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“I love you. And I love Myra and Elisa and all of you. That’s all. But you believed in me, and I won’t forget that.”

Ned is on his feet, glaring at me. Don’t give up, he mouths. I shake my head harshly. “I’m as strong as you all made me,” I say into the phone, holding Ned’s eyes.

There’s silence on the end of the line, and the distance between us rushes and crackles like a bonfire.

Suddenly, outside, Red Stripe cries out. It’s a bark that shakes the foundations of the fort.

He barks again. And again.

“What is that?” Precia asks, startled.

“Her. I have to go.”

“Signy, I know where you are,” she says, but I hang up.

Red Stripe howls. The troll mother is coming. I hear the Mad Eagles scramble outside, Darius yelling something.

“Here.” Ned catches my wrist and offers me his sword, hilt-first.

“No. I won’t leave you weaponless again.”

“Take it, Signy.” He butts the pommel into my stomach. “It’s a gift from your poet.”

“You’d better be at my side with spears, then,” I say fiercely, taking the sword.

Out in the parade ground, Soren tosses me a hard leather vest with metal plates sewn into the lining. I thread my arms through as I dash after him up the spiral staircase to the cannon mounts. We climb the battlement and face southwest. The Mad Eagles will be going out through the sally port to wait on the beach while Rathi mans the UV lights.

The waters of the bay are still, a lustrous purple under the evening sky.

My chest is heavy, but my spirits are light and excited. The ocean licks at the red bricks below me, and the setting sun casts a fuchsia and hot orange rainbow against the sea, a wavering line like a spear pointing from it to me. To the place where she emerges, rising out of the ocean with kelp snaked against her moon-white head and shoulders.

Valtheow!” I cry.

The troll mother roars back. Her trumpet echoes across the sandy island. Low and longing, it reaches for me, curling around my ears, and I shudder when it fades.

She continues walking up the beach, too graceful for her size, like the earth itself growing up where the ocean touches shore. Necklaces of iron and bone fall down her stony chest, and she wears a belt hung with charms and steel. Those scars cut in patterns over her bulging shoulders, and the rune-like ones: this time transformation and darkness.

Behind her, the ocean seems to roil with whitecaps and foam, as if she can force the tide to rise.

I keep pace with her, striding along the circular embankment above her.

Soren follows me, and Ned the Spiritless joins us, both with swords and spears. Soren offers me a spear. The Mad Eagles wait in a spreading line at the top of the beach. They won’t engage her without me if she doesn’t force them to.

“Signy,” Ned says urgently. He points with his spear to the roiling tide. It’s cat wights and bridge eaters. They hide just under the dark water, glaring up at us, clawing at the sand and snarling, spreading their teeth.

I can barely look at them, for the troll mother’s marble skin captures all the dying light, and her shifting muscles are a kaleidoscope of color, like the northern lights dancing against her stone flesh.

She lifts her face and meets my eyes with her aquamarine ones, so fresh in my mind from last night’s dream. I’m waiting for you.

I’m coming.

“Valkyrie,” she grates now, just as she did on Vinland.

Even in the warm night, the hairs on my arms rise.

“Valtheow,” I say.

She opens her mouth and laughs again. Her marble shoulders roll and her spiral tusks gleam. All that bulk of her, the gnarled, bulbous troll form, all wild boar and elephant and great ape sculpted together from the finest marble, it retains so little humanity. Only her eyes, only the way her shoulders shift when she reaches up for me, only the rune scars scoured into her flesh.

Soren murmurs, “I feel her heart. I feel the madness burning like a sun.”

My blood is on fire, too, pulsing with something like glee as I stare at her, as I think of Valtheow the Dark and how I’ve adored her. And here now I am going to destroy her, tear her stone skin off her bones and take her heart. For the Summerlings I want her to die; I want to let her bleed for hours; I want her to suffer. The desire builds inside me, a scream and a roar and a great broken river.

I could still lose myself.

The sun vanishes.

The troll mother spreads her arms.

“Signy Valborn,” Ned says. With a hard hand he jerks me to him and kisses me; he bites my lip hard.

I gasp. He sucks at my pain and presses his hands against my face. “Strange Maid.”

And he leaps off the grass embankment with a cry, flinging himself at the troll mother.

He slams into her with his sword, sinking it low in her chest. She curls around, roaring and flinging him away, but shows her back to me. I follow Ned, spear and sword in hand, and when I hit her it’s like hitting a solid steel wall.

I stab with my sword and slide down her, hit on my feet and dart away. There’s Ned swinging around, and we harry her together, one on each side. She swipes at us, claws glancing off my shoulder. I use the momentum to spin and plant my troll-spear hard, catching the butt under my boot, and Ned drives her toward it with a harsh cry.

There’s shrieking and motion all around me: the wights are on shore now, racing through the evening shade, meeting up against the Mad Eagles and Soren.

The air crackles with berserker heat.

Red Stripe roars from inside the fort, chained and trapped and safe.

The UV lights flash on, cutting off the trolls’ exit. They’re trapped with us on the beach or must return to the sea.

I slash at the troll mother, but the blade glances off her ribs. She charges at me, so heavy the island shakes. I run; I can’t survive her crushing strength, but the sand slides under my boots and I hit the ground. I roll; there’s Sharkman dragging me up. The troll mother swings out and slams her fist into his skull. Bones crack and he flies off. I stumble and reach for him—

Claws dig into my back.

Screaming, I tear a cat wight off me, but another scrapes at my calves. I’ve lost my spear and sword, and unsheath the seax. I slice one’s head near off. Darius appears, hacking with a battle-ax in one hand and a sword in the other. Purple and black blood splatters his face and beard.

There’s Soren driving his sword into her, being smacked away, and then Thebes on her back just as another handful of wights leap for me.

“Call them off!” I scream at her. She spins to me, too quick for her size, and Thebes gets his arms around her head. Darius runs at her wildly. They grab parts of her, pulling at her arms with all their mad strength. But she bares her massive fangs and throws Thebes off.

Darius stabs her in the eye with one of his knives, ripping it away, flinging gore in a wide arc.

A wide swath of light flares suddenly, and I throw up a hand to block it. UV lights sweep the sandbanks. Wights shriek and flee, diving for the ocean again or into the inland pools. It’s Rathi and Soren, lugging the lights and aiming them to make a tighter perimeter. A circle of sunlight.

The troll mother heaves to her feet.

She throws Darius, bashes Thebes in the side.

Sharkman doesn’t move off the sand. Blood stains the white sand in scarlet ribbons, stark under the spotlights. No, no, no.

My breath rattles. I should see his spirit; I should be able to gather it up and take it to the Valhol, where heroes belong.

The troll mother roars.

I turn to her with a scream, blood on my face and my hair straggling out of its braids, purple ichor staining the front of my jeans. This is what battle looks like. This is the true costume of a Valkyrie: smeared death.