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She explained. But Saito desperately kept on trying to persuade her.

“Then, do I also die? Just like you? Would you sacrifice me to save everyone?”

A familiar’s oath surely must be different from this!

Louise sadly watched Saito for a while… and shook her head.

“You run away. Don’t stay with me.”


“Return back to the Varsenda and take your flying machine. Then you and your maid can fly to the east.”

Louise's eyes began to moisten. Louise’s voice sounded like she was about to cry.

“You… recently asked if you are just a tool for me. Don’t be stupid. If you thought that I felt you were a tool you misunderstood me. You are you. A free boy from a different world where he should return to. You are not a tool for me.”


Saito looked away and said in a determined voice.

“I understand. I will not try to stop you anymore. However, I have one request before you leave.”


“In my world there is a tradition, to drink a toast before a separation. You still have some time left, right?”

“Yeah, a little…”

Saito looked around and next to the temple he noticed a box of supplies. It must be one of the supplies that was meant to be sent to the city of Saxe-Gotha, but ended up being left behind. It was a box of wine. He instantly recalled Scarron’s complaints about Albion beer.

Saito took one bottle out.

“It will be stolen by the enemy anyway.”

Meanwhile Louise stared at the temple nearby. Then, she turned to Saito. Her cheeks suddenly turned crimson.

“Hey, Saito…”


“Since we are making toasts anyway, I have one request as well.”

“Tell me. Ask anything you wish.”

But Louise’s request… surpassed all Saito’s expectations.

“Marry me.”


Louise, now red from head to toes, shouted.

“D-don’t misunderstand! It is not like I l-love you or anything! However… dying before being able to marry is unpleasant. I just want to marry!”

It was an empty temple - there was no one inside. When the Allied Forces occupied it, all the priests who were in there ran away. 

Leaving the horse tied to the gate, two people entered inside.

It was clean and well swept.

The setting sun reflected through the stained glass, creating a solemn atmosphere.

Surrounded by this serene silence, Louise stood in front of the altar.

“You don’t wish to marry in Albion?”

Louise puckered up her brows.

“It just brings unpleasant memories.”

“You did this before, right?”

Louise nodded.

“Yes. However, at that time, I did not give my oath.”

“I see…”

Louise looked up at the Founder's image. Surrounded by the somewhat solemn atmosphere, she knelt before it and offered a silent prayer.

Louise thought while praying.

Why did I think about a wedding at a time like this?

Do I want it?

Just between me and Saito, without anyone else…

After all, I did not give a proper answer to Saito’s confession, there was no time to answer it either.

As this is the end, I am not afraid to show my feelings anymore.

But what are my feelings and why I did I think about a wedding all of a sudden…

Her mind felt disordered and she could not find an answer.

When she finished a prayer and opened her eyes… Saito stood there with a glass of wine.

“Where is this glass from?”

“It was decoration on the altar. And I thought God would not mind me borrowing it for such an occasion.”

Louise smiled, taking the glass.

“That’s the second time.”

Saito said.


“You smiled to me. Now and the time we went shopping, it makes it two times, right? Even though you don’t really want to marry me.”

Louise felt happy. Saito was counting her smiles.

“That’s right.”

However, she could not say it directly. Straightforward words didn’t come easy to her. It was frustrating.

But the Louise of today was different.

Louise matched Saito’s cup.

“I’m sorry that we won’t be able to search for the way to return to your world together.”

“Don’t worry.”

Two people drank their wine.

From the alcohol and embarrassment, Louise’s cheeks turned crimson.

“So how do we get married?”

“I don’t really know myself.”

“Is it all right? It won’t be done properly.”

“It’s all right. It’s you anyway.”

Not really knowing what to do, Louise clasped Saito’s hands.

“Now, give an oath.”

“But, there is no priest.”

“Stop complaining. Or do I have to do it for you?”

Saito looked straight at Louise and said,

“I love you, Louise.”

“Wha-…W-What…S-Stupid. It’s no good if you do not swear.”

Being told “I love you” so suddenly, Louise blushed furiously. Her body trembled with happiness.

“I am not lying. I am glad I was able to meet you. Really.”

Louise cast her eyes slightly down. I have to say it, now or never, she thought.

“I-I too…”

However, when she was about say that… a sudden drowsiness hit her.

“T-that? I…”

Suddenly the drowsiness became stronger. She could not see anything.

“You, the wine…”

She was not able to finish it. Strength and thoughts left Louise's body.

Saito caught the falling Louise. He took a small jar out of his pocket. It was the magical sleeping medicine, which Siesta gave him the other day.

“As expected. Magic is strong,”

He muttered, stepping outside with Louise in his arms. The evening sun almost finished setting and the surroundings became dim.

“Cold…” muttered a voice nearby.

“Aah, Familiar-kun.”

Next to the gates of the temple a beautiful boy with blond, nearly white, hair stood supporting himself against the wall with his arms crossed. His blue eye shone reflecting the setting sun.

It was Romalia’s priest and dragon knight Julio.

“You were spying on us again. What a bad hobby you have.”

“No, I just came here to pray. I am a priest after all.”

Julio answered, not dropping his smile.

“Anyway, take care of Louise.”

He was carefully hugging Louise close to his chest with both his hands, as if she was a fragile object, and said to Julio.

“Please go. And return safely to the ship.”

Saito placed her on Julio’s dragon.

“Thank you. Well, then.”

Julio called Saito to stop.

“Where are you going?”

Saito answered in a nonchalant voice

“I’m running away.”

“You are going in the wrong direction. Albion’s army is that way.”

“I know.”

Saito carelessly jumped on the horse, but Jullio called him to stop again.

“There’s only one thing I want to know.”

Saito answered.


“Why are you going there? Surely you aren’t that foolish to die for honor, right?”

Saito thought for a moment… then puckered up his brows feeling relieved and shook his head.



“Because of love.” 

Julio began laughing loudly.