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"I'll be out of pain in a few more hours."

"When the sun comes up?"

"Yes. Heather, will you leave before I go into my death-sleep?"

"It doesn't scare me, Jean-Luc. I've seen Ian that way every afternoon."

"I know. But I want our first night together to be perfect for you. I don't want your last memory of it to be my dead body."

"All right." Maybe with time, he wouldn't feel embarrassed about it. She kissed his cheek. "I love you just the way you are."

Heather woke around noon in her bedroom upstairs. She stretched, smiling as memories of lovemaking replayed in her mind. After an hour of rest, Jean-Luc had suggested they find another position that didn't put any weight on his injured arm.

They had rolled around, laughing, till she ended up sitting in his lap, facing him as they kissed and fondled each other. They rolled around some more. Eventually she found herself on all fours while he stood beside the bed and entered her from behind. He reached around to stroke her with his fingers while he drove into her, and the combination sent her over the edge.

Exhausted, she fell asleep in his arms. He'd nudged her awake with kisses about five-thirty A.M., and she put on her nightgown to sneak upstairs. She took a long hot bath to ease sore muscles.

Then she put on her pajamas and climbed into bed next to Bethany.

She vaguely recalled Bethany trying to wake her up sometime later. She'd mumbled something, and Fidelia had chuckled.

"Your mama's worn out, little one. And about time, too. Let her sleep."

Now Heather rested in bed, half asleep, thinking about Jean-Luc. She'd agreed to marry him! Her fears that it wouldn't work out had been cast aside.

She dressed and went downstairs to the kitchen. Ian and Phil had moved the furniture back. She greeted them and gave Bethany a hug.

Fidelia hefted herself out of the recliner and waddled into the kitchen. "Come have some breakfast."

Heather followed her.

Fidelia grinned as she took a box of cereal from the pantry. "So how was it?"

Heather snorted. "It was very private."

"That good, huh?" Fidelia poured the cereal into a bowl while Heather fetched the milk.

"I had a bad dream last night." Fidelia lowered her voice. "The red glowing eyes and gnashing white teeth."

"We already know what that means." Heather poured milk into the bowl.

"I'm not so sure." Fidelia frowned. "I'm getting a real sense of danger. And then there was this stone building. Ruins. An old church, I think."


Fidelia sighed. "Ian told me they still haven't found Louie. They'll go hunting again tonight."

And Jean-Luc would be fit and ready to fight tonight. Heather's breath caught when she realized he'd be risking his life again. She stared at the bowl of cereal, her appetite suddenly gone.

"There's a car coming up the driveway," Ian announced.

Heather followed Ian and Phil to the front door.

Phil peered out the window. "A woman driver. She looks like one of the models from last night."

"It's Miss Gray!" Alberto called as he strode down the hallway, pulling a suitcase behind him.

"She's here for me. I'm off to Paris, and Linda's giving me a ride to the airport."

Heather peeked out the window. Linda Gray was one of her friends from Guadalupe High. "I didn't realize she knew you."

"She didn't until last night." Alberto entered the foyer. "When Sasha started shooting last night, I flung myself over Miss Gray to protect her." He grinned. "She thinks I'm a hero."

"Well, I guess you are." Heather offered her hand. "Have a good trip."

Alberto shook her hand. "I might be back to visit soon, if things work out with Miss Gray."

Phil opened the door while Ian moved away from the sunlight.

"Good luck to you all." Alberto rolled his suitcase out the door. "Ciao."

Heather went back to the kitchen to enjoy a day off with her daughter. Around suppertime, Ian collapsed on the kitchen floor.

Bethany giggled. "He takes naps like a baby."

"Yes." Heather smiled. But he no longer looked like a baby. Ian had aged twelve years over the last twelve days.

"If I take a nap, will I get older, too?" Bethany asked.

"Sweetie, you get older every day, just much slower than Ian."

"But I want to grow up faster," Bethany protested.

"I know, but I don't want to lose you any faster than I have to." Heather stood. "Let's see what we can find for supper."

After their meal, the doorbell rang, followed by pounding on the door. Heather and Phil went to see who was there. Cody was outside, pacing on the front porch.

