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'Sir, go away, yes', Mary gasped, fearful then of her Mistress's reactions and the way that Vanessa was desperately continuing to cover her face.

Reggie then of course wished much to simply roll upon his back beside the pair in the hope that he might continue to fondle both, but so vigourous had been his emission that an exhaustion seized him and he felt, too, that a terrible scene might ensue were he to stay.

'I will just g… go to my room', he mumbled foolishly while several broken sobs came from beneath the muffling pillow over Vanessa's face. Easing himself back off the end of the bed, he gazed forlornly at the huddled pair for a moment and then with a huge sigh, as if the world had done badly by him-or perhaps as if to mitigate his apparent wickedness-he took himself out with such dignity as he could muster.

Then only did Vanessa permit Mary to uncover her face.

'Oh, I am sorry!' the young woman bleated while Mary slipped from off her but lay with one leg crooked over Vanessa's.

'Oh no, ma'am, it were nice', came the soft reply, this bringing Vanessa to turn and face her so that the tips of their noses brushed.

'But he assaulted you!' Vanessa said with total wonderment in her voice.

'No, he didn't do that', said Mary simply, though really thinking how strange it was that an older lady should say such a thing, and half asking herself if it were all put on and had been arranged between the two. An even greater boldness of speech overcoming her, she added, 'I think he wanted to do it to you, really'.

'Mary, you should not say such a thing', Vanessa murmured, quite unable to bring herself to believe that such a thought could have passed through the girl's mind.

'Oh, I don't mean while I was watching', Mary said, as though that were a simple enough explanation.

'Really, Mary, it is unthinkable-unthinkable'. Vanessa's voice was blurred and she allowed the girl to cuddle closer into her, Mary bringing up her knee so that it rested roundly under her Mistress's pulsing slit.

'No, it ain't', Mary wanted to say, but thought better of it and stayed quiet as both began drifting into sleep.

At least she knew now why her Mistress had called out for her downstairs earlier.

Chapter Four

All the next morning Vanessa was restless and had stayed in bed until she heard her brother's departure. Upon Mary bringing up her tea, she could hardly bring her eyes to meet the girl's and pretended at first to be dozing until the maid gently shook her shoulder and said, 'Tea's nice and hot, ma'am, and the toast is as you like it'.

Perhaps Vanessa asked herself whether one could return to normality after such events, and yet she knew that she must bring herself to and so sat up and made much of fussing with her hair while keeping her face down, and Mary patiently waiting all the time with the tray.

'I shall be going out today, Mary', Vanessa mumbled.

'But the Vicar's coming, ma'am, ain't he? I won't know what to say to him if I'm on my own'.

'Oh, that's this afternoon and I may still be out', Vanessa answered impatiently.

Mary then served her Mistress and drifted to the door where she hesitated. The events of the night were as rich in her mind as they were in Vanessa's, and she had enjoyed them. Moreover, she had several times felt the tawse under one of the pillows during all the amourous embraces and had begun to put two and two together.

'It'll be all right, m'am, really it will', Mary said simply and was then already gone and pretending not to hear when Vanessa called after her, 'What do you mean, Mary?'

Indeed, her maid's pert remark seemed so outrageous to Vanessa that she was minded to confront the girl with it again, but being aware that they had passed through several previously unthinkable barriers together she held her tongue and at eleven went out riding, much to the dismay of Mary who did not then know whether or not she would be back in time for her appointment with the reverend gentleman of whom she had heard several naughty things from other girls in the village. The word tawse was not quite as new to her as it had been to Vanessa and Reggie and Mary knew well enough that many a girl had had her bottom stung before she became willing.

Mary herself had become 'willing' all of a year before, though having been spanked first and not strapped-and certainly not by the Vicar-but that itself is another tale which may be later told. For the nonce we must return to Vanessa who rode aimlessly about the countryside and was several times much admired by passing gentlemen and several yokels, one of whom she blushingly heard say to his companion, 'That there one's got a lovely bum, Bill'.

Becoming thristy, Vanessa knew she must return, for it was unthinkable for a lady to enter a hostelry alone, and hence she made her way back, now and then pausing her steed and wishing that the ground might swallow her up- wishing indeed that she and Reggie (of whom she had begun to think with curled lip) had never taken up this rural abode.

Mary meanwhile had been drinking, which was most unusual for her, but she had become bored and had just finished her second glass of sherry when her Mistress finally appeared, immediately sniffing the air as the maid entered the hall from the kitchen to meet her.

'Mary, you have been drinking!' Vanessa exclaimed.

'Ma'am, I didn't mean to and you can take it out of my wages if you want', Mary said in such a woebegone fashion that Vanessa's heart immediately softened.

'Well, you shouldn't at your age, should you?' she asked, whereupon Mary took on a pout.

'Don't do no harm if you enjoy things, does it? If you wants me to come in with you again tonight I will', she added, running the two thoughts together.

'Really, Mary, we must not be… well…', Vanessa ended rather lamely and attempted to hide such confusion as she felt by removing her riding hat-a tricorne of blue velvet with a little feather-and her gloves which normally Mary would have taken from her but instead Mary stood holding her hands together and regarding the carpet.

'I s'pose-s'pose you want me to leave now, ma'am, is that it?' she asked woefully.

'No, of course I do not, you silly', flustered Vanessa who in all these new situations was at a greater loss for words than she had ever been in her life. The sensation-curious as it was to her-that she wanted to kiss and be kissed by the girl came over her again so that both stood mute and each as if waiting on the other.

'Well, if you don't want me ever to come in with you again', Mary said with downcast face still, and so much so that Vanessa's heart leapt. Without further thought she gathered the younger and smaller girl to her.

'But you said it was nice', she uttered impulsively and, although she could have bitten her tongue off, knew the words to be true for herself.

Slowly then Mary's face lifted.-'Was', she said, her lips pouting forward in forming the word.

'But my brother…', Vanessa then wished to say. Instead, and with no conscious movement on her part whatever, she found her lips touching Mary's. For an infinitesimal moment in time she thought to retract the caress, but so tender was the meeting of their soft, moist lips that a new ague of desire seized Vanessa even more than it did Mary, who found that same long tongue that she had enjoyed the night before now oozing into her mouth again.

A dizziness seized Vanessa then. Her kisses with males had been relatively infrequent and in some part forced when she was young. The meeting of her mouth with that of another young female, the slow twirling of tongues and the feeling of her tits bulging against another's filled her suddenly with an almost insensible desire. Passing her hands downwards, she began to caress Mary's tight young bottom, remembering vividly how the girl had felt and invaded her own. Her head hanging back, and the faint cloud of sherry emanating from her mouth quite intoxicating Vanessa, Mary moved her hips gently and encouragingly as-remaining