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Author’s note

I direct this book-study and brief explanatory note hereto to those clear-headed Israelite patriots who fight for the safe living of long-suffering Israelite people on their

fathers' land - in the State of Israel and in the places of their living on planet Earth - in not

only in word, but in deed.

Dear and esteemed compatriot, the author of this book compared some historic

facts pertaining to the religious events from the life of our ancestors. According to these

historical events, the author concluded that:

Although we live in the modern civilized world with democratic principles, we,

like our ancestors are not protected against violence by other nations and religious denominations.

And for that reason, another Disaster (Holocaust) may happen in the near future

with long-suffering Israelite people, if we don't take measures which I described in this


That is why I am asking you to read this book very carefully to the end of the

chapter "Notes, or a clue", inclusively.

From this book you will learn many unknown facts and secrets of life of some

party and religious figures which became all-powerful rulers of some countries of this

world as a result of various intrigues, and millions of innocent earthlings were exterminated by their orders.


All intra-party and intra-denominational tensions and divisions, as well as

inter-party and inter-denominational conflicts and wars take place on planet

Earth due to the belief of some ambitious persons in their own ideas.

For they are fanatically sure that the ideas made up by themselves are the

only true and fair on Earth.

And for that reason, these idealists-dreamers always forcibly disseminated their

ideas among all tribes and people on Earth, and at the same time they displaced the ideas

of latter upon the pretext that:

"Ideology of these tribes and people is dehumanized",

– upon that pretext some ambitions leaders of social organizations with ideological orientation

seized lands with their troops and disseminated their ideology.

"Doctrine of these tribes and people is heretical,

– upon that pretext some ambitions leaders of social organizations with theological orientation

seized lands with their troops and disseminated their theology.

Many people on earth have suffered from the ambitions of these idealists-dreamers, particularly sons and daughters of Israel.

As the saying goes: "The road to hell is paved with good intentions", if lies and

deceit are disguised under good intentions.

This trend will always continue.

Because this struggle is between new ambitious persons for the property redistribution and re-division spheres of influence on a global scale,

using painfully familiar words for this purpose:

Long live the world revolution!

Workers of the world, unite!

The Aryans – are the master race on earth!

Crusade for Christianization of all tribes and people of earth!

Great campaign for Islamisation of all unbelievers on earth!

Under the banner:

Go ahead in the struggle for Soviet power!

Go ahead in the struggle for dominance of the Aryan race over the world!

Go ahead in the struggle for propagation of the true Faith throughout the


That is what you need to know, dear Earthlings:

Who come up with religious and unreligious ideas? – Great Dreamers.

These ideas are:

"Long live communism – the bright future of all mankind".

"The Aryans are the master race on earth".

"God's chosen people".

"Coming of the Mashiah/Messiah".

"Coming of the Antichrist and the Christ".

"The end of the world".

"Paradise Life - after death".

"Resurrection of the dead".


"Holy War (Jihad)",


Who propagate these stories to all tribes and people of the Earth with blind

faith in them? – Militant Fanatics.

These fanatics are:

"With blind faith in communist ideology".

"With blind faith in national-socialist ideology".

"With blind faith in Jewish theology".

"With blind faith in Christian theology".

"With blind faith in Muslim theology"

and in other similar ideologies or theologies.

Who lay hands on their benefits and use it ostensibly for the good of earth-

lings, and in fact for their own benefit – Great Schemers.

These schemers are

"Leaders of communist party".

"Leaders of national-socialistic party".

"Leaders of Jewish denomination".

"Leaders of Christian denomination."

"Leaders of Muslim denomination"

and other similar leaders.

Part one. Pentateuch of David

Genesis, or the beginning of the world

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth (Genesis 1: 1) .

And on the second day the Creator made the endless firmament to divide the Universe into a great many of Galaxies.

And that’s what the Bible says about the second day of creation.

And God said, Let there be a vault/firmament/expanse (raqiya) (see note 1) in the

midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. And it was so.

And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament. And it was so.

And God called the firmament Heaven. And God saw it was good. And the

evening and the morning were the second day (Genesis 1: 6-8).

And on the fourth day the Creator made Single Matter out of nothing and distributed myriads of super-giant stars to all Galaxies through the Big Bang.

Each of them by its mass exceeds the day light – the Sun by hundreds of times

and the night light – the Moon by billions of times.

And these celestial bodies were apart from each other over the infinite expanse of