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He looked distracted, his eyes glittering anxiously for a moment, and Bristlefrost wondered if he was actually worried about Squirrelflight. “I could try,” she mewed.

“Try?” His eyes widened.

“I’ll do it,” she promised. For the first time since the meeting, excitement fizzed in her paws. She might be able to speak to Rootpaw while she was tracking Squirrelflight. He’d spread the word. She tried to cover her enthusiasm. “When do you want me to leave?”

“How about now?” Bramblestar looked at her inquiringly, but she knew it was an order rather than a question.

She dipped her head. “I’ll leave straight away.” She hurried out of the den and scrambled down the rock tumble, sending stones clattering into the clearing.

Finleap looked up from his digging, and she met his gaze, hoping he saw the warning in it. He nudged Twigbranch, and they both watched her as she headed for the entrance. She quickened her pace as she ducked through it and broke into a run as soon as she was outside. Racing up the slope, she followed the route she’d escorted Squirrelflight along a few days earlier. The brambles they’d brushed past still smelled of their scent. Trees blurred around her as she charged through the forest, following the trail to the SkyClan border. That was where they’d left her. She’d told them she was heading toward the mountains, and they’d watched her pad sadly away before turning back to camp.

Bristlefrost pulled up as she reached the scent line and tasted the air. Did Bramblestar expect her to follow Squirrelflight’s scent onto another Clan’s land? She frowned. No. That would be breaking the warrior code. She gazed across the border to where the land sloped upward and boulders jutted from the forest floor. Her heart quickened as she saw pelts moving through the undergrowth. Opening her mouth, she let their scents bathe her tongue, excited to taste Rootpaw’s scent. She couldn’t help feeling that StarClan—wherever it had gone—was still on her side.

She stared eagerly over the border, willing his patrol to head this way. She felt a surge of relief when she saw them padding toward her.

Dewspring and Harrybrook were with the SkyClan apprentice, and she caught their eye, beckoning the patrol closer with a nod.

Dewspring narrowed his eyes as he approached her. “Is something wrong?”

“I wanted to talk to Rootpaw,” she told him.

Rootpaw stopped beside his mentor and frowned. “What about?”

“Something important.” Bristlefrost stared at him urgently.

Harrybrook growled. “I thought we’d made it clear at the Gathering that you’re from different Clans.”

“I know.” Bristlefrost blinked apologetically at the SkyClan warrior. “But I was so mean to him at the Gathering. I wanted to apologize.”

“He’ll live,” Dewspring sniffed.

Rootpaw looked at his mentor and shrugged. “It would be nice to hear a ThunderClan cat apologize to a SkyClan cat.”

Dewspring’s eyes flashed with amusement. “I guess,” he conceded. He exchanged glances with Harrybrook before looking back at Rootpaw. “Just make sure it’s a good apology. She’s embarrassed you a lot.”

Rootpaw crossed the border and nudged Bristlefrost away. “Has something happened?” he whispered when they were out of earshot.

“I think Bramblestar suspects I’m up to something. He noticed I was away from camp on the night of the meeting.”

Rootpaw’s pelt prickled along his spine. “Does he know about the meeting?”

“I’m not sure,” Bristlefrost told him. “He didn’t say anything definite.”

“We have to be careful.” Rootpaw glanced past her into the ThunderClan forest. “Did any cat follow you?”

Bristlefrost stared at him, alarmed. “I don’t think so.” She followed his gaze, relieved as she saw the forest behind her was clear. “I ran all the way here. I would have heard if some cat was following.”

“Why did Bramblestar let you out of camp by yourself if he suspects you?”

“He sent me to find Squirrelflight. He says he wants to make sure she’s left Clan territory, but I think he’s worried about her.” She paused, then wondered out loud. “It’s weird. Why would the impostor be worried about Squirrelflight?”

“Who knows why he does anything.” Rootpaw flicked his tail. “We don’t have time to wonder about that now.” He glanced back at his mentor. The gray tom was pacing impatiently. “Squirrelflight’s with ShadowClan. She’s safe there. ShadowClan knows everything. I think Shadowsight was right when he said his visions weren’t from StarClan. He’s going to meet with the other medicine cats and tell them about the impostor.”

“I hope he does it soon,” Bristlefrost told him. “It’s awful back at camp. Every cat’s scared and there are so many rules and punishments.” She stared at him desperately. “We have to do something.”

“We will.” Rootpaw touched his muzzle to her cheek.

She pressed against it for a moment, relieved to have a friend she could trust. “I’m going to talk to Squirrelflight,” she told him. “She needs to know what’s happening in ThunderClan. But I won’t tell Bramblestar where she is.”

Rootpaw dipped his head and turned back toward his Clanmates. “Stay strong,” he whispered. “It’ll all be okay.”

Bristlefrost blinked at him gratefully, hoping he was right, then hurried toward the ShadowClan border.

Her paws ached by the time she reached it. Afternoon sunshine filtered through the newly budding branches. She stared across the scent line eagerly.

“What are you doing here?” Yarrowleaf’s sharp mew took her by surprise. The ShadowClan she-cat slid from behind a bramble, Strikestone at her heels. The brown tabby tom turned his good ear towards her.

“I need to talk to Squirrelflight,” she mewed.

Strikestone’s eyes sparked with suspicion. “Go back to your Clan,” he growled.

Bristlefrost met his gaze. Of course ShadowClan wouldn’t admit to hiding Squirrelflight. Why would they trust me? They think I’m one of Bramblestar’s most loyal warriors. But this might be the only chance she had to get away from camp alone. Frustration welled in her chest. She had to speak to Squirrelflight. Perhaps another ShadowClan warrior would listen. She looked past the patrol, scanning the pine forest hopefully. Her heart leaped as she recognized Shadowsight’s gray tabby pelt moving across a slope in the distance. StarClan was definitely on her side. “Ask Shadowsight. He’ll vouch for me.” She raised her voice. “Shadowsight!”

Strikestone’s tail bushed angrily, but Shadowsight was already hurrying toward them.

“Bristlefrost?” The ShadowClan medicine cat looked surprised. “What are you doing here?”

“I came to speak to Squirrelflight.”

Shadowsight’s eyes widened. “How did you know she was here?”

“Rootpaw told me,” she mewed. “I know about Bramblestar’s ghost too, and I believe what you said about your visions.”

Shadowsight exchanged glances with his Clanmates, then beckoned Bristlefrost across the border with a flick of his tail. “Come with me.”

She hurried after him as he headed toward camp. Strikestone and Yarrowleaf trailed behind, their pelts rippling uneasily.

“I think Bramblestar knows that cats have been meeting in secret,” Bristlefrost whispered as she caught up to Shadowsight.

“Has he said anything?”

“Not yet. But he’s been using some of our Clanmates as spies.”

“Be careful,” Shadowsight warned.

“I will.” Bristlefrost forced her fur flat as Shadowsight led her to the ShadowClan camp.

As they hurried through the entrance tunnel, Squirrelflight leaped to her paws. The former deputy looked thin and anxious. She hurried toward Bristlefrost, her eyes glittering with worry. “What are you doing here? Has something happened to ThunderClan?”