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“Better… better than with… Jack?” he murmured hesitantly.

“Yes, Oh God yes, darling. Much much better.” She moved her legs, still careful to keep his limp cock imprisoned within her cunt, until she stretched out on top of him. “I love you, Barry,” she sighed in his ear.

“And I love you, too, darling,” he replied, stroking her back and ass tenderly.

He cupped the soft white moons of her buttocks and nuzzled her hair. “I’m not even angry any more for seeing you with him.”

“I’m glad.” Kim licked his neck. “I’m glad that you were with Lynn, you know that? I really am. I think it helped us see what we mean to each other.”

“Shhhh. Think about it, Barry. Up until now, I… hated myself. Not just for making love to Jack, but before that, for refusing you the kind of love you need so badly. That-I need as well. I’m awakened now. I’m not sure how or why, but I am, and if It’s because we were fucked by other people, then it was for the best. I’m glad Jack fucked me!“

“He cured you, Barry said with a trace of bitterness. “Something, I, your own husband, was incapable of.”

“No, no, you don’t understand. It had nothing to do with you. It was me, and it took an affair, a morally degrading act, to shatter my innermost repressions.

It just happened to be Jack, but it could have been any man. I don’t love him, I love you, and now… now…“

“Yes, Kim?”

“Now I’m able to respond, to be the woman you’ve always wanted. I know that’s what has kept our marriage from being perfect, and that’s of the past. Maybe … maybe what the Gorens said was true.”

They lay together, each wrapped in their own thoughts, their love for each other stronger and more lasting than they had thought possible. Finally Barry said, “Yes, maybe… just maybe they were right. Do you want to see them again?”

“I-I don’t know.”

“All that talk of wife-swapping. That’s what we did today. No mistake. And it helped our relationship. But… do you want to do it again?”

A tingle began to crawl up Kim’s spine, but she refused to acknowledge it.

“No,” she said, “I don’t think we should. It was beneficial this one time, but anything more…“

She stopped, again feeling the lewd trail of physical want wind through her organs. She breathed huskily. “But… well, I am a woman now, Barry. Maybe we could take them up on their offer. At least talk it over with them. We just had something wonderful because of this afternoon, and perhaps more… swapping would make us have wilder, freer, more beautiful times together in the future.”

She smiled at him. “You’d like to lay Lynn again, wouldn’t you?“

He laughed briefly. “There’s never going to be a better woman for me than you, and you know it, darling… but damnit, yes, I would…

The next morning, Barry was kissed awake by a beaming, satisfied woman. He gazed at his wife, smiling back, then threw back the covers and padded naked to the bathroom. Kim followed and played teasing games with him as he took a shower. Her fingers were everywhere as water cascaded down their nude forms, and she soaped and scrubbed his back and front and legs with loving care, taking special time with his penis and balls, putting his now rigid cock in her nibbling mouth and sucking him until he hardly could stand it. She laughed gaily, and then they made passionate love on the bed, still wet, as there didn’t seem to be time enough to dry off with a towel.

They talked with the brightness of lovers, their marriage as fresh and exciting as it had been on their honeymoon. After breakfast, Barry went to the car and got the typewriter he had left there, and went into his study to write. In spite of the neighbors, the tree-cutting man across the way, the excavation for the sewer, he still managed to work, and work well. The words seemed to flow from him as his sperm had, hot and fast and never-ending. He was flushed with the success of finally getting into his book, of actually accomplishing what he wanted to say on paper. He stopped for lunch, exhausted, but still enveloped with the glow of mutual adoration with his wife.

As he was eating, the phone rang. Kim answered it and said after a pause: “Oh, Lynn? Yes, Barry is here. Wait a minute.” Kim handed the receiver to Barry, adding, “It’s the Gorens!”

Barry jerked slightly, but spoke to Lynn. “Hello.”

“Hi, Barry,” the woman’s voice purred over the line, “I wanted to see how everything was. I hope you don’t mind.”

“No, not at all. In fact, things are going excellently. I’ve really been able to settle down to write.”

“Wonderful! And… the other?”

Barry pursed his lips, wondering what to say to her. “Well, I… I have to admit that after you left, Kim and I… talked it out, and I guess I was a bit hasty in my words to you and Tack.”

“You just talked?“ she prodded. “Is that all?” "No." “Good. I’d hate to think we had broken up your marriage.”

“Don’t worry. If anything, you have brought us closer together. I really must apologize for the way I acted. I do like you and Jack, and Kim feels the same way.”

“We were worried, Jack and I. After all, we want you to be our friends, too, and we were afraid you held what happened against us.” Lynn hesitated, pausing with the timing of a pro, and then said: “Would like to come over tonight?”

“I, uh, I don’t know.”

“For bridge. You and Kim did say you liked to play, didn’t you?" “Yes, we did. Let me ask and see if she would like to.” Barry put his hand over the receiver and turned to his wife. “Kim, would you like to go over to the Goren’s this evening for bridge?"

Kim looked at Barry, her expression one of consternation “Does that mean…

Are we supposed to…?“

Barry shrugged. “We were invited for bridge. That’s all we have to do. I’ll see to that.”

She nodded. “Yes, then I would like to. I haven’t played bridge in ages.

Besides, after last night, I thing it is something we ought to do. We have… changed.”

“Yes, we have,” Barry said, then into the phone he spoke, “Lynn? Yes, we would like to come over tonight for a game of bridge.”

“You want to fuck me too, Barry?” she whispered throatily, “Do you want to put that huge prick of yours in my pussy again?”

Barry felt fire burn through him M sudden, startled arousal. God damn, she was a nymphomaniac! She couldn’t be satisfied by one man, or two, or perhaps a dozen! His loins began to smolder and he could tell that he was beginning to turn red in the face with the heat of her words. He took one quick, guilty look at his still smiling wife and then coolly said, “Wouldn’t mind it, if I do say so, Lynn. When should we come?”

Lynn laughed at the double meaning. “Together, silly. I’ll suck you if you want. I’ll take all your cum in my mouth, and lick up any that spills. Like that?”

“Very much!“ Barry felt some of his suaveness slipping away and his cock began edging into erection along his trouser leg. “Six o’clock, then?" “Six will be fine, lover. More time to play that way. I’ll even fix a snack, if you don’t mind leftovers.” Her words were like caressing fingers on his passions, and after she hung up, he was still aware of her presence. He felt the aching pangs of desire surging through his loins, and shakily he told Kim of this evenings plans-minus any mention of Lynn’s provocative suggestions.

Kim dressed with care, deciding on a simple white wool sheath and gold accessories which highlighted her well formed legs and firm, proud breasts to their utmost. As she slipped on her pantyhose, she mused at the tantalizing thought of what might, what possibly could happen tonight with Jack, and she paused to lick her lips and rub her palms down her smooth, bare skin, feeling the touch of licentiousness, of pure animal wantonness.

And Jack Goren did indeed like the way she was dressed. He was standing on the front porch of his Sea Clift mansion, drink in hand, as she and Barry got out of their car that evening. He grinned at Kim, almost as though he were stripping her naked with his gaze, and at first she blushed and dropped her eyes, but then she found new strength and she raised her face to his in pert boldness.