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All at once Penny found herself all confused and mixed-up. She didn't know how to handle a situation like this. Shouldn't she set a good example for the children and make them stop, she wondered, as Adrian wiggled on her finger. She hated to criticize the children – not after all the nice things she had said. And besides, she rationalized, it's just a little, meaningless goose.

But while she was coping with that situation, Alexander was putting his genitals in her other hand. The mere touch of his small, soft penis sent a flush of juices flowing in her cunt. She could feel the dampness ooze out onto her panties and dampen her white slacks.

How much time do I have, she asked herself, without moving a muscle. Have to get ready for cocktails.

Adrian was blowing in her ear, wiggling on her finger, drawing it deeper into the little passageway; and Alexander was holding her cupped hand on his genitals with one hand, while he fondled her tit with the other. Penny began to slip into the throes of an orgasm. And the children reacted accordingly, increasing their tempo as Penny's breathing got deeper and faster.

"Ohhh… children…" She tried to say something. Have to make them stop, she told herself, squeezing Alexander's testicles ever so gently and forcing her finger a little deeper into Adrian's sucking asshole. But the flames in her cunt wouldn't allow her to stop the children.

"Ohhhhh… Ahhhhh… Mmmmmmmmm…" she moaned, as a little hand cupped and fondled her bare tits. Alexander had slipped his hand under her sweater, opened her bra and was massaging sensations into her tits. Those little hands… she screamed inside her head… they're driving me wild!

It was all a blur now. She didn't know who was doing what to her anymore, but her clothes were gradually being removed. She knew that much. One was kissing her ear and neck, the other fondling a tit, and all the while her clothes were slipping off. And then two little mouths were sucking at her nipples… and she no longer had her finger in Adrian's ass: Alexander's little cock wasn't in her hand, but the flames in her cunt were licking at the oozing walls with more frenzy, driving her closer and closer to an orgasm.

Only when she opened her eyes, to take a quick look at what was happening, did she realize she was stretched out on the lounge, naked, with the children all over her. In the brief moment she had her eyes open she saw Alexander's limp little cock coming down to her mouth, and she realized he was sucking her tit. Which meant that Adrian must be the one combing her little fingers through the moist pubic hairs to the flaming furnace between her legs. She parted her puffy, pouting lips and sipped Alexander's soft, fleshy penis into her mouth.

This is crazy! she tried to convince herself. They don't even know what they're doing. But they were doing such a good job of it she didn't voluntarily move a muscle.

A warm mouth circled the burning lips of her cunt, and little tongue darted out to tantalize her clit and Penny groaned with the pain of desire. Little hands were everywhere… massaging her tits, toying with her ass, tickling her naval, and exploring the sensitive hairs around her cunt. All at once!

Penny was resigned to the fact that she couldn't stop now. She needed that orgasm. And Adrian's tongue was only teasing her cunt. She tried to pull the girl's head deeper into the junction of her legs, but couldn't. The girl's tongue wasn't going deep enough and it was driving her mad with desire. More, more, MORE… her head was screaming.

There was a brief moment of confusion and Penny opened her eyes to see what was happening. The children had switched places and Adrian was now over Penny's face, lowering her little round ass onto her mouth. Penny licked the crack affectionately, telling herself it was the sweetest, tenderest meat she had ever tasted. And when Adrian wiggled the perfectly matched balls of flesh, Penny knew what she wanted. Slowly, gently, Penny slid the tip of her tongue from the top of the crevice, down to the small sunburst and circled it. She spread the child's cheeks apart and drove her tongue up the opening.

Saliva dropped from the corners of Penny's mouth. Adrian whimpered approvingly, while stuffing Penny's breast into her mouth. And Alexander was busy between Penny's legs; he was fingering her cunt, while licking her rectum. Then he too snaked his tongue into the opening, but Penny didn't appreciate the invasion of that tunnel as much as she would have like it in her cunt. But it sent a chill up her spine and she groaned her appreciation into Adrian's ass.

These children are unbelievable, she thought as they continued to delight her with their experienced handling of her body; building her up to a climax that was so close, but not close enough. Adrian wiggled with delight on Penny's tongue, while sucking furiously on a tit – massaging the other. Alexander snaked his tongue in and out of Penny's rectum, finger-fucking her cunt. And the room seemed to swim with warm, delightful pleasures.

Then Alexander moved his mouth over the raging furnace of her body, covering it with warm moist lips, hot breath and still to come – a darting tongue. He sucked the cavity between Penny's legs, taking her breath away and making her heart pound faster and faster. Adrian lifted her ass to give Penny's legs, taking her breath away and making her heart pound faster and faster. Adrian lifted her ass to give Penny air to fill her gasping lungs, but continued to suck her tits – first one, then the other, licking a path between the throbbing, thrusting mounds.

"More…" Penny said in a hoarse, raspy whisper. "Mmmmmm… more… more…" she was choking out the sounds, hoping Alexander could hear her. "Ohhh… more, more," her voice rose higher.

But Alexander stopped sucking, circled her hot vaginal-lips with his tongue and entered the honey-lined cavity with the wet, slippery serpent.

"More!" Penny shouted, breathing frantically, reaching down to pull the boy's head into her cunt and whispering again, "… mmmmmm… more… more…"

She had reached the peak of excitement the moment his tongue touched her flaming cunt-lips and from then on she rode the fury of her orgasm. That he would delve deep enough with his tongue had worried her, but the boy didn't disappoint her for a moment. His tongue whipped its full length into her velvet trap, sweeping the walls clean of the tasty nectar, relieving her of all the girl-flux she had even after the orgasm was spent.

When she opened her eyes, the children were smiling at her and she managed a weak smile back.

"You'd better get dressed, Miss Kingston," Adrian spoke the words with a soft, sweet voice, that reminded Penny how young they really were.

But she responded quickly to the advice, sitting up and shaking the dizzy feeling from her head. She went to the bathroom, closed the door and stood there in a bit of a daze – the door was made of clear glass! Alexander's wide eyes were devouring her body as it was, now she had to perform her intimate duties right before his penetrating eyes. The fact that she felt lightheaded from the orgasm and self-conscious with Alexander and Adrian watching, made the simple act of urinating an awkward, embarrassing situation.

Within fifteen minutes she was showered and dressed – pampered during that time too – and ready to join Paul for cocktails. The children led her through the corridors to the living room. But during the long walk she could only think of her appearance – not the short, expensive pink dress she was wearing, or how her blonde hair looked (which actually had fallen into perfect waves and curls with a minimum of effort) – but her appearance! Could they tell by looking at her that she had just been through a wild orgy? With two children! The pangs of guilt tormented her for the whole walk. Then Paul was at her side before she entered the living room and it didn't seem to matter anymore. He seemed to sweep her off her feet with his charm, and the next thing she knew she was entering a large room, with a surprisingly large crowd.