowald. “It will be shorter for you to go to the castle. Follow me.”

With his goats around him, the blind youth began to leap down the mountain-side. He was as sure-footed as the goats, and it was extraordinary to watch him. The ponies followed, slipping a little in the steep places. They were tired now, and were glad to be going home.

Down they all went and down. Nora gave a sudden shout that made the others jump. “I can see Killimooin Castle. Hurrah! Another hour and we’ll be home!”

They rounded a bend and then suddenly saw a strange place built into the rocky mountain-side. They stopped and stared at it.

“What’s that?” asked Paul. Ranni shook his head. He did not know and neither did Pilescu.

“It looks like some sort of temple,” said Nora, who remembered seeing pictures of stone temples in her history book. But this one was unusual, because it seemed to be built into the rock. There was a great half-broken archway, with roughly-carved pillars each side.

“Beowald! Do you know what this place is?” asked Jack. The goatherd came back and stood beside Jack’s pony.

“It is old, very old,” he said. “It is a bad place. I think bad men once lived there, and were turned into stone for their wickedness. They are still there, for I have felt them with my hands.”

“What in the world does he mean?” said Peggy, quite frightened. “Stone men! He’s making it up!”

“Let’s go and see,” said Jack, who was very seldom afraid of anything.

“No, thank you!” said the girls at once. But the boys badly wanted to see inside the queer, ruined old place. Beowald would not go with them. He stayed with the two girls.

“Come on. Let’s see what these wicked stone men are!” said Jack, with a grin. He dismounted from his pony, and passed through the great broken archway. It was dark inside the queer temple. “Have you got a torch, Mike?” called Jack. Mike usually had a torch, a knife, string, and everything anyone could possibly want, somewhere about his person. Mike felt about and produced a torch.