She sighed. Too bad Jean-Luc wasn't awake. He needed to undo the cockroach spell. Maybe she could get Cody to come back after sunset. But for now, he should be safe to talk to. He was under Jean-Luc's control. And Bethany was in the kitchen with Fidelia, so if Cody started acting strangely, his daughter wouldn't see it.

Heather opened the door.

Cody whirled around to face her. "I didn't get to see Bethany this weekend."

"You said you weren't able to see her."

"I know I did." Cody scratched his head. "But I don't know why. Something's wrong with me."

Heather stepped onto the porch. "It'll be all right, Cody. You can see Bethany next weekend."

"Is she all right? I heard there was some trouble here last night."

"She's fine. We didn't let her see anything bad."

"Okay." Cody descended the steps, headed for his car, then turned. "I bet that witch is doing this to me."

"What witch?"

"That gypsy psychic lady you let take care of our daughter. She's a bad influence."

Heather sighed. Just when she thought Cody was going to behave, he ruined it with something stupid. "Fidelia's a wonderful, loving person, and she'd do anything to protect Bethany."

"Right! Like put some kind of spell on me." Cody paced in front of his car. "I'm gonna sue, that's what. I'll have her arrested."

"On what charge? She hasn't done anything." Heather noticed Billy's squad car coming up the driveway. Phil stepped out onto the porch.

Cody grinned. "Great timing. I'll have Billy drag that witch off to jail."

"Fidelia hasn't done a thing to you." Heather descended the porch steps.

The squad car rolled to a stop, and Billy climbed out.

"You're just in time, Sheriff." Cody walked up to him. "I want you to arrest that gypsy woman. She's put a spell on me."

"That's ridiculous," Heather snapped. "Fidelia's not a gypsy, and she doesn't do spells."

"Then why did she force me not to see Bethany this weekend?"

"Cody, come back next weekend. You can take Bethany then."

"You can't tell me what to do!" Cody yelled. "Billy, I want you to arrest Heather. She's in violation of the divorce decree."

She scoffed. "Billy, will you please make him leave?"

Billy had been calmly watching the argument. He walked to the back of his car and motioned to Cody to follow him.

"A father has rights, too, you know." Cody stopped next to Billy and turned to give Heather a dirty look.

In one quick movement, Billy removed his pistol and clonked Cody on the head with the handle.

Cody crumpled to the pavement.

Heather gasped and ran down the steps. "What are you doing? I just wanted you to talk to him."

Billy stuffed his gun back in the holster. Then he opened the back door of his squad car and shoved Cody inside.

"Billy?" Heather stepped closer.

Phil ran to her and grabbed her arm. "Come back inside. Something's not right."

Billy whipped out his gun and shot Phil in the leg.

Heather screamed. Phil tumbled onto the driveway. Blood oozed from his wounded calf.

"What the hell?" Fidelia looked out the front door, then pulled a gun from her purse.

"Mama!" Bethany cried.

Fidelia pushed her back, dropped her purse, and frantically worked at unlocking the trigger lock on her pistol.

"Get inside!" Phil hissed as he lay on the driveway.

Heather started, then hesitated. How could she leave Phil behind?

"Get in the car." Billy motioned with his gun toward the open door of his squad door.

She noticed the glassy look to his eyes.

Billy aimed his pistol at Phil's head. "Get in the car."

Phil gritted his teeth. "Don't do it."

Billy cocked his pistol.

"Wait! I'll do it." Heather climbed into the car.

"Drop the gun, sucker!" Fidelia yelled, aiming her Glock at Billy.

He yanked Phil up and used him as a shield. He moved to the back of the car, dragging Phil with him. He opened the trunk and shoved Phil inside. The minute he slammed the trunk shut, Fidelia fired her pistol.

She missed. She shot again. Heather ducked down. Fidelia's aim was bad.

Billy jumped in the front seat and sped away.

Heather sat up and pounded her fists against the screen separating her from the sheriff. "Billy, wake up! You're under Louie's control."

He kept driving.

Heather looked out the rear window. Fidelia was in the middle of the driveway. Bethany ran after the car, crying, and Fidelia pulled her back.

A chill swept over Heather. Was this the last time she'd see her daughter? No, she couldn't bear that. Jean-Luc would come to the rescue. The sun was on the horizon. He would wake soon.

Unfortunately, so would Louie.