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Weakly, Damien nuzzled his face in Vanessa’s hair. The bliss that had convulsed his senses was as powerful as anything he’d ever felt, but the fierce emotion that flowed through him was stronger still.

It was an act of love, done in love. He had never experienced it before.

Love. How had managed to live without it? Without her? Vanessa was his life now. He hadn’t known how empty he was until she had filled his heart. Hadn’t known what rapture was until he became a part of her.

With her, he felt complete, whole, fulfilled in a way he never imagined possible. She had brought laughter and warmth into his home, joy to his life, a life that had been so cold and barren. He had tutored her in the arts of love-making, but she had taught him to love. And now, with their joining in marriage, the fervent passion that had always marked their lovemaking was only intensified.

Yet, with all his expertise at lovers’ games, with all his sophisticated, practiced charm, Damien still found it hard to express how deeply he felt.

“I never realized,” he murmured, drawing back on the pillow so that he could see her face, “how much greater the pleasure could be when a man makes love to the woman he loves.”

Her half-lidded eyes opened dreamily. “Nor did I. Is it possible to die of pleasure?”

“I profoundly hope not.” His mouth twisted with amusement, but then his expression sobered. “Do you have any notion how much I love you?” For all the softness in his tone, he was fiercely intent.

“I’m beginning to fathom it.”

Damien placed her palm on his chest so she could feel the powerful beat of his heart. “This belongs to you, Vanessa. For always.”

Her gaze soft with love, she reached up to brush his lips with her fingers. “As mine belongs to you.”

“Say it,” he demanded quietly, never tiring of the words.

“I love you, Damien.”

His eyes took on a smoky tenderness that made her heart melt. “I’ll make you happy, I swear it.”

She smiled and moved her mouth closer to his. “You already have.”