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The panting dog continued to watch the blonde woman more intensely than ever as she rolled each leg of her panty hose down, arching her legs while she pulled the thin veneer free of her well-formed legs. He licked his chops and whined knowingly, causing Lisa to shiver with renewed shame when she unclasped her thin white brassiere. Her large firm breasts swung into heady, exposure, their ripe pink nipples perking out from the tip of the white globes like cherries on vanilla ice cream scoops. Atilla was wagging his tail furiously now, his elongated penis jerking in painful erection against his lower belly. Lisa gritted her teeth together, squeezing her eyes closed in her determination not to be undone by her own obscene imaginings. A dog couldn't become excited by seeing her this way! It just couldn't…!

The rounded, hair-lined lips of her fleshy cunt came into teasing view now as she cast off her panties and stood stark naked in her bedroom, between the dog and the bureau. Quivering uncontrollably, she swiveled around to look at herself in the bureau mirror, seeing the dog's beady eyes gazing at her in the mirror's reflection. She realized that he was watching her just as he'd watched young Marge Spanner, both she and the teenaged girl equally nude and unadorned before him. Miserably she thought: There's no difference between us from the dog's point of view…

She raised her arms over her head in a classic nude pose, stretching her breasts taut and uplifting her nipples puckishly. She could see in the mirror the flat plane of her stomach, unmarred by age or birthmarks, and the honeycolored curls of her pubic hair. The soft fleeciness around her vagina highlighted the rosy lips underneath, and she imagined she could see the tiny tip of her clitoris peeking out from the crested valley of her loins in almost childlike shyness.

Yet, she added mournfully as she lowered her arms, there is a difference between Marge and myself… a vast difference which Atilla could never understand, but I do all too well…

Marge Spanner, in spite of her tender years and immaturity, already knew what sex was really about. Lisa could not believe that a fifteen year old girl who'd allow a German shepherd to lick her to climax would not be experienced with the carnal embraces of older boys. Marge was not a virgin, and obviously enjoyed that condition… enjoyed it so much that her explosive passions had actually stimulated Lisa against her will! Was sex truly enough to change a decent woman into a mass of seething, abandoned flesh? Was it really the animalistic thing she'd witnessed in the locker room? She had never experienced anything that strong – as intense as the girl with the dog – nor had she ever before been worked up to the peak which just watching it had caused her. What would it be like if she could let herself go like Marge had done? The thought raced through Lisa's mind – what would it be like?

Lord, how she must have felt! The tormented teacher groaned inwardly. And I'm twice Marge's age, and never felt that way!

Hands shaking as if with palsy, Lisa clutched the wine bottle and poured another full glass of the Chablis. She downed the tart liquid urgently, attempting to cool some of the warmth the girl's passion had transmitted unwittingly to her own body. Gasping for breath, she staggered slightly, and missed placing the glass on the bureau. Instead it fell from her fingers and crashed to the floor. The carpet saved it from breaking, but the last of the wine spilled against Lisa's bare toes, and the glass itself rolled gingerly underneath the bureau.

"Damn!" Lisa cursed furiously. "Oh damn, look what I've done now!"

Being a good housekeeper, Lisa automatically bent over to retrieve the glass. Without contemplating what she was doing, she got down on her knees and poked her hand underneath the bureau, still swearing at herself for being such a clumsy fool.

Then, without warning, there came a growling bark from the German shepherd. With a single bound, it was up from where it was sitting and between Lisa's unconsciously spread legs.

The terrified woman squeaked a tight choked exclamation of fear, and brought her hand up to her mouth. Her eyes were wide with fright, and she started to roll away from the large, hairy dog, but Atilla growled again, warning her to stay frozen where she was. And she did, her splayed thighs completely exposed and her knees bent outward, leaving the whole of her upturned vaginal crevice open and defenseless. There was nothing else to do, and she trembled while the huge beast growled menacingly, his fleshy lips pulled back over long ivory fangs.

"No, Atilla!" she mewled. "Go back, please go back!"

But Atilla ignored her, advancing on his paws and sniffing the air around Lisa's nakedly waving buttocks. He sniffed some more, moving his head around as if curious about this new woman and her piquant feminine smells. He stepped still closer to her fear-clenching loins, and lowered his head to the soft, fragrant slit between her buttocks, still sniffing with increased interest. The kneeling woman's position was one with which he was well acquainted, and his tail wagged happily as if he had discovered a new bitch-dog in flaming heat.

"Don't Atilla! Don't! I… I'm not Marge!" the naked woman exclaimed feverishly, but the dog wasn't interested in her spoken commands. There were other, more instinctive and natural commands which he wished to obey first! Marge's babbling excuses: Atilla wanted to rape me… He forced me to do it… reeled through Lisa's drunken mind. God, the girl had been lying in that particular instance, but was what she said true anyway? And then Lisa moaned as the dog's cold black nose abruptly pressed against her tiny, puckered anus. She tensed in abject mortification as its tongue snaked out and locked tentatively against the deep crevice around it, its tip burrowing slightly into her fleshy anal ring.

"Arg!" she gasped uncontrollably. "Oh! Ah! No!"

Despite her burgeoning terror, Lisa was so filled with shame and loathing for what she'd unthinkingly caused, that she once more tried to squirm free. But Atilla was having none of that, and barked insistently, snapping its massive jaws inches away from the tender cheeks of her buttocks. Lisa froze where she was, staying motionless in absolute horror with her legs spread wide and pressed against her folded legs as she knelt in tormented surrender before the vicious dog. With a final growl, Atilla began greedily lapping the narrow pink slit up between her open thighs. He ran his tongue wetly over the full length of it, from the tight-closed little anus down to the fluted, pink edges of her fearquivering cunt, and back up again. His great tongue spread through the soft, hair-fringed vaginal lips like a knife through warm butter, flicking relentlessly between the cringing woman's legs.

"Oh God," the trembling teacher moaned. "Oh, this is awful!" A soulsearing groan escaped from deep inside her chest, her buttocks grinding desperately as she tried to escape the maddening assault. "No, Atilla, no don't do this to me…!"

But Atilla's only response was a further stab up into her tight, fleshy cuntal slit, sending tiny goose bumps rippling across Lisa's softly quivering belly and distended breasts. "This is awful; this is sick; it's lewd; it's terrible," Lisa murmured over and over into the carpet with her undisguised humiliation, trying hopelessly to screw her thighs forward from the hotly flicking tongue that was licking mercilessly at her pussy. Great tears of humiliation and dread welled in her eyes as she listened to the lewd wet sluicing noises Atilla was making between her wide-splayed thighs. Yet in spite of her revulsion at this horrible perversion being done to her defenseless body, she couldn't help feeling the lips of her cunt involuntarily dilating to the massive dog-tongue spearing in and out between them. Seemingly of their own volition, her buttocks were starting to sway in lewd concert to the rhythm of the licking and tiny wisps of forbidden pleasure were beginning to ripple deep down in her belly.