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The equality of compared objects: sam... kom - as... as:

Lu es sam riche kom ela. - He is as rich as she is.

The expression 'the more..., the more' 'kem pyu... tem pyu...': Kem pyu lao, tem pyu stupide. — The older, the sillier.

Compound words

In compound words the modifying word stands before the main word: guntaim working time, flaifish flying fish, suryaflor sunflower, akwagarmiser water-heater, mauskapter mouse trap, lernikitaba textbook, sendijen envoy, saltikorda skipping-rope.

The adjective suffix -e may be dropped: garibjen stranger (garibe jen), platbotaflat-boat (plate bota).

Diminutive and augmentative particles and suffixes

There is an augmentative particle gro-, a diminutive particle -ki (these particles are hyphenated), an augmentative suffix "gron", and a diminutive suffix "kin".

The suffixes are used to make notions which qualitatively differ from the basic noun:

dom house — domkin a house that is inherently small (cabin, hut) — domgron a house that is

inherently large (mansion);

denta tooth — dentagron tusk;

barela barrel — barelakin keg.

As to the particles, they modify the meaning within the limits of a given quality; gro- is used before the modified word, -ki after it: dom-ki a little house; gro-dom a big house.

The suffixes are used to form nouns only, while the particles may be used with different speech parts:

gro-danke thank you very much, great thanks

gro-gran huge

gro-gao greatly high

gro-chifan to guzzle, overeat

gro-pluvi it is pouring

pluvi-ki it drizzles

treba chifan-ki one should take a snack.

It should be noted that there is also an intensifying adverb "gro", so that the mentioned phrases may also be constructed as: chifan gro; pluvi gro. "Gro" expresses a greater extent of augmentation/intensification, than "muy" (very): muy hao! very well! gro-hao! great! excellent!

The particles may also be used with proper nouns: Jon-ki Johnny.

Nouns meaning action

The correspondence between noun's form and its meaning is basically the following:


Nouns for i-verbs (type 1)

Nouns for other verbs

(type 2)

Act and its

manifestation/instance/result/resulting state



The very action as process; repeated action; occupation, hobby, sport




adi to add — ada addition (both act of adding and what is added) konvinsi to convince — konvinsa persuasion, conviction; convictions, beliefs

konekti to connect — konekta connection

judi to judge — juda judgement (both judging and decision)

reflekti to reflect — reflekta reflection (action as well as image)

inviti to invite — invita invitation

inuspiri to inhale — inuspira inhalation

lubi to love — luba love

darbi to strike — darba strike

jivi to live — jiva life

joi to rejoice — joisa joy

gun to work — gunsa work

jan to know — jansa knowledge

begin to begin — beginsa beginning

kan to look — kansa a look

flai to fly — flaisa flight

krai to cry — kraisa a cry

prei to pray — preisa prayer

zwo to do — zwoing doing go to go — going going; course swimi to swim — swiming swimming fishi to fish — fishing fishing ski to ski — skiing skiing boxi to box — boxing boxing fumi to smoke — fuming smoking bru to brew — bruing brewing piloti to pilot — piloting piloting.

A note: if verb ends in -i, that ending is replaced with -ing; in other cases -ing is added. The only exception is monosyllabic i-verbs (ski to ski, fri to fry): in their case -ing is added (skiing, friing). An important remark: "ng" in this suffix may be read simply as "n". The suffix is never stressed.

Further examples:

shuti to shoot — shuta a shot — shuting shooting

gloti to swallow — glota a swallow — gloting swallowing

kiki to kick — kika a kick — kiking kicking

kliki to click — klika a click — kliking clicking

salti to jump — salta a jump —salting jumping

lansi to throw — lansa a throw — lansing throwing.

The concretizing suffixes -(i)ka, -tura, -wat

The suffix -(i)ka has the meaning "object, thing, something concrete":

mole soft — molika pulp

nove new — novika something new, novelty

metal metal — metalka a metal thing

brili to shine — brilika something shining

ofni to open — ofnika opener

plei to play — pleika toy, plaything.

Derivation: in adjectives ending in -e and nouns ending in -a, this last vowel is transformed into -ika; in other cases -ka is added. With monosyllabic i-verbs, -ika is added with a hyphen: