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«So," he said at last, grinning. «Thank you, all of you. And now, to business.»

With that, the Prince of Kirtesk, all wildness hidden, swept regally down to the great audience hall.

Ljuba had watched helplessly as the falcon disappeared blithely into the royal palace. Now, with an angry, weary little hiss of a sigh, she let her hand fall.

That spell would have caught an ordinary man. It had, several times before this; Ljuba was not one to risk an untested spell. But I should have known. What's enough to snare an ordinary man is never strong enough to snare a magician!

She massaged tired fingers, trying to ignore the whiny little inner voice that whispered, It's fortunate you failed, now you don't have to try again, now you'll be safe

After all, though Finist was a gentle enough man, if he should learn that she meant to master him, he, the prince… There were certain rumors in the royal family of past members who'd erred in some unpardonable ways, and who, instead of facing the axe, had endured instead a binding into the avian form—a permanent binding. In such a case, the human thoughts would slowly fade, the memory of being human fading with them. Soon self would be lost, and only bird remain.

Ljuba bit her lip, clenching her fists to stop their trembling. The thought of such a fate, of such a total, total loss! It had been enough to waken the child‑Ljuba screaming many a night. And now, grown though she was, the fear remained, softening her, blocking her from doing what she must—

No! Ljuba smacked a hand down angrily on the windowsill. I will not be afraid!

And, after a time, she almost managed to believe it.

All right, then. Maybe she couldn't control Finist by mind alone. Maybe she didn't have the strength for great magic. But Ljuba had no intention of giving up her chance at the throne.

I would be so good for this land!

Better than Finist, surely. Finist spent so much time on commoners, insisting that a realm could only run smoothly if peasants and merchants and crafters were content. He wasted his magic on such creatures, and refused to see the wider picture! She had told him again and again that if only he channeled his magic, he could become a truly mighty prince. Kirtesk could go from being a simple little city-state, wealthy only in trade and happy peasants, to a realm of true power, one to be feared by other lands. But each time he'd merely laughed and told her he had no intention of becoming a tyrant. A tyrant! Was it tyranny to want the best for your land?

For a moment, Ljuba toyed with the image of herself on the throne of Kirtesk, ambassadors from many lands bowing to her in fear and awe…

Nonsense. Daydreams were all well and good, but they accomplished nothing. There was still that potion, though, the potion to sap the will…

Eh, but to be convincing, any changes in Finist were going to have to be slow, subtle. She would have to be close to him for a long time—as his mistress, perhaps… or his wife.

Ljuba had never had any difficulties in seducing men. Finist, magician or no, would be no exception, particularly after he'd had a taste of her potion to encourage him!

Yes, fine, that was the first step. And since they were only distant cousins, there would be no legal bar to their marriage. His boyars were always after him to wed. A few well-placed suggestions to them—oh, she probably wouldn't need any magical force behind the words at all, not if she used proper tact. And with a prince already besotted with her… All she had to do was act, feign love for as long as it took, till she quickened with Finist's child.

Ljuba stared thoughtfully out the window, a cool, predatory glint in her eyes. That much of the plan would work, she was sure. But then would come the dangerous part… After they'd been peacefully wed for a respectable time, she would have to increase the dosage of her potions, but with delicate care. If Finist came to suspect, she was doomed! But if only she were wary enough, Finist wouldn't have a chance of suspecting. He'd begin to fade, slowly, with never a sign of traditional poisons or bespelling. Everyone knew that the royal magic had been known to turn on its wielders: Finist's own grandfather, Prince Vseslav, had actually died of a miscast spell. And even should someone, by wild mischance, guess at the truth, it wouldn't matter. With Finist helpless, mindless, and his wife bearing his only heir…

The boyars will accept me on the throne. They won't have a choice!

A discreet cough made Ljuba whirl. «Anya. What is it?»

The maidservant's curtsey was a quick, respectful, nervous thing. «Mistress, the—the boyar Erema would speak with you. If it pleases you.»

«It doesn't!» Ljuba snapped. Akh, would she never be rid of the man? She could sense him standing just outside the room, feel the turbulence of his longings‑curse him! He'd been her lover once, the bland, dull courtier; he'd been one of her first magical experiments. No longer! But the released power of her spell aimed at Finist had had to go somewhere, and with Erema Mikhailovich still aching for her, he'd drawn it to him like a lodestone. «Bah, tell him to— No, wait.»

Ljuba straightened slowly, thinking, What if… ? Erema was her tool now, and it was surely never wise to cast away a tool.

«Very well. Bid him enter.»

«Shall I… stay, mistress?»

«No, fool!» Ljuba caught and held the servant's gaze, controlling Anya's more submissive personality with her will. «And no one shall know of this visit. Is that understood?»

Anya's face was dull. «No one shall know, mistress.»

As the servant cast open the door, the boyar rushed in on a storm of passion, a young man, dark-haired, supple. Virile of body, thought Ljuba dryly, soft of mind. He fell to one knee before her, kissing the hem of her embroidered caftan like the romantic fool he was. For a time Ljuba looked down on him, unmoved, smiling thinly, then reached down to catch his face between her hands and raise his head so he must look at her.

«Erema. What would you do for me?»

His eyes were glazed with magic and desire. «Anything!»

«Would you do my bidding, hmm? Would you obey me, no matter what?»

«Oh, my dear one, yes! Yes!» His voice was thick with passion. «I—I would take arms against the prince himself if you would only take me back again! The embrace of your sweet arms — "

«Akh, yes," interrupted Ljuba absently. «We shall see.»

But she was thinking fiercely, And now the first step is taken at last. Oh, Finist, here is the beginning of your fall!

Chapter II


It was dark in the palace corridors, dim and quiet and cool, cool enough for Danilo, boyar, counselor to Svyatoslav, Prince of Stargorod, to be glad of the warmth of his fur-trimmed caftan. A fine-figured man, Danilo, though no longer young: distinguished, greying of hair and beard, proud of bearing. And right now, quite lost in thought, barely aware of the servants following at a respectful distance, barely seeing the familiar, gloriously bright murals covering every bit of wall, gold leaf glowing even in the muted light.

The marriage should do well. It should do well, indeed. Mikhail's son—eh, marriage will steady him. And my dear Vasilissa… Lissa loves young Afron already, or so Maria tells me.

Akh, Maria. Danilo had but the two children, the two daughters, Vasilissa, the elder, the betrothed, and Maria: sensible, clever Maria. If Lissa had inherited most of their poor dead mother's beauty, Maria had her wit and warmth.

Now I must see to her betrothal as well, Danilo told himself firmly. I should have done it years ago. But… I hate the thought of losing her.